beauty bible

Chapter 454 Political Appeal

Chapter 454 Political Appeal
"The future queen of the soul body clan is a new queen who is close to the people? The new queen and the young male member of Congress came to the First Hospital in person to fulfill the wish of the little orc girl."

"The princess of the soul clan has a regular date - the young congressman Gu Jintian."

"Let's talk about how the new boyfriend of the [-] Soul Body Clan Crown Princess's new boyfriend, Gu Jintian, who is not outstanding in appearance, stands out from the crowd of bachelors!"

"Third time this month! A passer-by accidentally ran into His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager traveling with her boyfriend intimately!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Princess and her boyfriend are traveling intimately and walking into the main hall of the Congress at the same time! Councilor Gu's eyes never leave the beautiful Crown Princess!"

"The whole country of the Soul Body Clan is celebrating the first birthday of His Royal Highness the Crown Princess! Councilor Gu Jintian suddenly appeared at the celebration in a couple outfit. Watch the momentary surprise and surprise of the Crown Princess!"

"Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess is in a stable relationship. When will Councilor Gu officially propose?"

Xia Qi sat in the small room of the spaceship, no one was with him, no communication tool, just had to read the latest news on the Internet over and over again.

From Li Ling, the crown princess of the soul body clan, who started a blind date, until she has a fixed date - Gu Jintian, a 27-year-old young member of the soul body clan.

Again and again, it was revealed that the female prince of the soul body clan was out on a date with her boyfriend Gu Jintian in a micro-clothes.

The most recent headline in the entertainment section was today, at the first birthday celebration of the soul-body clan empress dowager Li Ling, Gu Jintian appeared affectionately in the same couple suit as the empress dowager.

Xia Qi also knows Gu Jintian of the Soul Clan.

Compared to Duke Zhou Lu, whom Li Ling once dated, Gu Jintian, a congressman from the soul body clan, is not a person Xia Qi likes.

If it is said that for Duke Zhou Lu, Xia Qi still has a sense of pity for him.For this Gu Jintian, Xia Qi only had the feeling of facing people with different positions in his heart.

Xia Qi turned on today's international politics with a cold face.

Front page headlines——

"Congressman Gu Jintian, who has been advocating the withdrawal of the soul race from the Zerg battlefield, is about to marry into the royal family of the soul race? This is a terrible news for all fighters in the space battlefield!"

Xia Qi took one look and closed the translucent light screen.

In the universe, the soul-body race has powerful and mysterious abilities. For all front-line fighters in the universe, especially the pure-race human race in the main battle, the strength contributed by the soul-body race on the battlefield is very, very important.

But this young Mr. Gu Jintian, since he stepped into the Soul Body Congress, his most important proposal, which he pushed with all his strength, was to stop the Soul Body tribe from fighting on the Zerg battlefield!

Such a proposal quickly attracted the attention of the entire purebred human soldiers, including Xia Qi.

Xia Qi had seen Gu Jintian's proposal.

In Gu Jintian's topic, he made it clear that the soul race is the last race in the universe that needs to fight the Zerg race.

Because in this universe, all the races in the universe face the invasion of the Zerg, and the final result is to lose the territory on which they live and lose the survival resources, so all the races in the universe have to fight constantly to safeguard their interests and right to life.

But the soul body clan is different.

All members of the Soul Body Clan can possess any intelligent race, even non-intelligent races, that is to say, if one day, all the races in this universe will be extinct.The soul body race can also calmly possess the body of the Zerg race, and live calmly in the form of the Zerg race without any sacrifice.

On the contrary, if the soul body race continuously invests manpower and material resources on the space battlefield, and even sacrifices many excellent fighters, just to protect the lives of other races, this is actually not worthwhile for the soul body race itself.

The soul race is not afraid to coexist with the Zerg race in this universe.In other words, from the moment the soul body race was born, they have the ability to coexist with any race.They don't need to go to the Zerg battlefield for the right to survive and benefit!
When Gu Jintian first proposed his proposal in the Soul Body Clan Congress, the entire Soul Body Clan and all races in the universe were in an uproar.

The soul race can live with the Zerg race, and the soul race can survive with any intelligent race in the universe-this point, all the high-level personnel in the universe know it well.

But no one ever mentions this.

Because whether it is a pure-race human race or a soul-body race, they have long been accustomed to enjoying today's increasingly perfect cosmic system and high-tech life.

Once there is an unpredictable danger in the space battlefield, which really endangers the planets with residential areas, it will bring huge changes to the existing system of the entire universe!
No intelligent race can preserve its own life when the universe and society are in violent turmoil.

Even among the members of the Soul Body Clan, 90.00% of them have already acquiesced and become accustomed to the social system in the universe today.

Let those who are used to the high-tech living standards of pure-bred humans, let those soul-body races who are accustomed to appearing in human form completely give up fighting against the Zerg, and accept that one day, they will live in the way of the Zerg-this is a lot of Soul-body race The tribe is also unacceptable.

Many soul-body clansmen have become accustomed to aesthetics in human form, and they cannot accept that the universe is completely occupied by Zerg, and the Soul-body clan has to live in the form of Zerg.

Gu Jintian's proposal was rejected by the Soul Body Clan Congress on the day it came out.

But Gu Jintian's proposal also aroused the thoughts of a few people in the Soul Body Clan.

Especially families who have died on Zerg battlefields!For those soul-body clansmen who have lost their lovers, they would rather spend the rest of their lives in the form of Zerg than sacrifice their loved ones on the battlefield!Therefore, these people strongly supported Gu Jintian's proposal, and hoped that one day, the members of the Soul Body Clan would not have to die because of the war.

After that bill was vetoed, Gu Jintian began to gain strong support from a small number of people in the Soul Clan. He gained more say and became a powerful member of the Soul Clan Congress.A Councilor of the Soul Tribe who focuses on the interests of the Soul Tribe and advocates abandoning the human alliance in the universe, so that the Soul Tribe will completely withdraw from the Zerg battlefield, return to complete neutrality in the universe, and will never participate in war!
Such a proposal that violates the general trend of the soul body clan should have been abandoned forever.

But if one day, Gu Jintian can marry into the Soul Clan royal family and become the royal husband of the Soul Clan, it would be an extremely terrifying thing to have such a proposal pending in the Soul Clan royal family.

Among the pure human race, because of the vast territory and the large number of pure human beings, in order to form an effective management method, the pure human race has always regarded the strong and capable as the king for tens of thousands of years.

Xia Qi is the crown prince of the pure human race Great Star Kingdom. His abilities are also top-notch. It stands to reason that he will inherit his father's position and become the king of Great Star Kingdom in the future.

But if Xia Qi is an incompetent dude, then even if he is the only crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, he will not be the one who inherits the position of king.

In the Great Star Country, whether in the military or in the political department, there are countless elites of the human race who have been selected by billions of people. If Xia Qi is just a worthless playboy, the Great Star Country can choose from among these elites at any time. A person who is more suitable for the king's position.

The territory of the pure-race human race is too large, the population is too large, without a truly capable king, it is easy to cause trouble.

And even if Xia Qi becomes the king of the Great Star Kingdom one day, most of the time, Xia Qi must obey the laws of the Great Star Kingdom.

In terms of mutual understanding, the soul body clan has always been ruled by the royal family.

The Congress of the Soul Body Race is more like an elite think tank that obeys the royal family.

That is to say, if the Queen of the Soul Body Clan really listens to Wang Fu and decides to consider this proposal—even if this proposal is different from the thoughts of most Soul Body Clan members, this proposal can still be implemented!
Once the husband of the soul-body clan can really influence the queen of the soul-body clan and "blow the pillow wind", the situation of the entire soul-body clan will completely change!

In the universe, for the pure race of humans, the royal family is the elite, the strong, and the hero.But for the soul body clan, the royal family is "superstition" and "faith".

The pure-race human race can't understand the soul-body clan, and they don't understand why they respect and superstitiously believe in the royal family. Even if the soul-body royal family is not decent, they will get the support of all soul-body clansmen.

And the soul body clan will always say "this is the will of God the Father".

In this regard, the pure human race only finds it incredible.

Among the three pure-race human kingdoms, the king commands the overall situation, but he still has to abide by the constitution and respect public opinion.

But in the soul clan, the queen is above the law, and public opinion follows the queen's will from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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