beauty bible

Chapter 436 Official Certification

Chapter 436 Official Certification
On Li Ling's live broadcast account "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Zi Tiao", one comment after another was quickly posted.

Netizen "The basement is already freezing in winter" commented: "Lying grass? Lying grass? Lying grass! There is a big grass! There is a prehistoric giant grass! Does anyone know? Is it me crazy, or the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company Crazy? There is an official account of the female prince of the soul body clan here?! The mysterious and mysterious race of the Nima soul body clan will also open the live broadcast account?! And... and! The truth about the plot of the TV series?! Lying on the grass? The biggest news of the year! I have a premonition of the headlines of tomorrow’s news in the whole universe—the certified live account of the female prince of the soul body tribe!"

A netizen "Why hasn't my road been repaired yet?" commented: "... 23333, this is the first time I've really seen the world's most peak character open live account. It would be great if my male god Xia Qi also had a public live account. You guys Said, is the account of this female crown prince of the soul body clan used by her personally? Or is there an official team using it? 233333... Are those videos in front of the prince a joke? Does the female prince of the soul body clan still want to go to The entertainment circle plays 233333."

Netizen "My brain has been completely emptied" commented: "Hahahaha, I used to think that the soul body clan is mysterious, powerful, arrogant and indifferent, but I have watched all the live broadcasts of this live broadcaster... To be honest, this It kind of subverts the overall impression of the soul-body clan in my mind. Now, the soul-body clan princess in my mind is a young and beautiful girl. Imagine such a girl wearing gorgeous clothes and wearing a bright crown , Sitting among a group of solemn elders discussing the major issues of the universe, I feel a little cute. What should I do? Instantly, I feel that the aloofness and mystery of the soul body clan are gone...It's kind of cute, such a queen!"

A netizen "when there is no inspiration is water" commented: "There are countless fans who worried about this live broadcast host before. She will be secretly executed by the family when she broadcasts martial arts cheats on her live broadcast account. Hahahaha... I really didn't expect it. The naturally powerful soul-body clan is still interested in ancient martial arts, and even learned it himself, and his learning ability is against the sky! Sure enough, a good person can learn everything! The previous live broadcast of martial arts, could it be the queen of the soul-body clan? Benefits for the majority of netizens? Hahahaha, just like the previous comment, I also feel that this new queen has subverted the mysterious and indifferent image of the soul-body race in my mind. It turns out...our allies of the pure-race human race have such a side .”

Another netizen, "Will the author be guilty of too much water?" commented: "Didn't you hear the official news? This female prince of the soul body clan has not yet turned one year old?!!! Even if the soul body clan is born with something Adult constitution, but I just need to think about it. The girl is not over one year old. She can play live broadcast online, and I can fully understand it! She is not one year old ah ah ah ah ah! "

Under this comment, countless people responded with likes: "Understood." "Understood!" "Understood."

Another comment with a lot of likes was: "I just want to know - will the Crown Princess of the Soul Clan continue to live broadcast in the future?"


The comments on the webpage are still beating rapidly, and many comments just pass by in a flash.

Li Ling also saw that almost all the official live broadcast accounts in the universe have followed or are following her.

For example, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Great Star Country", "The Ministry of Soul Body Clan", "Official Accounts of the Soul Body Clan Royal Family"... A series of official accounts are becoming fans. Li Ling swept his eyes and even saw a "soul body clan official account" The official account of Emperor Star Weather Control Department"...

"..." Li Ling was speechless. She couldn't help but look up at the two maids in the room.

The two maids looked at her with a slight smile on their faces. One of the maids bent her knees slightly: "Your Highness, do you need some snacks?"

"That's not what I meant..." Li Lingtong paused and couldn't help but said: "Yes!"

"Yes!" The maid bent her knees and walked to the kitchen.

Li Ling turned to look at the head guard standing in the corner of the room.

The captain of the guard paused, then stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Your Highness, your live broadcast account and bracelet have been officially certified. You can also take a look at your bracelet."

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth, closed the live broadcast hemisphere, and turned on his bracelet.

There seems to be no obvious changes on the bracelet...

Li Ling thought secretly in her heart. Suddenly, she saw the funds on the bracelet - unlimited.

Li Ling looked up at Wu Xiong, the chief guard: "No limit?"

Wu Xiong nodded: "Yes, Your Highness, all the assets of the Soul Body Clan belong to you alone. Therefore, there is no upper limit to your assets. If you need to shop online or in real life, you don't need to check the prices."

"...Oh." Li Ling responded in a daze.

Wu Xiong lowered his head slightly: "Your Highness."

"what's up?"

Wu Xiong looked at Li Ling, and asked softly: "Your Highness, do you need to send someone to take care of your live account?"

"No need," Li Ling smiled, and couldn't help asking: "The Soul Body Clan authenticated my account so quickly... don't you think it's a bit inappropriate?"

"Your Highness is born noble." Wu Xiong bowed.Then he paused and said softly: "Next, Your Highness will have a birthday ceremony, enthronement ceremony, wedding ceremony, and various official meetings. Soon, the whole universe will know you. This video account will also be exposed soon. So. , the royal family chose to authenticate it before it was exposed. Of course, if His Highness doesn’t like it, we can block the entire network or prohibit online dissemination... However, some netizens have already downloaded it..."

That is to say, the netizens of the whole universe will know it soon anyway, and it is too late to block this live broadcast account. Some netizens have already downloaded the video... Since it is useless, the royal family simply publicized the certification.At least it still looks generous.

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth: "...I understand."

Wu Xiong looked at Li Ling and asked softly, "Your Highness, the system of your red bracelet is a bit old. Do you need to replace it? Or should you update the system of this red bracelet to the latest version?"

Li Ling looked down at the blood-red bracelet, took it off slowly, and handed it to Wu Xiong: "Give it to me after upgrading the system."

"Yes!" Wu Xiong took a few steps forward, took the blood-red bracelet with both hands, lowered his head and pressed on his own bracelet, and then walked towards the door.

Wu Xiong opened the door, and someone immediately took the blood-red bracelet.

The maid brought a plate of pink pastries and a silver spoon to Li Ling.

Li Ling couldn't help but smiled: "Thank you."

"My pleasure, Your Highness." The maid smiled, curtsied, and stepped aside.

Li Ling picked up a small spoon to eat snacks.

On the other side, the blood-red bracelet has been updated with the system and sent to the door again, and handed to Wu Xiong's hand.

Wu Xiong returned to Li Ling holding the blood-red bracelet with the updated system: "Your Highness."

Li Ling took the blood-red bracelet and put it on again.

Li Ling touched the bracelet on his left hand.

This bracelet has been with her since the beginning of time travel, and she has become somewhat accustomed to its existence.

Li Ling opened the blood-red bracelet and looked at it. The translucent webpage seemed to respond faster, the page was clearer, and it had more functions.

Li Ling thought for a while, then remembered a debt on his body.She immediately transferred the 30 billion star coins she owed Xia Qi to Xia Qi.

The amount of funds on the bracelet has not changed at all, it is still three words - unlimited.

Li Ling smiled. She was thinking about how long it would take to repay Xia Qi's money.Now, she feels that she has countless money out of nowhere.Oh no, this money should be considered as a gift from her powerful master.

Li Ling was just thinking about sending a message to Xia Qi when he heard another gentle knock on the door.

Li Ling closed the bracelet and the live dome: "Please come in."

The middle-aged woman walked in, smiled and knelt towards Li Ling: "Your Highness, the Queen will teach you the politics class. Please come with me."

Li Ling glanced at the pink snacks on the small table, licked his lips, and thought in his heart: It seems that, as the princess of the soul-body clan, there are many things to do every day.At least, Li Ling felt that the Queen's lesson would not be just once.

Li Ling stood up: "Okay. You lead the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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