beauty bible

Chapter 435 Changes Too Fast

Chapter 435 Changes Too Fast
After a brief meeting with the Queen of the Soul Body Clan, Li Ling stayed in a room of the Soul Body Clan Emperor Star Palace to rest.

Hearing the knock on the door, Li Ling said softly, "Come in."

A middle-aged woman opened the door with a smile and came in, followed by eight tall and strong men.

These eight men wore uniform blue military uniforms, with cold and solemn faces. They had broad chests and thick arms.Even though their bodies were wrapped in neat military uniforms, bystanders could tell from a glance that the muscles of these eight men were thick, and their arms were thicker than ordinary people's thighs.

The middle-aged woman stopped a few steps away from Li Ling, bowed her knees and saluted, and said with a smile, "His Royal Highness."

Eight burly and dignified men lined up behind Li Ling's middle-aged woman, and bowed: "See Your Highness the Empress Dowager."

Li Ling nodded, then turned to look at the middle-aged woman: "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged woman smiled: "Your Highness, from the first birthday ceremony, you will start to formally study and participate in the political affairs of the clan. Because of the oracle of the Father God, you will be enthroned in the near future. The time for studying and participating in political affairs is huge. Compression. Therefore, some things that started after the first birthday ceremony have been brought forward to now."

The middle-aged woman raised her hand and signaled Li Ling to look at the eight strong men: "These are the eight bodyguards selected for you. On important occasions, they will appear to protect you at the same time. In normal times, they will take turns to guard Your Highness. Now Your Highness You can choose one of them as the head of the guard. The head of the guard will be responsible for leading the guards and meeting your other needs."

Li Ling sat on the light-colored sofa and did not answer immediately.

Based on Li Ling's estimate of her current strength, in this universe, there are very few people who can defeat her alone.Of course, if a group of people beat her up, that would be a different situation.

These eight guards are tall and strong, and their strength is also extremely outstanding. It can be said that they are guarding Li Ling, and they probably won't have much practical effect.

Li Ling couldn't help but think that she is now the queen princess of the soul body clan, and with a few more guards around her, she might look more formal when facing the leaders of other races or countries.

Thinking of this, Li Ling spoke softly: "If there is a formal occasion, follow the Soul Body Clan's original method. If there is no particularly formal occasion, I don't need guards around me."

The middle-aged woman was slightly stunned, then bent her knees and said with a smile: "Yes! Your Highness! Then... who will Your Highness choose to be the chief guard?"

Li Ling glanced at the eight strong men.

Everyone has a solemn face and a tense look - Li Ling really can't see any connotation or difference between them except for their different faces.

Li Ling raised his eyebrows: "That's it! Let the oldest one be the captain of the guard."

The man standing on the far left took a step forward and bowed respectfully towards Li Ling: "Wu Xiong sees His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager."

A tall and strong middle-aged man, with a slightly thin face, three-dimensional features, a little stubble left under his mouth, and a serious expression.

Li Ling nodded: "That's it!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The middle-aged woman bowed her knees and saluted, opened the door, and led the seven tall and strong men in front of the door to go out. Then she backed out by herself, then smiled and bowed slightly to Li Ling, and closed the door.

Wu Xiong walked slowly to a corner of the room and stood still.Then, like a drying rack, he stood there motionless.

Seeing this, Li Ling didn't say anything more.

Li Ling sat on the sofa, dazed.

Light yellow walls, pink embroidered sofas, rose red lamps, exquisite murals, and two maidservants standing aside, now there is a tall and strong bodyguard in military uniform.

This is the environment around Li Ling.

There are warm colors everywhere in the room, which seems to be in line with Li Ling's status as a "female prince under the age of one". This room has many pink decorations, and it looks like the residence of a little princess.

Li Ling was put on a pink silk dress, which was warm, smooth and beautiful.

It's safe here, it's comfortable here, and everyone here is respectful and gentle to her.

Li Ling was even more confused.

When Li Ling transmigrated into Li Jingjing, Li Ling knew in her heart that she was Li Ling.She is also adapting to some things brought to her by Li Jingjing's identity.

But because she went to explore the secrets of Jinlin City, uncovered the secrets of the earth, and revealed the existence of Jin Cancan, now, she has become the empress dowager of the Soul Body Clan.

She worshiped a powerful master, and according to the master's order, she should rule the soul body clan and become the commander of the soul body clan.

In addition to taking care of the soul body and the earth, Li Ling seems to have become the existence at the top of this universe, and everything in this world becomes extremely easy in front of her eyes.

Li Ling breathed out gently.

The earth is the earth 5 years in the future, and there is always a trace of regret in her heart.

She is now the new queen of the soul body clan, but in fact, Li Ling still lacks a sense of responsibility and a sense of substitution for the entire soul body race.

In Li Ling's mind, the Soul Body Clan is still strange, mysterious and powerful.

But now, Li Ling has become a member of this mysterious stranger, and she will be the new queen of these people.

Li Ling supported his forehead, and said silently in his heart: Really...somewhat unaccustomed to this change of identity.The world is changing so fast that there is no room for breathing.

Li Ling knew very well that there were still many things waiting for her to do, but this time the truth of the earth, the truth of time travel, and the sudden change of identity, Li Ling needed some time to accept and adapt.

At this moment, Li Ling suddenly thought of Xia Qi.

Every time, when Li Ling felt confused, chatting with Xia Qi for a few days would always brighten her mind.

So, what is Xia Qi doing now?
Li Ling smiled slightly, raised his left hand, and turned on his live broadcast hemisphere.

As soon as he turned on the live broadcast hemisphere, Li Ling was startled by a series of "dididi" sounds.

Countless messages popped up on the live broadcast hemisphere.

Li Ling was stunned, and hurriedly opened the live account of "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao".

Before he had time to carefully check the rapidly jumping fan value on this account, Li Ling was stunned looking at his account name.

I saw a locked golden sign added to the account of "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven jumps".

On the right side of the golden lock sign, a very formal certification reads "Li Ling, the Crown Princess of the Soul Body Clan, the next Queen of the Soul Body Clan."

Li Ling twitched the corner of her mouth, she saw that the number of fans was soaring crazily.

Li Ling scrolled down the webpage and saw the comments that were beating rapidly.




There is not a single word in the comments of countless netizens, only a long, long, continuous line of exclamation points.

Li Ling twitched her eyebrows slightly, glanced at the comments, and found that the number of comments on her live account was "exploding"!
(End of this chapter)

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