beauty bible

Chapter 407 What to do?

Chapter 407 What to do?
In the stone chamber, Sima Zhen bowed his head and knelt in front of the late emperor's tablet.


After a long silence, Sima Zhen said in a low voice: "Father, I really tried my best..."

"This time, it's really not human power that can resist," Sima Zhen said calmly, "Throughout the history books, there has never been anyone who has successfully reversed the current situation. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, flowing water and waves, are no longer in the world of our Sima family."

"If there is still a glimmer of life for my Da Zhou, I am willing to shed the last drop of blood for Da Zhou." Sima Zhen took a breath, closed his eyes and said: "But the fact is, even if I die ten thousand times, it is impossible for me to die." Reverse the general trend of the world."

Sima Zhen opened his eyes, let out a breath, and showed a sad and relaxed smile on his face: "Father, my son is not filial. Since the governor can't do anything, my son will no longer struggle hard and lose his life in vain."

Sima Zhen knelt down on the ground and kowtowed heavily: "My minister will take good care of the virtuous king, protect him well, and let him continue the Sima family's descendants so that we will not cut off our Sima family's descendants."

"As for my son..." Sima Zhen laughed: "I have betrayed her once for Da Zhou, and even Shen Lang left me. I have done what I can. From now on, I, I don't want to work hard anymore..."

Sima Zhen knelt on the ground and did not get up for a long time.

A Xia's high-pitched voice sounded outside the stone room: "Your Majesty—that one, that Xia Qiqiu, that Xia Qiqiu wants to see His Majesty."

Hearing this, Sima Zhen raised his head and gave a wry smile.

Sima Zhen stood up and walked out of the stone gate, and saw Axia standing outside the stone gate.Behind A-Xia stood Xia Qi who was dressed in black and had a cold expression on his face.

Sima Zhen sighed slightly, looked at Xia Qi and said, "Please."

Leading Xia Qi to the nearest side hall, Sima Zhen pointed to the wooden chair in the hall: "Please sit down."

Xia Qi shook his head: "No, I'll just stand."

Sima Zhen smiled slightly: "That's fine. Xia Qi, you...are you here to talk about the affairs of the Great Zhou Kingdom?"

Xia Qi shook his head again: "This is not my duty."

Sima Zhen was slightly surprised: "Then you come..."

Xia Qi's face turned cold, and his tone was as cold as ice: "Unfortunately, I know something about you and Li Ling."

Sima Zhen was shocked, and blurted out: "Li Ling told you?!"

Xia Qiping looked at Sima Zhen, still with a cold expression on his face.

"I thought, I thought, Li Ling wouldn't say this to others..." Sima Zhen smiled wryly: "That's all... If she said this to you, she would treat you differently in her heart..."

In Sima Zhen's eyes, Li Ling is the most beautiful woman in the world, and also one of the most outstanding women in the world.Such a woman should naturally have countless admirers.

A man came from a distant starry sky for her, and the first reaction in Sima Zhen's mind was naturally the love between men and women.

The last time Sima Zhen saw Xia Qi, he felt that Xia Qi was special to Li Ling.He also used words to test Xia Qi, but unfortunately Xia Qi's expression remained motionless, making it difficult to tell the reason.

Today, Xia Qi came here because of Li Ling's cold face... Sima really took it for granted that Xia Qi knew what happened between him and Li Ling through Li Ling.

When Li Lingneng and Xia Qi talked about such a topic, it was no longer an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman.

Sima Zhen felt that his blood was cold, and also felt that since Li Ling decided to be strangers to him, Sima Zhen, this matter would happen sooner or later.

The only difference is who is the man standing next to Li Ling...

No matter who the man standing next to Li Ling was, Sima Zhen didn't care, he only hoped that the man who was standing next to Li Ling was better than him, Sima Zhen treated Li Ling better, otherwise, he would be dissatisfied and unwilling.

Xia Qi looked at Sima Zhen silently.

Sima Zhen sighed long and looked at Xia Qi with a smile on his face: "I heard Li Ling mention your name very early on. But at that time, I could not have guessed that you would do it in such a way. Appear here."

"I will never give up on her, but since she has decided to be with you, I also hope that she can live happily. I don't want you to misunderstand her." Sima Zhen looked at Xia Qi: "It is I who admire Li Ling, It was I who tried everything possible to want Li Ling to stay by my side, and it was also I who gave Li Ling medicine to make her stranger to me... I am ashamed of her. Since you are together, I can tell you that Li Ling has never liked me, nor Nothing happened to me..."

A look of surprise flashed across Xia Qi's eyes.

Sima Zhen frowned: "You don't know? Are you lying to me?"

Xia Qi paused, neither admitting nor denying: "...I know part of it."

Sima Zhen frowned and looked at Xia Qi firmly: "Then what do you mean?"

Xia Qi: "Li Ling asked me not to interfere in the affairs between you."

"Then?" Sima Zhen raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Qi: "Li Ling asked you not to interfere, but you are not angry with what I did, and want to execute me privately?"

Sima has really seen the capabilities of the high-tech world.

After this spaceship appeared, Sima really knew that the so-called Great Zhou's hundreds of thousands of troops were nothing more than ants.

Knowing the capabilities of the high-tech world, Sima Zhen would not underestimate Xia Qi's abilities.

"Execution?" Xia Qi responded in a low voice: "In the Great Star Kingdom, you should be chemically castrated for what you have done..."

Sima was really at a loss.

Xia Qi: "Just be a eunuch."

"..." Sima Zhen: "A scholar can be killed but not humiliated."

Xia Qi shook his head, looked at Sima Zhen seriously, and answered his previous question: "I will respect her. Everything you have is just her history."

Sima was really stunned, and his face turned pale again in a moment: "History?"

Xia Qi: "It's like the history of this planet. The past is history. Only the present moment is real."

Sima Zhen's cheek twitched, he looked at Xia Qi and said solemnly: "Tell me, is Li Ling with you now?"

Xia Qi suddenly raised his hand and clicked on the live broadcast hemisphere.

A translucent light screen appeared in front of Xia Qi's eyes.

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, it's over here. I said goodbye to my friend. Are you free now?"

The coldness on Xia Qi's face dissipated, and he quickly typed: "Okay, wait for me for a few minutes, I will be here soon."

Li Ling: "Well, good. Thank you Xia Qi, sorry for the trouble. See you later."

Xia Qi: "See you later."

Xia Qi turned on the live broadcast hemisphere.

Sima Zhen looked at Xia Qi's bracelet and the live broadcast hemisphere.

Sima Zhen once traveled through that high-tech world as a cat. He has seen the bracelet and the live broadcast dome, and he has also seen the bracelet and the live broadcast dome in Li Ling's hand.

"It turns out that you have been in touch..." Sima Zhen looked stunned and disappointed: "She is looking for you?"

Xia Qi's complexion has improved a lot, and he said softly: "I have something to do, so I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qi turned around and left.

Xia Qi strode towards the outside of the palace, and his words came in the wind: "The Great Zhou Kingdom still has more than a month to go."

Sima Zhen was startled and turned around to see that Xia Qi had disappeared.

"What's he doing here today?" Sima Zhen said softly. The next moment, Sima Zhen came back to his senses: "He's here to confirm my relationship with Li Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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