beauty bible

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
Xia Qi and Qin Jun stood in front of the huge video, looking at the resentful Queen Mother of Zhou and Li Jingshu who lay motionless on the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Qin Jun's eyes were full of emotion, but he didn't care too much on his face: "Marshal, tell me, have vampires done this kind of thing that directly treats people as blood food before? Or is it just this one? Is there such a special case on the planet?"

Xia Qi said lightly: "It won't be a special case."

Qin Jun's eyes widened slightly: "Marshal, you mean, in the universe, there are also vampires who treat human beings as blood food?!"

"No, I have seen my father personally go to the blood-sucking tribe to catch 'felons'." Xia Qi explained: "As an ally of the pure-race human race, the blood-sucking tribe allows the pure-race human tribe to redeem the human criminals in the blood-sucking tribe. Criminals of the pure-race human race will only be imprisoned within the pure-race human race... In the universe, the blood-sucking race will be of their own kind."

Qin Jun twitched the corner of his mouth: "...this way of punishing people is really..."

Xia Qi opened his mouth with a flat tone: "After the official personnel who deal with the 'unknown planet' arrive on this planet, let them contact the Jin country, but allow the Jin country to have independent political rights. Then notify the vampires and let them contact this country. Jin State."

"Yes!" Qin Jun gave a military salute and laughed: "This is considered rare. On a normal 'unknown planet', two or more intelligent races live under the same sky, or one of them is conquered and wiped out." , or it was fused together early and had a lot of contact with each other. It is indeed appropriate to hand over a country that is completely independent of the vampires to the vampires."

"Oh, by the way," Qin Jun pointed to Li Jingshu on the screen: "What about this Li Jingshu and that Liu Jin? In their situation, do they need to be redeemed?"

Xia Qi was silent for a long time: "Before this planet becomes a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom, do not interfere with the affairs of the 'unknown planet'. After this planet becomes a citizen planet of the Great Star Kingdom, do not change the established facts at will. The so-called 'legacy of the old era' That's what happened. We can't have a hand in it."


Xia Qi: "According to the pure-race human race alliance agreement, those people in the state of Jin are also listed as pure-race human race citizens."


"In addition," Xia Qi said softly, "I believe that Li Jingshu and the Queen Mother of the Great Zhou are the seventh category of pure-blooded human race."

A look of surprise flashed across Qin Jun's eyes.

The marshal has just said that according to the rules, they cannot interfere with the affairs of this planet before it becomes a citizen planet.In other words, they should not care about Li Jingshu and Liu Jin staying in Jin State, the blood-sucking tribe.

The fate of these two people is in the hands of the Queen of Jin and the vampires.

But the marshal chose to list these two people as the seventh category of personnel...

The so-called seventh type of pure-race human is that this person has had very serious crimes and was released from prison, or the security department believes that your situation may be a crime.

The lifestyle of the seventh type of personnel is still different from that of ordinary citizens.For example, as long as the seventh category of people leaves their homes, they will be monitored in real time, temporarily checked by the police, and thoroughly checked when they take any public transportation, etc.

Personnel in the seventh category basically have no chance of committing a crime, and they have little right to privacy.Moreover, they are also easy to be found to be "special".

When an ordinary citizen crosses the road, if he accidentally runs a red light and steps on a zebra crossing, he should take a step back.

But if a person in the seventh category crosses the road and accidentally bumps into a zebra crossing, the police will fly over and take them away immediately.

The life of the seventh type of personnel is either meticulous, walking can not trample ants to death, and it is best not to travel far.Or go to the police station and report to the police in three or five days.

Classifying citizens as a seventh category is usually the job of the security services.Of course, as the crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, Xia Qi is both a military officer and an official. He also has the right to list "dangerous elements" as the seventh category of personnel.

According to the past criminal facts of this Empress Dowager Zhou and this Li Jingshu, it is understandable to be listed as the seventh category of personnel.

However, Qin Jun was surprised, why did Xia Qi do this for no reason?
There are tens of thousands of past criminals on this planet, and it is impossible for them to liquidate the past one by one.To respect established facts is to respect established facts.The events left over from the old era are the events left over from the old era!
Why are you suddenly targeting these two women?
Qin Jun scratched his head. Is it because these two women have a grudge against Miss Li Ling?
Thinking of this, Qin Jun felt a little unbelievable.Xia Qi, the Marshal of the Fifth Legion, the crown prince of the Great Star Kingdom, has always had only business affairs and no personal affairs.This time... he also wants to use his power to deal with private affairs?

Although this matter is legal and in line with Xia Qi's public office rights, Qin Jun still finds it a little inconceivable.

In Qin Jun's heart, the marshal will always be cold like a business-like machine...

Did the marshal actually have a personal matter? !
There was a look of gossip in Qin Jun's eyes. Did he guess last time that there was really something between the marshal and the very beautiful Li Ling girl?
That little girl's appearance is the top of the human race, and she is young, and they say that men will always love young beauties-so the Marshal thinks so too?
Qin Jun always thought that the marshal only liked to fight against Zerg in the universe? !

its not right!The marshal said that the little girl had a boyfriend—could it be that the marshal had a crush on her?
Will the marshal pry the corner of the wall? !
It's rare to come to this planet for a vacation, without having to face the eternal dark universe and the hateful and disgusting Zerg army. Qin Jun relaxes and lets gossip in his head go.

"Qin Jun," seeing that Qin Jun hadn't responded to his password, Xia Qi's voice became slightly cold: "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about the little beauty Li Ling!" Qin Jun responded, and immediately realized something was wrong. He quickly covered his mouth with one hand, and shook his head at Xia Qi: "No, no, no, no, Marshal, listen to my explanation..."

Xia Qi was slightly taken aback, frowned slightly, and his face became even colder.

"Ahem!" Qin Jun raised his hand: "Marshal, don't misunderstand, Qin Jun is not thinking about the little girl. Qin Jun is just thinking about the relationship between the Marshal and the little girl."

"Relationship..." Xia Qi murmured.

"Yeah!" Seeing that Xia Qi didn't get angry, but had a thoughtful look on his face, Qin Jun boldly continued: "Marshal, this is the first time I see you have a personal matter... Marshal, you Just tell me, do you have an affair with that gorgeous little girl? Marshal, I promise I won't say anything!"

Seeing that Xia Qi didn't speak, Qin Jun turned his eyes and continued: "Marshal! If there is a real drama, I will respect the little girl as the wife of the marshal and the future queen, and let everyone pay more respect to the little girl. Praise Marshal for your astonishing achievements in the universe! The little girl will definitely adore Marshal!"

Xia Qi stared at Qin Jun, silent.

Xia Qi kept silent, Qin Jun's smile froze on his face, and he said in embarrassment, "Marshal thinks this is inappropriate?"

"Qin Jun," Xia Qi said slowly, "I think it would be good to transfer you to a marriage agency for a few months."

"What?" Qin Jun was startled and screamed, "Marshal, don't want it—"

Xia Qi curled his lips slightly, stood up abruptly, and strode towards the exit of the spaceship.

Qin Jun chased after him, and cried bitterly: "Marshal, please forgive me—I don't want to be transferred to that department! I'm not suitable for that! Really! Am I not going to gossip?!"

Xia Qi stopped, smiled slightly, his perfect facial features were radiant, his cold eyes stained with a smile was extremely charming, he stretched out his right hand and pointed to Qin Jun's feet.

If Xia Qi's fans were here at this time, they would definitely be fascinated and scream.It's a pity that Qin Jun is not.

Qin Jun stopped in his tracks with a bitter face: "Marshal! It's not appropriate to publicize private revenge! Marshal, you started to publicize private revenge, and you feel that you have been doing this all the time... Qin Jun is so wronged!"

Xia Qi pursed his lips and glanced at Qin Jun.

Qin Jun was immediately discouraged: "Okay! The Marshal gave the order, but Qin Jun was distracted. It's a bit... Marshal... It's a vacation now! Don't be so cruel!"

Xia Qi raised his eyebrows, turned his head and left.

Qin Jun stayed where he was, frowning: "...Has Marshal ever withdrawn that terrible thought?"

(End of this chapter)

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