beauty bible

Chapter 365 1 Sword Cold Lights the Golden Forest

Chapter 365 A cold sword illuminates the golden forest
In the Cining Palace.

A middle-aged woman who still had her appearance was leaning on the bright yellow soft bed, her eyes were closed, and her face was relaxed.

The middle-aged woman has long black hair, which is neatly combed and fixed with a row of jasper hairpins.She has a beautiful face and clear facial features. Just by looking at the facial features, one can tell that this middle-aged woman must have been an eye-catching beauty when she was young.She was wearing a long red and yellow embroidered dress, with a faint smile on her lips.

This is the Empress Dowager who lived in the Compassionate Palace in the Great Zhou Palace for a long time and rarely stepped out of the palace gate.

No matter how you look at this empress dowager, she is a middle-aged beauty who is pampered and elegant. The only thing that is a little unsuitable is that her face is snow-white, as if covered with a thick layer of white powder, and her makeup is extremely thick. thick.

Two court ladies half-kneeled on the rug, one pinched the Empress Dowager's shoulders, the other tapped the Empress Dowager's legs, this was a very leisurely scene.

No one in the Compassionate Ning Palace spoke, and in the silence, only a blue incense burner in the center of the carpet was emitting smoke, and there was a faint fragrance in the hall.

A gust of cold wind blows.

The Queen Mother opened her eyes suddenly.

Li Ling held the sword and stood beside the incense burner with a stern expression.



The maids in the palace were frightened and all screamed out.

The two maids fell limp, trembling, looking at Li Ling with white faces and eyes full of horror.

In the Palace of Compassion and Ning, other maids in the palace screamed: "Help! Help—someone is going to assassinate the Queen Mother!" They screamed in dismay while rushing towards the gate of the palace in panic.

Li Ling's figure flashed, and he was standing in front of the collapse, with the long sword pointing at the left chest of the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager's face twitched, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, her body trembled, and the white powder fell from her face.The queen mother's voice trembled: "You! You, you, you! Who are you?"

Li Ling looked at this completely strange woman indifferently: "Why did you harm me?"

Hearing Li Ling ask her like this, there was a trace of bewilderment on the queen mother's face, and soon, as if she had come to her senses, she said in surprise: "You are—you are—you are Li Ling, Marquis of Anping!"

Li Ling bowed slightly, pressed his body down, and stabbed down with his long sword. Seeing the empress dowager retreating in fear, his face was cold, and he repeated calmly, "Why did you want to harm me?"

The powder on the queen mother continued to fall, she looked at the long sword on her left chest in horror, crouched on the soft cushion, closed her eyes and said quickly in fear: "This palace is the queen mother! This palace is the queen mother!" ! Ben Gong is the Empress Dowager of the Great Zhou! You cannot kill Ben Gong!"

Li Ling tilted his head slightly, and pierced the beautiful skirt with his long sword: "Don't tell me?"

The Empress Dowager stared wide-eyed, seeing Li Ling's eyes filled with extreme fear, she exclaimed: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I said it! I said it! I heard that everyone in the palace was spreading it. Anping Hou Liling is a descendant of the royal family of the previous dynasty, and the sworn enemy of the Great Zhou."

The queen mother lowered her eyes in horror at the gleaming long sword: "I also heard that the emperor loves Anpinghou very much. This palace is for the Great Zhou! This palace is only for the Great Zhou! As long as the Marquis of Anping cannot live As long as the emperor has other concubines, he will not be fooled by the Marquis of Anping and become a foolish emperor. And...Moreover, Dazhou should not have the blood of the former royal family to confuse the dragon species."

The Queen Mother screamed with fierce inner pain: "I gave you the cold medicine for the sake of Da Zhou. Ben, Ben, I didn't murder your life!"

"In this way..." Li Ling looked at the Queen Mother coldly, as if he believed her words, but also seemed not to believe her.

The queen mother panted nervously: "Marquis of Anping! Marquis of Anping! This palace is only for Great Zhou, you cannot kill me! This palace is the queen mother! If you kill this palace, you are against the emperor, you are against Great Zhou, You will never be able to enter the Great Zhou harem."

Li Ling pursed his lips, smiled coldly, and slowly drew out his long sword.

The Queen Mother relaxed a little, she raised her hand to caress her chest, with a forced smile on her face.Then, the Empress Dowager looked at Li Ling with a forced smile, and said in a comforting tone: "Marquis Anping, as long as you—"


The Queen Mother froze suddenly.She lowered her head in disbelief, and saw that the sharp long sword had pierced deeply into her abdomen.

The queen mother looked at Li Ling in disbelief, and she raised her hand and pointed at Li Ling tremblingly: "You! You! You... how dare you!"


Li Ling drew out his long sword expressionlessly.

The queen mother opened her mouth, her face was full of disbelief, she covered her abdomen with her hands, and bright red blood oozes from between her fingers.

Li Ling returned the sword to its sheath indifferently, and said calmly: "The reason is not important. I, Li Ling, will return this sword to you. Don't worry, I won't die."

After finishing speaking, Li Ling ignored the empress dowager who was clutching her abdomen tightly and slumped on the slump, and the figure flashed with a sword in hand, and she had already walked to the gate of the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

Sima Zhen came in a hurry with A Xia and blocked the entrance to the palace.

Four eyes facing each other.

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling bewilderedly.He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, but he looked like a lost fool with nothing.

Li Ling's face was calm and his eyes were cold.

Sima really looked at it stupidly, but didn't speak.

A Xia quickly opened her arms and stood in front of Sima Zhen.

Li Ling looked at Sima Zhen, and said indifferently: "Sima Zhen, from now on, I will sever ties with you. There will be no more Marquis Anping in this world. If you dare to hurt a person in Marquis Anping's house, I will dare to kill Da Zhou. "

After speaking, Li Ling tapped his toes and rose into the air like a wild goose spreading its wings, leaving the palace in an instant.

It was early morning at this time, the heavy rain last night had stopped, and today is a sunny day.

Li Ling's figure was like lightning, and he flew out of Jinlin City in an instant.

Outside Jinlin City, Shen Lang and his army were still stationed here, and countless soldiers were still fighting hard against countless dark zombies.

In the clear sky, looking at the dark crowd of zombies, Li Ling's heart skipped a beat.

Her figure was like lightning, and she appeared above countless zombies in the blink of an eye.

Li Ling hovered over countless zombies, closed his eyes, and drew his long sword.

At this moment, the wind stopped.

At this moment, the cloud stopped.

At this moment, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.

Li Ling slowly drew his sword and swung it down.

A cold light that tore through the air suddenly exploded!

A burst of violent internal energy that split the sky and the earth instantly caused a storm in the sky and the earth.

The sand and dust were rolling, the wind was raging, and the dazzling sword light exploded under Li Ling's body!

Under the bombardment of the huge sword light, a huge long pothole suddenly appeared in the dark zombie group!Nearly half of the zombies were wiped out before they could howl!

Everyone in Jinlin City could see a cold light flashing across the sky!

Li Ling paused in the air for a moment, then waved his sleeves and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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