beauty bible

Chapter 364 Goodbye Once

Chapter 364 Goodbye

Sima Zhen sat sideways on the edge of the bed, closed his eyes and asked, "How is it?"

Several imperial doctors knelt on the ground, their eyes swept around, their expressions were strange, complicated and heavy.In the end, the old dean of Tai Hospital knelt slowly and took a step forward.

The old dean kowtowed to Sima Zhen, lowered his head and said, "Marquis Anping took five kinds of drugs at the same time."


The old dean lowered his head and continued: "The miracle medicine that suppresses the internal strength of a strong man of the heaven rank is one; the medicine that removes the strength of a woman is two; powder, this is four; there is also a secret palace herb cold medicine, this is five.”

Sima Zhen still kept his eyes closed: "Health medicine?"

The old dean paused: "In the past, the women in the brothel would be tricked by the madam into drinking cold medicine shortly after entering the brothel. After one dose of the medicine, the women in the brothel would be infertile for life."

Sima Zhen suddenly got up, his eyes were full of storms: "What did you say?!"

The old dean hit his head on the ground, and there was a trace of fear in his voice: "Among the medicines in Anpinghou's body, there is indeed such a cold medicine. Because this cold medicine is incompatible with the fertility medicine, Anpinghou will Hematemesis."

Sima Zhen's expression was gloomy: "Is there any cold medicine in the palace?"

The old dean and the imperial doctors kowtowed repeatedly: "Yes! Yes..."

Sima Zhen glanced sideways at Li Ling.

Li Ling was lying on the dragon bed with a pale face, still unconscious and unconscious.

Immediately, Sima Zhen seemed to be discouraged. He swayed and sat on the bed with a dismal expression: "...The Marquis of Anping used cold medicine, and can't do it again?"

The voice of the old dean trembled slightly: "Yes."

Sima Zhen sat on the edge of the bed, clutching the quilt on the edge of the bed with both hands, lowered his head with a gloomy expression: "Who is it? Who is it?!" Sima Zhen's face twitched, furious: "Who took the cold medicine?"

All the imperial doctors were so frightened by the emperor's furious appearance that they trembled in fear.

The old dean knelt down on the ground, closing his eyes as if he was about to die: "...the Palace of Compassion and Peace."

"Cining Palace...ah...Cining Palace..." Sima Zhen stood up, kicked away the imperial doctor in front of him, and shouted: "Get out! Get out! Don't go and cook the medicine!"

"Yes! Yes, yes..." The six imperial doctors were so frightened that they stumbled out of the Qianqing Palace.

Sima Zhen has been sitting on the edge of the bed, guarding Li Ling.After the imperial doctor prepared the medicine, Sima Zhen dismissed everyone in the palace.He helped Li Ling up with one hand and held a bowl of brown liquid in the other hand, feeding Li Ling to drink it with careful movements.

After giving Li Ling some medicine, Sima Zhen sat back on the edge of the bed and looked at Li Ling.

Li Ling's complexion seemed to be back to normal.

Sima Zhen looked at Li Ling quietly, lowered his head, and regret overflowed in his eyes: "Li Ling, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, it's all my fault! I don't know... I, I can't help you!"

Silently, Li Ling opened his eyes.

"Li Ling?" Sima Zhen's eyes flashed with surprise: "Li Ling, Li Ling, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort? Does it hurt?"

Li Ling looked at the curtain of the dragon bed with clear eyes, as indifferent as if he couldn't see Sima Zhen in his eyes.

Seeing Li Ling's indifferent eyes, Sima's heart felt cold, he stood up suddenly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "I, I'm going to call the imperial doctor..."

"I'm going to call the imperial doctor..." Sima Zhen stood up and took a few steps, but tripped over the corner of the small square table and fell to the ground without any image.

Li Ling still opened his eyes and looked at the curtain of the dragon bed, without saying a word, his eyes were indifferent.

Sima really couldn't feel the pain, he stood up, his face was snow-white, he turned his head and smiled forcefully: "Zhen... I was so poisoned that my mind was so confused that I even fell down when I was walking. The annals of history will make people laugh at me for thousands of years."

There was a moment of silence in the Qianqing Palace.

No one appreciated Sima Zhen's cold joke, Li Ling's eyes were frosty, as if he didn't hear anything.

Sima Zhen still had a smile on his face, but his body bowed slightly, as if his whole body was hollowed out, and he seemed to cry at any time: "Li Ling, I'm fine. I don't hurt at all. You, how are you? ? Will it hurt?"

Li Ling looked sideways at him, his eyes sharp, but not murderous or resentful, but not calm.

Sima Zhen's face immediately lost all color.His eyes were blank, and he seemed to be stunned, dumbfounded, unable to say a word.His body bent down involuntarily, like a dying old man who had lost all vitality and strength.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Ling moved his right hand.

Li Ling's body bounced, her shadow flashed, and she was already standing in front of the bed.


Cold light flashed.

Li Ling drew his sword out of its sheath.

The end of the long sword hit Sima Zhen's left chest.

Li Ling's eyes were sharp, his expression was calm, and his voice was calm when he spoke: "Sima Zhen, I heard what the imperial doctor said."

Sima Zhen's face turned pale, and his eyes showed a look of pain and regret: "Li Ling, Li Ling, it's me who's sorry for you! It's me who hurt you! It's's me who made you..."

The long sword was sent forward slightly.

The tip of the sword pierced through the dragon robe, but did not penetrate Sima Zhen's body.

At this time, a figure rushed in quickly, and jumped in front of Sima Zhen, trying to pull Sima Zhen away.

Li Ling flipped his left palm lightly.

"Hmm!" A-Xia snorted, being hit in the chest by Li Ling's inner energy, she took a few steps back.

A Xia didn't care about the dull pain in his chest. He quickly stepped forward, knelt down in front of Li Ling, and kowtowed heavily: "I beg the Marquis of Anping to be merciful! I beg the Marquis of Anping to be merciful! The medicine that hurt the Marquis of Anping is from the Compassionate Palace." Yes, not Your Majesty! Not Your Majesty!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!" A Xia quickly kowtowed: "Your Majesty just really loves Marquis Anping! He didn't mean to hurt Marquis Anping! I beg Marquis Anping to be merciful! Your Majesty can think of Ask the imperial doctor to treat Marquis Anping instead of hurting Marquis Anping. Please consider Marquis Anping to be merciful and merciful for the sake of these friendships!"

"Bang bang bang bang..." A-Xia was still kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to Li Ling continuously.

Sima Zhen's face was pale. He looked at Li Ling, but couldn't say a word, and his whole body was still dull.

The long sword stopped in front of Sima Zhen's chest for a long time.

Li Ling withdrew his long sword, his figure flashed, and he disappeared.

"Bang bang bang—" Li Ling disappeared for a moment before Axia realized, stopped kowtowing, got up and supported Sima Zhen.

Sima really seemed to be completely empty, letting Axia sit on the dragon bed with his support.

Seeing Sima's real appearance, A Xia couldn't help showing sadness, and he persuaded: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't be sad anymore! Don't be sad anymore! If you feel uncomfortable, hit A Xia! You Just hit Asha!"

Sima Zhen was still in a daze, he seemed to be talking to himself, or in a dream, he murmured: "You don't know, you don't know the way she looks at me..."

"Bang! Bang!" Sima Zhen raised his hand and drooped his left chest desperately: "It hurts so much! It hurts so much!"

Seeing Sima's true appearance, A Xia's eyes turned red: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Forget it! Don't think about Marquis Anping..."

A strange smile appeared on Sima Zhen's pale face: "Look, look, even you know that at this moment, it's impossible for me, me and her in this life..."

Seeing Sima Zhen's extremely sad and grief-stricken expression, A-Xia gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty——"

Sima Zhen murmured: "I did what I did last night, and I imagined that if I could have a child, she would stay by my side for the child..."

There was a gleam of light in Sima Zhen's eyes, he stood up holding A Xia's hand, and rushed towards the Compassion Ning Palace unsteadily: "No—I want to see her again, I want to see her again!"

Seeing Sima Zhen's appearance, A Xia felt helpless and uncomfortable, so he had no choice but to keep up with Sima Zhen's steps.

(End of this chapter)

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