beauty bible

Chapter 310 First Battle of the Hall of Supreme Harmony

Chapter 310 The Battle of the Hall of Supreme Harmony

A dozen people including Shen Lang, Li Ling, and Zhou Yichi entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony. All of a sudden, the eyes of the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony fell on them.

Many officials noticed Li Ling, who was very young among the dozen or so people, but clearly had a high status, and couldn't help being a little surprised.I don't understand how this young young man has such a status, it seems to be second only to the general king.

But more officials focused their attention on Shen Lang.

Wearing armor and holding a 40-strong army, this majestic general is a figure who has the ability to wrestle with the entire imperial court at any time.

All the officials standing in the hall held their breath slightly.

With the strength of Shen Lang's military power at this time, will he not put the emperor in his eyes?
While waiting for the dialogue between the emperor and the general king, will there be open and covert arrows, hidden swords in smiles?

Or, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where the Great General King is welcomed, a few words are enough to cause a mutiny?
Above the court hall, dozens of courtiers felt a little uneasy.

The Great General Wang has been stationed at the frontier for ten years, and he is out of tune with everything in Beijing.

Shen Lang didn't understand the situation in the capital, and the officials in the court didn't understand Shen Lang either.

All the ministers of civil and military affairs, including General Yan Buyao, and the three governors looked at Shen Lang sideways, their eyebrows and eyes were solemn, but their hearts were tense.When looking at Shen Lang, all the generals wished they could hold a long sword in their hands.

Shen Lang led a dozen people step by step towards the center of the court hall.

Sima Zhen sat upright in the high hall, with his chin raised slightly, watching Shen Lang and the others walking slowly, his eyes fell on Li Ling for a while, and soon he turned his attention to Shen Lang again.

Sima Zhen's face was calm, he ignored all the courtiers in the Hall of Supreme Harmony who were tense and flustered, with a faint smile on his face, as if he had a plan in his chest and the world was in his hands.

Stopping in front of the golden steps, Shen Lang raised his head slightly and looked at Sima Zhen.

Sima Zhen smiled slightly and looked back at him.

When the four eyes met, Shen Lang's expression was indifferent, but Sima Zhen smiled lightly.

When meeting the emperor, Shen Lang didn't salute immediately!
Such arrogant and rude behavior immediately caused all the generals in the court to widen their eyes. Their veins popped out and their muscles tightened, almost anticipating the upcoming battle!
Shen Lang raised his head slightly, Sima Zhen lowered his head slightly, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

You can hear a pin drop in the Hall of Supreme Harmony!

Every second seemed like a raging fire cooking oil, burning the hearts of all the courtiers.

Finally, Yan Buyao couldn't hold back any longer, he stood up with big strides, and shouted loudly towards Shen Lang: "Shen Lang! You can't salute your Majesty, what's your intention?!"

Shen Lang, are you planning to rebel? !

This is the voice of all the officials in the court, but no one dares to speak out, lest the word "rebellion" be said, it will really trigger a big war, and there is no room for maneuver.Even Yan Buyao, who is upright and tough, dare not say these two words at this time!
Shen Lang turned a deaf ear to Yan Buyao's words.

Shen Lang silently looked at Sima Zhen.

After what seemed like a long time, Shen Lang lowered his head and smiled.

It's not a sad smile, it's not a wry smile, it's not a smile full of deep meaning.

It's just Shu Lang's smile, which seems to be the laughter that breaks the clouds and clears the fog, and everything is calm and calm.

A smile gradually stained Shen Lang's eyes, Shen Lang clasped his fists, and knelt down slowly: "Minister Shen Lang, see Your Majesty, may Your Majesty live long, long live, long live!"

Li Ling and Zhou Yi clasped their fists together: "See Your Majesty, may your Majesty live forever!"

The dozen or so people behind Shen Lang also knelt down: "See Your Majesty, may your Majesty live forever!"

The whole court suddenly loosened.

Yan Buyao shook his hands slightly, looked calm, and retreated to his position.

Seeing Shen Lang knelt down, knowing today's situation, no matter how bad it was, he would not immediately draw his sword to face each other, all the officials in the court hall were greatly relieved.

At this time, everyone noticed that Li Ling and Zhou Yichi had never kneeled down.

In this world, there are not many people who are qualified not to bow to the emperor.

All the officials in the court soon realized that these two people were actually two heavenly powerhouses!
Dozens of officials thought about this clearly, and couldn't help but secretly gasped.

Behind Shen Lang, a great general with a 40 army in his hands, there are actually two heavenly powerhouses following him!
There are two heavenly powers here, among other things, if Shen Lang rebelled in this Hall of Supreme Harmony today, no one would really be able to catch him.If he returned to the 40 army in an instant, wouldn't it be...



It seems that Shen Lang hasn't tried his best to express the intention of the court!
Dozens of officials looked at Li Ling again in a blink of an eye, thinking secretly in their hearts, could it be that such a young and powerful man of the heavenly rank did not practice some kind of "rejuvenation" kung fu?

For a moment, the moods of countless people in the court were ups and downs, and the wind was surging.

Sima Zhen's expression remained the same, neither surprised nor happy, still with a slight smile on his face, he raised his hand and said, "Please rise, General."

Shen Lang stood up, and his expression returned to his previous appearance, standing aloofly, with a bit of lazy and unrestrained expression in his brows.

Everyone behind Shen Lang also stood up straight.

Sima Zhen said with a smile: "General Wang Shen Lang obeyed the late emperor's order and led an army of 40, bringing hundreds of thousands of people with him, and moved to Jinlin. His contribution is indisputable. Come and announce the decree!"

An eunuch standing next to Sima Zhen immediately walked to the court hall in small steps, and unfolded the bright yellow imperial edict: "General Wang Shenlang, heavenly powerhouse Li Ling, heavenly powerhouse Zhou Chi, heavenly powerhouse Xun Li Purpose……"

Xun Li, a strong man in heaven?
Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Where is Xun Li?

At this time, a gust of wind drifted by, and two figures appeared in the court hall.

A middle-aged woman with an extraordinary bearing volleyed in the air with her hands behind her back, and the other was a beautiful young girl.

The middle-aged woman walked slowly to the bright yellow steps, and said calmly, "Xun Li accepts the order."

The whole court was shocked.

It turns out that the most powerful person in the world has always been in Jinlin City, and... the most powerful person in the sky has actually been connected with the emperor.

Speaking of which... Even if Shen Lang really turned against him today, there is still the No. 1 in the world protecting the emperor? !

In the court hall, all the officials were surprised and shocked.They bowed slightly, feeling more and more that the emperor's smile while sitting high in the hall was a bit mysterious.

Shen Lang clasped his fists: "Shen Lang accepts the order."

Zhou Yichi clasped his fists together: "Zhou Chi accepts the order."

Li Ling stood upright, his eyes fell on the girl who was following Xun Li.

It's been a long time since I saw that familiar face!
Li Jingshu seemed to have noticed Li Ling's eyes, she turned her head to look at Li Ling.Seeing this, she frowned slightly.

Li Jingshu and Li Jingjing are [-]% similar, and Li Ling's appearance at this time is somewhat similar to Li Jingjing's original appearance.

Therefore, in Li Jingshu's eyes, this young man looks somewhat similar to her.But the young man looked at her with cold light and murderous intent.

Li Jingshu narrowed her eyes, raised her chin slightly, and looked straight at Li Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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