beauty bible

Chapter 309 Golden Forest City

Chapter 309 Golden Forest City

Coming out of Shen Lang's big tent, Li Ling returned to the carriage and continued to practice internal strength cross-legged.

After this day, Shen Lang's army was still going straight to Jinlin City, but not in such a hurry.

After that chat in the military tent, Shen Lang didn't come to Li Ling again, and Li Ling stayed in the carriage all the time.

Li Ling practiced martial arts in the carriage during the day and rested in the military tent at night. Except for Shen Youyou, he hardly saw anyone.

On this day, Li Ling heard Shen Youyou telling a joke in the carriage.

"This is too funny..." Shen Youyou clapped her hands, leaning forward and backward with a smile: "With the martial arts like the great general king, who has been through the battlefield for so long, he would lose his mind and fall off his horse one day, and he was almost killed by his own... Stepping on the mount, isn't this too ridiculous! Master Li, you don't know... Seeing this scene, only Zhou Yichi can't stand it, and the others have long ago laughed so hard... Hahahaha... Li My lord, do you think it's funny?"

Li Ling lowered his eyes slowly, and said softly, "Yuyou, how many days are there until you arrive in Jinlin City?"

Seeing that there was no smile on Li Ling's face, but a little dazed instead, a trace of surprise flashed in Shen Youyou's eyes: "Tomorrow, it is said that we will be able to go outside Jinlin City tomorrow!"

"It's finally here..." After saying these words, Li Ling felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Yes!" Shen Youyou turned her head, opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out, with a bit of exclamation in her tone: "We are finally going to Jinlin City..."

at night.

After Shen Youyou left, Li Ling was sitting cross-legged on the couch in the military tent when he suddenly spotted a figure outside the military tent.

A tall man stood silently outside the military tent.

With just one glance, Li Ling knew that the person standing outside was Shen Lang.

Li Ling sat silently on the couch for a long time.

She thought that she had already talked to Shen Lang in the military tent, and Shen Lang probably wouldn't come to her.

Unexpectedly, he still came.

Li Ling knew that Shen Lang came here only because they were going to enter Jinlin City tomorrow.

After entering Jinlin City and seeing Sima Zhen, many things will be different.So, Shen Lang came.

But Shen Lang stood outside the military tent, silent, as if he had no intention of coming in.

Li Ling scratched her head, a feeling of irritability rose in her heart, she simply stretched out a finger and flicked it lightly.

The candles in the house were immediately extinguished.

Li Ling lay on the couch, covered with a quilt, and said in a cold tone, "Let's go."

The figure outside the military tent quickly left.

Li Ling also lost the mood to cultivate, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

On the second day, Li Ling got up as usual, washed up, and got into the carriage.

The carriage bumped and bumped for most of the day, and finally stopped in the afternoon.

Jinlin City has arrived.

Li Ling raised his hand to lift the curtain of the carriage, and stepped out of the carriage.

The high city walls, the high palace walls in the city, and the endless green hills in the distance can be vaguely seen.

Jinlin City was built against the mountains, surrounded by water on three sides except for the steep mountains on which it leaned.

A wide moat surrounds Jinlin City.

What surprised Li Ling was that the moat outside Jinlin City had two layers.

Now, the army she and Shen Lang are in is outside the double moat.And between the two moats, there is a circular land, and that land is full of garrisons at this time.

Li Ling looked up at Jinlin City slightly, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Shen Lang was at the front of the army, negotiating with the officers who came out of Jinlin City.

Shen Lang was wearing a suit of armor, with sword eyebrows drawn into his temples, his eyes were black and white, and he held a sword in one hand, looking very majestic.The expression on his face was neither happy nor angry, he seemed to be business-like, but also seemed to be indifferent.

Not long after, Shen Youyou trotted over and saluted Li Ling: "Master Li, the Great General has issued an order to garrison 40 troops here, waiting to be dispatched. Hurry up and follow the Great General into the city!"

Li Ling nodded: "Let's go."

Shen Lang's 40 troops and hundreds of thousands of people were temporarily placed outside Jinlin City, and only a few people were ordered to enter the city.

Among them, there are high-ranking officers such as Shen Lang and Zhen Shiming, Li Ling and Shen Youyou, and Ruan Yuan and Su Ren brought by Zhou Yichi and him.

Li Ling and Zhou Yichi followed behind Shen Lang.

More than a dozen people walked into Jinlin City slowly.

In the queue to welcome Shen Lang, everyone looked solemn.

On the way, Ruan Yuan, who had just been transferred from the army by Zhou Chi, saw Li Ling and was extremely surprised to see that this young man Li Ling looked very similar to the sister Li Ling she knew.However, because it was Shen Lang entering the city at this time, the atmosphere was a little solemn, and he did not dare to rush to Li Ling from behind Zhou Chi to ask for explanation. He only looked at Li Ling with curiosity and surprise from time to time.

Walk across the two wooden bridges over the moat and enter the gate of Jinlin City.

Along the way, Li Ling was rarely surprised when he saw the scene in Jinlin City.

There have been no zombies in Jinlin City for a long time, and the city is full of people, which seems to be a scene of waste.

The scene in Jinlin City is also very different from the "Golden Forest City 5000 years ago" Li Ling had seen before. She can hardly find the shadow of the streets 5000 years ago.

But none of these were enough to surprise Li Ling. What surprised Li Ling was that she saw many rough-built buildings made of reinforced concrete in this city.

There are many, many buildings under construction, some are high and some are low, but Li Ling clearly saw countless steel bars and concrete.

Li Ling bowed his head and thought for a moment before he understood.

When traveling to another world, there was Shen Lang and Sima Zhen.

This emperor really cares about the country and the people!When traveling to another world, he may not have figured out the situation in the other world himself, but he found what he urgently needed first.

Li Ling raised his head and looked at Shen Lang who was walking in front.

Back then in the world of the empress, the method of "manufacturing steel" that Shen Lang came up with should have come from Sima Zhen too!
These new reinforced concrete buildings under construction not only shocked Li Ling, but also surprised Shen Lang and his party.

Although the dozen or so people did not speak, their faces were filled with surprise.

A dozen people entered Jinlin City, except for the soldiers who escorted them to the palace with solemn faces, they didn't attract too many people's attention.

Walking all the way, passing the bustling streets of Jinlin City, entering the gate of the Imperial Palace, and heading straight to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Shen Lang's 40 troops and hundreds of thousands of people rushed to Jinlin City, and Jinlin City had already received the news.

In Jinlin City, although the emperor and ministers of civil and military affairs have not gone out of the city to welcome Shen Lang, the great general, but at this time in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, everyone is waiting for Shen Lang.

A dozen people came outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and immediately a eunuch shouted loudly: "The Great General Wang Shen Lang is outside the hall, waiting for His Majesty to summon you."

In a short while, a little eunuch hurriedly ran to Shen Lang: "Great General, Your Majesty summons me."

Shen Lang nodded towards the little eunuch, and strode into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Li Ling and others followed Shen Lang and entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

(End of this chapter)

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