beauty bible

Chapter 268 High Risk Mission

Chapter 268 High Risk Mission
Seeing Li Ling's familiar and alluring face, Shen Lang's eyes quickly flashed with a trace of unnaturalness.

In Shen Lang's eyes, Tiao Tiao was the woman he had ever cared about.But now, Shen Lang only felt that his heart was beating for another man named "Li Ling".

Shen Lang was also extremely annoyed at such empathy.He could only smile wryly and wondered, should he be thankful that he hadn't expressed his heart to Tiaotiao before?

Otherwise, if Tiao Tiao later found out that her brother Shen Lang pretended to be her own brother, what would Tiao Tiao think? !

Shen Lang raised his hand and greeted with a smile: "Tiaotiao, long time no see."

"Meow--" The palm-sized snow-white kitten quickly ran up to Shen Lang's shoulder and called out in greeting.

Shen Lang's back suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Shen Lang thought to himself, what are you thinking about so much?Since the emperor wanted Tiaotiao, at least—he, Shen Lang, don't have to worry, the emperor still wants "Li Ling"!
Li Ling walked up to Shen Lang with a smile, raised her hand to touch the top and back of the kitten, and said with a smile: "My dear, long time no see."

The kitten was caressed by Li Ling comfortably. It squatted on Shen Lang's shoulder, with a smile flashing in its eyes, and it called softly: "Meow——"

The two of them and the cat seemed to be close friends who had known each other for several years, and they looked at each other with a bit of tacit understanding and intimacy.

After saying hello, Shen Lang took a step back, bowed towards Li Ling, and said solemnly: "Tiaotiao, when we parted last time, it was Brother Shen who misunderstood you, and Brother Shen also said those exaggerated things...Tiaotiao , I’m sorry, Brother Shen was wrong. If you are still angry after jumping, hit Brother Shen a few times to relieve your anger.”

Li Ling smiled and stopped: "It's okay. Brother Shen, I didn't explain clearly before. Now everything is clear, you don't have to worry about the food problem, and I got what I wanted. Isn't we all happy?"

Shen Lang shook his head, still bowed, and said with a serious expression: "Brother Shen was impetuous and reckless in this matter, and he didn't believe you Tiaotiao. If you were wrong, you were wrong. Tiaotiao, you saved countless lives with nutrient solution, but To be blamed by me like this, in the final analysis, it is all Brother Shen's fault."

Li Ling shook his head, looking indifferent.

Before appearing in front of Shen Lang as "Male Li Ling" that time, Li Ling still had some emotions in his heart.

At that time, she thought that appearing as "Tiaotiao" would inevitably face the "furious" Shen Lang, which was one of the reasons why she made up her mind to join the army as a man.

But now that time has passed, and so much time has passed, Li Ling has long forgotten about it.If Shen Lang didn't mention it, she wouldn't remember it at all.

Shen Lang raised his hand and said, "Tiaotiao, Brother Shen promises that from now on, he will never disbelieve what Tiaotiao said. No matter what happens to him, he will speak well, and he will never get angry like last time and turn towards you Yelling!"

Li Ling smiled: "Okay."

The little kitten who had been silently listening to Li Ling and Shen Lang's conversation, heard the two men's reassurance, a thoughtful look flashed in their eyes, raised a paw, and lightly touched Shen Lang's neck.

Shen Lang glanced sideways at the kitten.

The man and the cat looked at each other for a moment, and Shen Lang nodded his chin at the kitten imperceptibly.


An indifferent male voice appeared in the data space.

Li Ling and Shen Lang looked at each other with calm eyes, and both of them looked attentively listening.

The indifferent male voice revealed a mechanical calmness: "This time, you also complete the task together."

God's voice continued: "Attention! This mission is a high-risk mission. With your current survivability, the possibility of death is very high."

Li Ling's eyelids twitched.

According to the unpredictable ability of "God", she must know that she is a strong person in the sky.

So, in this mission, a heaven-level expert will also die? !
A trace of surprise flashed across Shen Lang's eyes, this was the first time God issued a "high-risk mission" to them!
The cold male voice continued: "Attention! The moment after the time travel, please be prepared to be surrounded by enemies on all sides and be ambushed on all sides."

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth.

With such words, it sounds like she and Shen Lang will travel to the center of the battlefield?
Shen Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became serious.

"Perform the mission, life and death are at your own risk. Your mission is on the wall."

Li Ling blinked, and a subtle feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

From the beginning, God told her and Shen Lang that "God" was for the good of this planet.

The previous three mission rewards also fully confirmed God's statement.Every mission reward is for the good of this planet.And, every task, the way to complete the task is extremely simple.

But this time, God issued a high-risk mission...

Li Ling had to think, what is the difference between this mission and the previous three missions?
The only difference is that Li Ling has already contacted the Great Star Country, and within a year, the Great Star Country will come to this planet.The end of the planet will end...

The planet's crisis is resolved...

Li Ling didn't understand why God didn't contact the Great Star Country by himself, but now it was clear that this planet would usher in peace.

How useful are she and Shen Lang to God?
Thinking of this, Li Ling shuddered.

That's right.God has always valued this planet, but God may not put her and Shen Lang's lives in his eyes.To God, she and Shen Lang were dead, just two insignificant human lives. Anyway, God still had many possible "spare tires".

The moment Li Ling was thinking, the numbers receded from the mirror wall in front of their eyes, and a few lines of light appeared in front of their eyes.

"Mission [-]: Investigate the cause of the doomsday and the source of the zombie virus. (High-risk task)"

"Reward: Secret. (How many secrets are discovered is the reward you get, there will be no additional rewards)"

"Task time: Survive for ten days. (The survivors will return automatically when the time is up)"

Shen Lang's whole body was shocked, and his face was full of shock: "The reason for the end? The origin of the zombie virus?"

Li Ling was taken aback, and his face was also full of surprise: "What is the origin of the zombie virus?"

Shen Lang lowered his head, his expression was shocked and dazed: "Yes! Yes! After seeing such a different world again, why didn't I think that what in this world came out of thin air?"

Shen Lang gritted his teeth, his cheeks twitched, and his eyes revealed murderous intent and hatred: "That's right! That's right! The end of the world always has a reason! The end of the world always has a reason!"

Looking at Shen Lang's appearance, if he really knows that this "doomsday" is man-made, Shen Lang thinks he wants to kill the other party!
The eyes of the kitten standing on Shen Lang's shoulders turned red, and the round eyes revealed a sense of coldness.

Li Ling took a breath, clenched his fists nervously, and raised his heart.

Xia Qi once said that research on zombie viruses is prohibited for pure races.Then, those who are still studying the zombie virus are the criminals in the pure race of humans.

It's good that she is a heavenly powerhouse, but in a high-tech environment like the Great Star Country, criminals who study zombie viruses may have laser guns or shells...

No wonder it’s a high-risk mission!

Both Li Ling and Shen Lang were attracted by the words "explore the cause of the doomsday and the origin of the zombie virus", and neither of them cared about it. For this time travel mission, God will not provide any rewards, but just The secrets they explored were rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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