beauty bible

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
Li Ling has lived in this world for less than a year, but there are countless secrets in him.

For Li Ling, the two secrets of time travel and the blood-red bracelet are the last thing she wants to reveal to others.

As for the others, such as the female Li Ling, the male Li Ling, Li Jingjing, and Li Tiaotiao, Li Ling did not take these four identities seriously.

She is Li Ling, and she always has something to do.As for her identity, it was just to facilitate her walking in this world.These four identities will one day be revealed to the world.

Li Ling once thought that if Zhou Chi and Shen Lang interrogated her together, and she couldn't make up a story, she would tell them the truth.She was the one they knew and then asked them to keep her secret, she just wanted to live in the military as a man.

Just because Li Ling didn't have the idea of ​​sticking to these identities, she acted more casually.When she bought the "small trumpet for a chorus of ten thousand people", she didn't prepare her speech in advance.

At worst, it will be dismantled!
But the strange thing is that after Zhou Chi looked at her suspiciously for a few days, he did not continue to investigate further.

Although Shen Lang was a little skeptical at first, because of her manly body and the great achievements she made for the army, she has always tolerated her.

In the end, they didn't question her about her secrets.

Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but also apologized.

Li Ling couldn't help thinking secretly that when she arrived in Jinlin City, she would leave the army. At that time, she must reveal her true identity and tell them what she thought.

Standing in the deserted mountains, Li Ling turned on the live broadcast hemisphere in his hand, connected to the Internet, and bought nutrient solution and ten small speakers in the mall.

After a while, a huge, dark "empty box" appeared in front of us.

Li Ling put away ten small speakers and watched as several small robots loaded 490 million tubes of nutrient solution onto dozens of carriages.

Shipping costs for "empty boxes" are just too expensive!
Therefore, when Li Ling buys a small speaker, he will also buy a nutrient solution.

When he bought a small speaker last time, Li Ling bought a batch of nutrient solution at the same time.Same this time.

"Ten thousand people chorus small trumpets", this thing looks very magical in this doomsday world, very powerful, but it is actually not expensive.One only costs 98 star coins.

The price of the nutrient solution and the small horn is just a drop in the bucket compared to the shipping cost of the "empty box".

Li Ling looked at the pitch-black empty box and sighed again in a low voice: "High technology, high technology..."

After the little robot carried the nutrient solution, Li Ling watched the "empty box" disappear, and then she found Gu Qi again.

Gu Qi took a dozen soldiers and drove back to the barracks in a carriage.

Li Ling handed over the ten small horns and the nutrient solution to Shen Lang, and Shen Lang thanked her with a smile, and they started riding their horses again and headed towards Jinlin City.

On the way, Gu Qi rode forward and rode side by side with Li Ling. He lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Master Li, you have always sent the nutrient solution into the army?"

Li Ling nodded and said, "Yes."

Gu Qi looked sideways at Li Ling, with confusion and shock in his eyes: "Master Li, are you really a mage who knows magic as many people in the army say?"

Li Ling smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible. I'm just an ordinary warrior."

"How could there be..." Gu Qi's eyes were full of surprise.

The nutrient solution is a mysterious thing, and there have been countless rumors about it in the military.But Gu Qi only found out today that this nutrient solution was actually "created out of thin air" by Mr. Li, and then dedicated to the general king!

Li Ling took a breath, raised his head slightly, looked at the road ahead, and said: "It's very troublesome to explain... Gu Qi, maybe, in a year, you can do it..."

"How is it possible!" Gu Qi quickly retorted, with an expression of disbelief.

Li Ling smiled: "Then just wait. Even if you can't do it then, you will understand. What I do is very normal."

Gu Qi opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

Li Ling stretched out an index finger: "Just wait and see. It only takes a year."

Gu Qi still didn't believe it in her eyes. She didn't ask any more questions and seemed to accept Li Ling's answer of "wait a year."

After this day, Li Ling resumed his previous lifestyle.

Go to Shen Lang every day to see if there are any tasks in the army that she needs to do, if there is, she will go all out, if not, she will concentrate on thinking about "29 Swords of the Falling Moon".

And at night, as long as he is not performing tasks, Li Ling will continue to practice the internal strength of the "Beauty Bible".

The military has a "ten thousand people singing small trumpet". As long as it is a more dangerous task, it will be carried out by strong martial arts men with small trumpets, and the degree of danger is greatly reduced.

If there is a wave of zombies attacking the people, people with high martial arts skills will first lure the zombies away, and then the warriors will strangle the zombies.This greatly reduces the losses of the people.

The marching speed of Shen Lang's army has been greatly accelerated, and the number of casualties has been reduced a lot.

Despite this, Li Ling did not choose to buy more small speakers.

Li Ling and Shen Lang discussed it.

The effect of the small speaker is too obvious, it can be regarded as a killer.It must be placed on someone Shen Lang can trust.

What if this small trumpet is used by a crazy person to directly lead countless zombies into the crowd?Once such a thing happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, Li Ling carried a small trumpet with him and gave nine small trumpets to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang also agreed with Li Ling's point of view, and patted his chest to express to Li Ling that he would never let these small speakers fall into the hands of people with uncertain thoughts, and he would never let these small speakers flow out of his army.

Seeing that more than ten days later, Shen Lang's army would arrive at Jinlin City. On this day, when Li Ling was carrying out his mission, he silently avoided Gu Qi and the others and hid in an unoccupied corner.

"Ka Ka Ka..." After several sounds, Li Ling changed into a woman again.

Li Ling changed into the women's clothes she had prepared, and hid silently in the dark.

After waiting for half an hour, a ball of light emitted from the blood-red bracelet on his left wrist, quickly covering his whole body.

Stimulated by the strong light, she squinted her eyes. When Li Ling opened her eyes again, the surroundings were quiet, and she was in the small data space again.

There are four smooth mirror walls, countless numbers of "0" and "1" flashing across.

Li Ling stood quietly in the data space, dreaming about this mission in his mind, while waiting for Shen Lang and Obediently to appear.

After several time travels, he obtained the cosmic coordinates of this planet, and his martial arts are already at the top level. Li Ling's state of mind has changed greatly.

Standing in the data space, Li Ling was very calm.

After a while, two groups of light, one big and one small, flashed.

Shen Lang and the little cat obediently appeared in front of her eyes.

Li Ling looked at Shen Lang, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

In the eyes of "Tiaotiao" in the past, Shen Lang was a bohemian character.But since joining Shen Lang's army, Li Ling gradually felt that Shen Lang was still the same Shen Lang, but because he carried the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on his shoulders, his temperament was not as good as in front of "Tiaotiao" Free and easy.

Among the army, Shen Lang is the pinnacle of the 40 army. He looks relaxed, but his heart is heavy.And when traveling through time, Shen Lang really let go of his mind and showed his true nature.

Li Ling smiled: "Brother Shen."

(End of this chapter)

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