beauty bible

Chapter 259 We are here to help you!

Chapter 259 We are here to help you!
Li Ling flew around the city of Mingzhou.

At the beginning, she would sing and sing to express her feelings, but after a while, Li Ling only had the slightest tune in her mouth: "La la la la la..."

The zombies still roared and chased Li Ling.

Every time you pass a pit, there will be fewer zombies.

After Li Ling walked around Mingzhou City, she found that the pit she had passed before was stained with dirty blood, and the pit was empty.

"The trap here can be used again..." Li Ling said while flying: "At first, I just wanted to find a high-quality speaker in the mall, and then make a chorus of thousands of people in it." Who knows, the store will recommend me this small trumpet that can be sung by thousands of people."

Li Ling rambled casually, and her words were turned into the same sentence uttered by hundreds of thousands of people at the same time by the black dots around her mouth, which was extremely loud.

"I thought at the time, this is not bad. Put it directly on your mouth. It is very convenient to move. If you want to say it, you can say it. If you don't want to say it, you don't say it." Li Ling said to the zombies below while flying: "But now I find that , My mouth is a little dry after talking for a long time."

"Dry mouth, do you understand? Zombies?" A hint of annoyance flashed across Li Ling's face: "You say, next time I will buy ten or eight of these small speakers, and then let different people stand Azimuth calls you."

"If someone calls, you run. If someone else calls, you run in a different direction..." Li Ling frowned, and said to himself: "In this way, you can run around without bumping into anyone. It's very safe. A master chops melons and cuts vegetables, kills, kills, kills, okay?"

"Aww——" The zombies on the ground couldn't understand what Li Ling was saying. They could only feel the voices of tens of thousands of people in front and above, waiting for them to eat.

Li Ling touched his chin and said while flying: "In addition to the small speaker, buy another gadget that can sing. Put both of them on you. A singing gadget can sing, these ten thousand people The chorus trumpet then processes the sound into the sound of hundreds of thousands of people singing together? Does this also prevent my mouth from drying out?"

Li Ling turned around and flew upside down while spreading his hands towards the zombies on the ground: "It's the first time I use high technology to attract zombies. There are always some things that are not thoughtful. I will reflect on it and improve it in the future to form a system as soon as possible." Plan to trap zombies, okay?"

"Aww——" The zombies ran towards Li Ling, and some evolved zombies tried to jump up.But no matter how they danced, Li Ling was a little higher than them, in a place they couldn't touch.

Li Ling turned around and said while flying: "This is too much of a loss. My ten-thousand-person chorus trumpet worked today. In the future, I will definitely buy a few more for Shen Lang. If I buy again A little singing gadget... In this case, wouldn’t I be the only one who blowjobs?”

"No, no, no," Li Ling blinked at the zombies on the ground: "Actually, in order to buy nutrient solution, I am no longer a rich man. From now on, I will at most buy a few 'tens of thousands of chorus trumpets' for Shen Lang , as for the singing stuff, I won’t buy it.”

Li Ling laughed: "Saving money! Besides, why can't I do it alone!"

Leading the zombies to run wildly, when Li Ling flew around Mingzhou City for a circle and a half, she discovered the Gu Qi team ahead who was cleaning up the zombies.

Li Ling glared at the zombies on the ground: "Look, it's all because of your evolution. You ran too fast, and I had to speed up too much. Now it's all right, we caught up with Gucci, what should we do?"

"Ouch-ouch-" The zombies on the ground howled towards Li Ling high in the sky.

Not far away, Gu Qi and the others looked a bit ugly.

Li Ling shrugged, smiled and said to the zombies on the ground: "You are also tired from running, aren't you? In fact, running around in circles is quite boring, isn't it?"

"What about now? Let's take a little rest." Li Ling said lightly.

The next moment, Li Ling's figure suddenly disappeared in mid-air and appeared in the center of the zombie wave in an instant.

Li Ling's eyes sharpened: "Since this is the case, then I am the only one here!"

After speaking, Li Ling drew his sword out of its sheath and used all his internal strength to kill the surrounding zombies.

The sound of swinging the sword, howling, and the sound of the sword piercing through the flesh, turned into a chorus of hundreds of thousands of people, and rang out in the middle of the zombie group.

The running zombies froze, and then all crowded towards the center of the zombie tide.

Countless zombies crowded towards the place where Li Ling was. Some zombies were pushed, some zombies were trampled by other zombies, and they all headed towards the center of the zombie tide.

In their ears, on the other side of the "companions", there are tens of thousands of human voices.

Li Ling kept swinging the sword, and the bright long sword turned into phantoms around her, protecting her whole body.

For Li Ling, killing zombies is easy, but there are too many zombies. There are zombies flying from all directions and in any direction. She cannot be careless.

Soon, in front of Li Ling's eyes, a hill of zombie "corpses" piled up.

Li Ling took a few steps back and continued to kill!

After such intensive, continuous, and high-intensity killing of zombies, within half an hour, Li Ling frowned slightly, got up and flew.

Li Ling sighed, and while flying forward, said: "I'm a little tired from doing this! I'll take a rest. Let's fly a few 'holes' first, and then get in touch later, okay?"

"Ow, ooh, ooh—"

Li Ling nodded: "I knew you were caring and would agree."

So, Li Ling was thinking about it, and while flying with the zombies, after several cleared earth pits, some of the zombies were missing. Not long after, Li Ling saw Gu Qi's team again.

This time, when Gu Qi and the others saw Li Ling, while cleaning up the zombies, they calmly moved towards Li Ling's direction and saluted from a distance: "Master Li——"

Li Ling nodded towards Gu Qi and the others.

Then, Li Ling jumped into the middle of the zombie wave again and started killing the zombies.

Relying on the pit to kill the zombies, relying on Li Ling to kill the zombies manually, by the time Li Ling ran around Mingzhou City for more than three times, the number of zombies had been reduced by half.

Outside Mingzhou City, zombies and blood were everywhere.

Li Ling was still flying, but her eyes were stained with fatigue.

At the same time, high-intensity killing of zombies, the more zombies, the more frequently Li Ling swung his sword at the same time.No matter how strong a person is, even if his internal energy is endless, if he repeats the same movement under high pressure, his hands will tremble slightly.

Li Ling looked at the zombies on the ground with heavy eyes, and said: "Based on my current feeling, I feel that I can finish you off... But I will be tired and paralyzed! Do you know that when people are tired, they get angry easily. I going to be angry."

"I'm going to be angry..."

"I'm going to be angry..."

"I'm going to be angry..."


The overlapping voices of 10 people uttered such a sentence at the same time, resounding throughout the world.

The deep tone seemed to be the wrath of the gods.

"Ha! Our hero is angry!" A familiar voice sounded.

Li Ling turned to look.

Shen Lang was seen holding a bloody sword in one hand, smiling sideways, and shooting towards her.

Behind Shen Lang, Zhou Yichi flew towards Li Ling with his hands behind his back. Seeing Li Ling, Zhou Yichi's eyes brightened, and he smiled gently: "We are here to help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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