beauty bible

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
Li Ling smiled while flying around the city of Mingzhou: "Actually, I kind of want to sing the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, but I don't know if it's suitable..."

Every word Li Ling uttered seemed to be the chorus of hundreds of thousands of people reading at the same time, loud and powerful.

"Ouch, ouch—" One hundred thousand zombies howled and ran wildly behind Li Ling.

Li Ling glanced at the turbulent sea of ​​blue-black zombies on the ground and curled his lips: "I know, telling you this is meaningless compared to playing the piano."

Li Ling raised his head slightly, looking at the gray-yellow wilderness outside Mingzhou City, the dark green dense forest in the distance, and the mountains with many mountains in the distance. The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, and above them is the gloomy sky.

It was a cloudy day with blustery winds.

Shen Lang and his subordinates are fighting for Mingzhou City.

He clearly knew that this planet would eventually be incorporated by the Great Star Country, but Li Ling felt that even if Shen Lang and the others knew this, they still wanted to take down Mingzhou City.

This is for their people, for their Great Zhou Kingdom.

But what about Li Ling?
Li Ling actually has no sense of belonging to this battle.

She has no sense of belonging to Da Zhou.

When seeing Shen Lang's army fighting, everyone took it for granted, but deep in Li Ling's heart, there was a secret loneliness.

Fighting against zombies is for human life, and Li Lingyi has no hesitation.

As for the battle of Mingzhou City, except for Li Ling, everyone was for the sake of Da Zhou and had no hesitation.

Li Ling felt lonely.

Where is her home?
Where is her country?
Where is her hometown?
She can't find her way home.

They have their Great Zhou Kingdom, what about her?
While flying, Li Ling sang softly: "The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, what a resounding victory song."

The enthusiasm in his eyes gradually dissipated, and Li Ling sang slowly, with longing and loneliness in his voice.

"Singing to our dear motherland, we will be prosperous and strong from now on."

The simple sentence turned into a chorus of tens of thousands of people singing together, which is shocking.

Li Ling continued to sing, and gradually, nostalgia and hope came into his voice.

She got so deep in this world that sometimes, she almost forgot where she came from.

This battle in Mingzhou City aroused thoughts deep in Li Ling's heart.When she first time traveled, she thought that she could return to her own world.How could she be alive, her purpose changed to revenge and save the planet?

The chorus of tens of thousands of people, men and women, old and young, overlapped and sang a piece of music that no one in this world knows.

The strong wind will know, the mountains will know, and the flowing clouds will know.

In this high-pitched chorus that resounds through heaven and earth, there is Li Ling's sense of being unable to return home.

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, and the singing of victory is so loud."

Li Ling looked at the sky and sang this song, as if he was still an ignorant child. There are still too many beautiful things to believe in, and too many futures to look forward to in the world.In a blink of an eye, time passed and the whole world changed.

Time cannot go back.The world cannot go back.I can't go back to my hometown.

There is no home between heaven and earth.

"Singing to our dear motherland, we will be prosperous and strong from now on."


The turbulent blue-gray zombies chased "the voice of tens of thousands of people".

Suddenly, the entire row of zombies chasing at the front suddenly fell down and fell into a huge pit.

In the pit, there are several rows of densely sharpened wooden thorns.

"Puff——" "Puff—" "Puff—" several times, some zombies were directly pierced through the head by long wooden thorns, and some zombies were pierced through the body, and fell into the pit and were newly dropped. The zombies pressed down——

"Ow, ooh, ooh—"

Howls continued.

The zombies chasing behind ran fast and pushed all the zombies in front into the pit until the entire pit was filled with zombies.The zombies in the back row stepped on the "filled" pit and continued to run forward, chasing Li Ling.

After a moment.

"Puff—" "Puff—" "Puff—"

Another pit full of sharp wooden thorns.

After a few breaths, the pit was "filled up" by the zombie's body.

Li Ling flew around the city of Mingzhou.

And in the wilderness outside Mingzhou City, there are earth pits with wooden thorns at every distance.

The zombies chasing Li Ling kept falling into pits one after another.

After a while, Gu Qi appeared in front of a pit with several small officers.

Gu Qi looked at the zombies that had been trampled into human shapes in the pit, twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Hurry up, clear out all the zombies in the pit, Master Li will run back with these zombies in a circle later. "

Li Ling asked Shen Lang to dig countless earth pits outside Mingzhou City, and sharp wooden thorns were stuck in the earth pits.

Li Ling ran with the zombies and let the zombies fall into the pit by themselves.After Li Ling ran away, Gu Qi and others cleaned up the zombies in the pit.Then, Li Ling ran around Mingzhou City, and the zombies could fall into the pits "one more time", and these pits could repeatedly "kill" the zombies.

In this way, one hundred thousand zombies would need Li Ling to keep flying and flying in circles.But this trick is extremely safe.

No one will be hurt!

Gu Qi said loudly: "Before cleaning up the zombies, remember to poke their heads first."


The little officers looked at the zombie without a human form, and while moving it outside, they said: "Master Gu, this zombie is's already inhuman. Bah! There's only one head left, and it's still moving!"

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows: "Don't forget to poke a knife. Master Li came up with such a safe way to kill zombies. If you are bitten yourself, you will be ashamed!"

"Yes, hahahaha..." The young officer couldn't help but said while cleaning the rotten flesh of the zombies: "Master Gu, you are familiar with Master Li. Do you know what Mr. Li's, that trumpet for ten thousand people's chorus is? "

What Li Ling said today resounded loudly, so naturally countless people heard what she said.

Gu Qi looked up at the direction of Li Ling's flight, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Then—" The little officer is also an acquaintance who often fights with Gu Qi and Li Ling, and continued to ask: "Does Master Gu know what song Master Li sang? How come the little one has never heard of it?" .”

Gu Qi paused, and lowered his head slightly: "I don't know either."

Gu Qi had never heard Li Ling sing, but she could hear the nostalgic meaning in Li Ling's voice.And this song is sung in the country.Gu Qi secretly thought, could it be that this Master Li Ling Li is not actually from their Great Zhou Kingdom?

It's just such a guess, but Gucci dared not and was unwilling to say it.

Not long after, the "corpses" of the zombies in the pit were moved out and placed on the side of the road as a roadblock to prevent the zombies from running in other directions.

Seeing this, Gucci raised his hand: "Go! Clear the next trap!"


The people of Gu Qi's team quickly ran to the next pit, continued to poke the zombies, and cleaned up the zombies in the pit.

In this way, Li Ling flew in the sky, the zombies chased on the ground, and Gu Qi and others cleaned up the zombie "corpses" in the trap behind the tide of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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