beauty bible

Chapter 239 Food Delivery

Chapter 239 Food Delivery
Zhen Shiming said calmly, this time he came here to assist him from the side, so he will not enter the town, but stay outside the town with the nineteen survivors who were "picked up" by Li Ling, so as not to have any accidents.

Li Ling nodded.

Then, she took Gucci and twelve other soldiers into the town.

The soldiers are all wearing armor that covers the whole body and have weapons. As long as they don't encounter too many evolved zombies and don't relax their vigilance, they can basically move forward smoothly.

Li Lingfei was in front of them, not only leading the way, but also taking the lead in cleaning up the zombies.

Li Ling swung his long sword, and the sharp sword energy instantly exploded the heads of five or six zombies, causing a gust of wind, and a row of zombies immediately lay across the road.

Every step forward, there were rows of zombies lying at Li Ling's feet.

Li Ling killed the zombies very quickly, which greatly relieved the pressure on the twelve soldiers behind him.

The twelve soldiers stood back to each other and killed the zombies rushing out from both sides.

Gu Qi watched all directions and found that there were too many zombies on the left side of the soldiers, so he flew to the left side to kill the zombies.When you find a zombie on the right side of the soldier, jump to the right side again to reduce the pressure on the soldier on the right side.

Along the way, the "corpses" of countless zombies began to pile up on the ground.

The small town in the mountains is lush with green trees, but there is no sound of living people.After being in desolation for several months, this small town was activated by the vanguard team. Countless zombies heard the noise and ran towards Li Ling and the dozen or so people howling.

With Li Ling present, the vanguard team went very smoothly.

Not long after, these dozen or so people killed the grain store on the west side.

The grain store is a small courtyard with a small warehouse, which is full of grain, and there are several small carts in the grain store.

Li Ling and Gu Qi entered the food store first, preparing to clean up the zombies in the food store, and then let the soldiers carry the food.

There weren't too many zombies in the food store, but after a while, the two finished cleaning up the zombies.

Gu Qi glanced at Li Ling.

Li Ling nodded.

Gu Qi said: "Start moving the food."

Several soldiers began to load the food into the carts, while Gu Qi and several other soldiers guarded the outside to block the zombies rushing outside.

Li Ling said: "I'll go out and see if I can meet any survivors."

Gucci clasped his fists: "Yes."

Before Li Ling stepped out of the store, he heard a laughing female voice: "Yes!"

Li Ling was startled and turned around to look. He saw a stone slab being pushed open on the ground on one side of the small courtyard of the Lianghang. A beautiful fifteen-year-old girl with fair skin and a gray gauze skirt came climbing up from the ground.

The young girl's face was clean, her clothes were neat and her hair was in a neat bun. She stepped on the ground and looked at Li Ling with a smile. Her eyes lit up, she bent her knees softly with a smile, and said, "I've seen this young master."

The girl's facial features are beautiful, her eyes are bright, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and she bows profusely, and her whole body is as charming as the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River.

If it weren't for being in a world full of zombies, everything about this girl would be normal.But in this small town full of zombies, this girl is still living in a peaceful world in the past, which is too abnormal.

Li Ling frowned slightly.

The nineteen people she brought out before, even if they were alive, they were all haggard and panic-stricken.But this girl's state is really not like an ordinary person.

Whether she is a normal person or not, now Li Ling has no time to argue with her.

Li Ling opened his mouth: "We are soldiers of Dazhou, we will take you out, just wait a moment."

The girl's eyes widened, she walked towards Li Ling, and said softly: "But the food in this food store belongs to my family. If you take them all away, isn't it the same as robbing?"

Li Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm very busy. If you want to worry about these things, wait a while."

After speaking, Li Ling didn't talk to her any more, and flew out of the food store, and started shouting on the street, searching for survivors.

The girl put away the smile on her face and slowly lowered her face. She glanced at the soldiers and Gu Qi who were carrying food and fighting zombies in the food store, shook her head and snorted.

The last time Li Ling flew into the town, she flew silently, finding traces of living people before going in to search.This time, she flew very fast and called loudly. If someone responded, she would go back to save them.

Not long after, Li Ling returned to the food store with five survivors in his hands.

The grain in the grain line was also loaded into the cart by the soldiers.

There are five carts full of grain.

Five soldiers were in charge of pushing the cart, and other soldiers were guarding the outside. Gu Qi and Li Ling were in charge of opening the way, and headed out of the town again.

The five survivors walked slowly with the cart, holding small packages in fear.

But the girl who came out of the food store sat on a cart with a smile on her face, with her feet up, looking like she was watching a show, she sat on the cart and applauded.

Twelve soldiers rushed on the road continuously, killing zombies and carrying things, and they had to run around again later, and then continued on their way back to the army.

The girl sat on the stroller with a relaxed face, smiling all over her face.The soldier pushing the cart looked a bit ugly.

While killing the zombies, Gu Qi gave the girl a hard look: "Come down!"

The girl opened her mouth to Gucci, smiled, floated slightly, and landed on another cart.

Gu Qi's face turned blue.

This young girl is young, but she is good at light work.

She is also a woman and also knows martial arts. Gu Qi tried her best to kill zombies, but this girl lived in a food store in the small town because of her martial arts. Li Ling naturally liked Gu Qi more in her heart.

Seeing this girl bickering with Gu Qi, Gu Qi couldn't engage in more verbal arguments in order to kill the zombies, as if he had lost to this girl.In addition, Li Ling didn't like this girl's frivolous attitude towards the soldiers who worked hard to kill zombies.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ling's body suddenly disappeared from the front of the zombie killer and appeared directly opposite the girl.

A handsome face suddenly appeared in front of her, and the girl turned pale in shock, and said in surprise, "You—"

Li Ling shouted: "I didn't see that you were sick, get off right away!"

Seeing Li Ling's unfathomable martial arts and his cold expression, the girl with a relaxed and smiling face froze, slowly climbed out of the car, followed the five survivors, and walked obediently.

After the girl got out of the car, Li Ling's figure flickered, and he flew back to the front, continuing to kill zombies on his way.

Seeing this situation, Gu Qi glanced at the girl, only thinking that Li Ling had helped her out, so he couldn't help but smiled smugly.Even the twelve soldiers had faint smiles on their faces.

In this doomsday, a delicate and beautiful girl, and a girl who can fight with a gun, everyone will like the latter.

Of course, if it is a strong man who is willing to kill zombies for the common people, it will be easier to win hearts and respect.

(End of this chapter)

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