beauty bible

Chapter 238 Military Merit

Chapter 238 Military Merit
Li Ling, Zhen Shiming, Gu Qi, and twelve other soldiers walked through the mountain road.

In the army, horses are valuable goods.

A second-rank officer like Zhen Shiming can own horses, and a heavenly powerhouse like Li Ling can naturally own horses.

But the vanguard team is mainly here to explore the road, and sometimes they encounter roads that are difficult for horses to pass.

Therefore, in this team, everyone walks or flies, and no one rides a horse.

Most of the time, the vanguard team was flying on the road. When the twelve soldiers were exhausted and unable to fly, they stopped and walked for a while, and then continued to fly forward when they recovered.

Ever since they knew that Li Ling was the third strongest martial artist in the world, Gu Qi and the other twelve soldiers looked at Li Ling in awe, never daring to underestimate this young man with a delicate face!
In this world, no one can cheat on the beam of light on the leaderboard.

No matter how unbelievable or impossible this young boy in front of him is, he is the real No. [-] in the world!
Gu Qi and the twelve soldiers put aside their previous doubts about Li Ling's ability, and began to feel that it was a great honor for them to be able to perform missions with the most powerful people in the sky!

Everyone in the vanguard team was good at martial arts, so almost noon, they arrived at the town pointed by Shen Lang.

A soldier took out the package on his back and took out the dry food, which was shared among a dozen people.

Li Lingcai presented the nutrient solution yesterday, but the nutrient solution has not yet been officially used.

Twelve soldiers sat together, eating dry food in silence.

Li Ling, Zhen Shiming and Gu Qi sat together.

After biting half of the dry pancake and taking a sip of water, Li Ling's stomach was already [-]% full.

Gu Qi glanced at Li Ling and Zhen Shiming, and said: "My lords, this mountain road is rough and difficult to navigate. There is no smooth road, and the road is full of thorns, so it is not suitable for marching. It seems... this road cannot be considered as a marching route. .”

Zhen Shiming nodded: "When you go back, just report it."

Li Ling said, "I'll go to the town first. If I see any survivors, I'll send them here and let you protect them."

Zhen Shiming nodded: "First, the survivors. Second, food storage, and third, supplies. As for the others, Mr. Li, you are the captain of the vanguard team, so it's up to you to decide what to do."

Li Ling nodded, took the last bite of the pancake, and said to Gu Qi, "You guys wait here."

After finishing speaking, Li Ling flew up, as light as a swallow, and flew into the town in an instant.

Gu Qi looked at the back of Li Ling's departure for a moment, and lowered his head.

Zhen Shiming ate the big cake, and said: "Master Li is from the Jianghu, and he doesn't know the rules of the officialdom. He thought that he would go in to rescue the people, go in and get the food, and he could protect the safety of the thirteen of you, but he didn't think about it. Do you want to make meritorious service?"

Gu Qi lowered his head: "As a soldier, naturally you should obey the commander's order."

Zhen Shiming nodded: "Yes. But Mr. Li has just joined the army and there are some things he doesn't understand. You can mention it. If he insists on doing this, of course you can only obey the order. If he listens to you and changes the order, From now on, not only will the soldiers be convinced, but you may also become someone that Mr. Li can trust."

Gucci raised his eyes, his eyes lit up: "Yes!"


Relying on his strong martial arts, Li Ling is not afraid of zombies, entered a town full of zombies, and flew slowly above the town.

Occasionally, one or two evolved zombies were so fast that they could leap up and jump near Li Ling, but they were all pierced through the head by Li Ling's sword.

Li Ling was flying in the sky, and after a while, he found another house closed. Although there was no one in the house, there were fresh vegetables growing in the courtyard.

Li Ling's eyes lit up, and he flew into the small courtyard.

After searching for a long time, but no one was found, he called out.

Not long after, a family of seven, old and young, crawled out from the floor of the master bedroom. When they saw Li Ling, it was as if they had seen a savior.

Li Ling told them that she was sent by Da Zhou's army to rescue the people.The seven people burst into tears immediately, and they were rescued!

Li Ling asked the adults to hold the child, and took the three of them with one hand, directly took the family out of the town, and sent them to where Zhen Shiming and others were.

Li Ling asked the seven people if there were any living people in the town. The seven people shook their heads and said that since the end of the world, their family had been secretly hiding in the basement. Several months had passed, and they did not dare to go out at all, and they did not know what was going on outside.

Hearing this, Li Ling flew into the town again, and not long after, she brought back a man who looked like a beggar.

When people are alive, there will always be traces of life.Li Ling couldn't see any survivors, so he tried his best to search for traces of living people.

Going back and forth like this several times, Li Ling brought out nearly twenty survivors without wasting much effort.

Gu Qi couldn't help sighing: "For the strong in the sky, some things are really like getting something out of a pocket."

If Gu Qi brought soldiers into the town and wanted to rescue seven people, he might lose a few soldiers, and he might not be able to escape from the town full of zombies.But for Li Ling, it was too easy.

When Li Ling entered the town again, she spent a lot of time without finding any survivors.

Li Lingfei went back to where Gu Qi and the others were, and asked Zhen Shiming how they usually find survivors.

Zhen Shiming: "Let the strong enter the town and find out where the food is stored. Soldiers enter the town and go straight to the location of the food. Then the strong man shouts loudly. If the people respond, they will be rescued and escorted out together with the food. .”

Let the strong shout loudly, and if the people respond, they will be rescued...

Li Ling understood, she thought for a while: "If the common people respond, but when they respond, they summon zombies before waiting for the strong..."

The baby-faced Zhen Shiming said with a businesslike face, "There is no way. The army is going to Jinlin City as soon as possible, and we don't have time to attack the towns along the way one by one. And more powerful men have been sent to protect the people accompanying the army."

Li Ling nodded, expressing his understanding.

There are so many people in this world, even if Shen Lang's army goes directly to Jinlin City, it is impossible for him to go through the entire Great Zhou territory and save everyone.

I can only save as much as possible.

Thinking about it this way, perhaps, when Shen Lang's army and the people accompanying the army arrive at Jinlin City, there will still be many survivors living in their own towns in the land of the Great Zhou and unable to get out.

A feeling of gratitude rose in Li Ling's heart, glad that he chose to register this planet as a member of the Great Star Kingdom.

Although it will take a long time, at least these survivors who are still trapped in the zombie city have a glimmer of hope in the future.

Li Ling asked the nineteen survivors where the food in the town was stored.

These 19 people are very clear about this matter.

There are two food stores in the town, the second market on the west side and the fifth street on the east side.

Li Ling had just entered the small town, so when he heard it like this, he knew it well.

Li Ling turned to look at Gu Qi and the others.

Gu Qi's eyes lit up, and he said loudly: "My lord, we also want to kill zombies and get food."

Twelve soldiers also echoed.

Li Ling looked at Gu Qi and the twelve soldiers, saw the fiery fighting spirit in their eyes, and understood.

Since they came, they didn't come here to be protected and walk around casually. They also wanted to kill zombies and gain military merits!
Li Ling nodded: "OK."

(End of this chapter)

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