beauty bible

Chapter 227 Net Red

Chapter 227 Net Red
Li Ling once lived in that high-tech world for a while, and she still remembers that she signed a contract with the Big Universe Live Broadcasting Company for 600 Star Coins, then broke the contract, and was forced to live broadcast for two full months!
She still remembers the first time she appeared in a hospital in that world with a heavy poison in her body, and when she woke up, she was burdened with a debt of tens of thousands of yuan.

At that time, she was helpless because of the tens of thousands of yuan in debt.

Later, she paid back the debt owed by Cang Xiaojun and the debt owed by the hospital by tipping her live broadcast.

The debt had already been settled, but Li Ling knew very well that about [-] Star Coins would be enough for a person to live normally in that world for a year.

And now?
Her live broadcast account has one billion star coins!
According to the contract signed with the Big Universe Live Broadcasting Company, the [-]-[-] split, that is to say, she can get [-] million star coins.

[-] million star coins!
Li Ling stared at the tipping amount that was still beating in front of her eyes, feeling a little incredulous.

This windfall came easily!It was as if she had found a lottery ticket all of a sudden, the first prize!
Li Ling was already very surprised when he saw the reward amount last time.But when he saw the tip amount again at this time, Li Ling felt completely different from last time.

Last time, Li Ling used the tip amount to repay the debt, but she could only stare blankly at the money on the hemisphere of the live broadcast.But now it's different, now that she has the cosmic coordinates, she can immediately go online to buy anything she wants and transmit it instantly.

The [-] million star coins looked golden, which made Li Ling smile subconsciously.

"Cough." Li Ling coughed and put away his smile.

Now is not her comfortable and peaceful modern world. With money, you can buy and buy as you like online.This is the end of the world, and she still needs to buy nutrient solution!I hope these [-] million star coins can play a role.

Li Ling exhaled, clicked on his account page, and applied to withdraw Star Coins.

This time, the star coins were not withdrawn immediately.

Li Ling was slightly stunned. She remembered that the last time she withdrew the Star Coin to pay off the debt, she directly withdrew the Star Coin and transferred it to Cang Xiaojun and the hospital's account!Why not this time?

Could it be that the amount is larger, what procedures are needed to withdraw the Star Coin from the account?
When Li Ling was wondering, a new message popped up on the translucent screen in front of him.

When Li Ling saw that the message was signed "Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company", he immediately clicked on it.

On the translucent screen, a few lines of words with a discussion tone appeared.

"Hello, dear broadcaster, I'm very sorry, the system temporarily froze your operation of withdrawing star coins. Please don't be angry, don't be anxious, the big universe live broadcast company will not confiscate your star coins from the broadcaster."

"Dear broadcaster, your account 'Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao' live account has received many reports from users. Since this account has received too many reports, the system must formalize the problem and will report The content is handed over to the system brother for review."

"The little brother of the system checked the keywords in thousands of reports, and came to the conclusion that the fans of the account 'Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao' thought that the real owner of the account might have passed away, so they came to extract the stars. Coins, it may just be someone else who got the account of the broadcaster.”

"Therefore, the system determines that as long as the broadcaster broadcasts live on the Internet once for more than 30 seconds, let all fans see the broadcaster's face, confirm that the broadcaster is not dead, and do not repeat the report. As long as fans see The live broadcast of the broadcaster, the star coins on the account can be immediately unfrozen, allowing instant withdrawal of star coins."

"If this causes trouble to the broadcaster, the system is very sorry. I hope the broadcaster can understand, this is based on the requirements of many fans and users, and the system made the request in a humanized way."

"Sorry again."

After reading the long string of words, Li Ling touched his chin.

Among those who watched the live broadcast, many people really thought that she stopped the live broadcast because she was killed because she leaked the martial arts secrets?

And now, she has to prove that she is herself when she withdraws the star coins? !

Li Ling thought about it, no matter what, she needed the [-] million star coins.

Li Ling clicked on the live broadcast function of the live hemisphere.

The account "Li Tiaotiaotiaotiaotiaotiaoqijitiao", after stopping live broadcasting for several months, has reappeared in live broadcast videos.

A beautiful girl stood in the forest in the morning light.

The fans in the live broadcast room suddenly boiled over, and countless comments were quickly swiped.

"Wow... the host! It's really the host! She's still alive!"

"Alive! It's not easy!"

"Everyone, come and watch! It's a fraud!"

"It's great that the broadcaster is still alive!"



Facing the live broadcast, it was the first time that Li Ling faced the rapidly provoking comments so directly, as if she really saw a lot of people watching her.

Li Ling was slightly nervous, but she still followed the system and faced the live broadcast account.

"Hello!" Li Ling greeted and smiled a little: "I'm still alive. There was a reason for the continuous live broadcast before. The reason for the end of the live broadcast is that I didn't intend to make the live broadcast a part of my life. Thank you for your concern, thank you Reward, this account may not live broadcast again in the future, even if it broadcasts again, it will not be broadcast continuously for a long time like before."

"Damn it--the broadcaster has always played live TV in the past, and he is so cold, so he can still have a cordial conversation?"

"Hahahaha... I won't be broadcasting continuously in the future. This must be caught by someone in the family. Don't let the secrets of martial arts be revealed anymore! The broadcaster can give real martial arts moves, the broadcaster is a good man!"

"Good broadcaster! Why didn't you show up before? Could it be that he was imprisoned by the Guwu family, and now he is finally released?"

"Blog host, you seem to be much, much more beautiful? Come on! You look familiar to me!"

"The broadcaster has a good appearance and good acting skills. This live broadcast account has also gained a certain popularity. May I ask if the broadcaster has considered developing in the entertainment industry? If you are interested, the broadcaster can private message me. I am from 'Kan Qi Studio' Manager Fangfang."

"Don't play haha, broadcaster, please answer me positively and seriously, where are the cosmic coordinates of the vampires and mirror clans that appear on your account?"


Looking at the comments that popped up like an explosion, Li Ling was speechless for a moment. The focus of her life now is still in this apocalyptic world full of zombies. How can she have time to answer so many questions.

Li Ling smiled at the camera: "Thank you for your attention. Sorry, I have to spend more time on my own three-dimensional, and I can't answer your questions one by one. Goodbye, if I have time and opportunity, I will come up and be serious Read comments, reply to comments."

After speaking, Li Ling directly turned off the live camera.

Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief when the live video screen went black.

This short exchange of words made it seem as if she had become a very famous internet celebrity.

(End of this chapter)

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