beauty bible

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

After sending Li Ling's official application document to the Planetary Administration Bureau, and then transmitting his order, Xia Qi soon received a definite reply from the Planetary Administration Bureau.

Xia Qi stood up, with cold eyes, walked to the counter in the rest area, took a bottle of red wine, and poured it into the glass.

Seeing the red liquid filling the wine glass, Xia Qi picked up the wine glass, walked straight to the long silver table and sat down.

Xia Qi raised the wine glass, put it to his mouth and took a sip, a warm smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

The wine entered his throat, warming his stomach, body, and heart. Xia Qi put the wine glass on the long silver table.

I don't know why, but at this moment, he suddenly felt unprecedentedly relaxed, leisurely, and happy, just like he felt when he sat silently in the corner of the celebration banquet after a hard battle, when their fifth legion won a complete victory.

Xia Qi relaxed his muscles, leaned back on the chair behind him, and looked at the ceiling of the ship that would never change.

He fought for ten years, and even though there were many difficult moments, he never felt that there was any problem with his lifestyle.

Fighting has been engraved in his bones. It is his instinct, his obligation, and his glory.

The world of flowers is so frivolous and meaningless.Only in the dark universe, in the battles of life and death, can he feel the meaning of life.

Soldiers, everything is for pure human race!
But today, Xia Qi suddenly felt that the unchanging ceiling above his head was a little dull.

An impulse welled up in his heart.

As a soldier, he is loyal to the pure human race!Be loyal to the country!Be loyal to the army!Also be loyal to yourself!

Xia Qi immediately connected to Qin Jun's communication number.

Qin Jun's solemn voice sounded in the earphones: "Marshal!"

Xia Qi's voice was calm: "Adjust the rhythm of the battle and step up the attack. Within a month, I want to see the tide of the Zerg army ebb."


Xia Qi said slowly: "Apply for a vacation for me. After one month, I will apply for a vacation for half a year. I will transfer my fastest private spaceship. I will travel for half a year."

"Yes! Wait! Marshal, what did you say?"

"As you heard, I will not repeat what I said."

Qin Jun's voice in the earphone hesitated: "Marshal, you haven't had a vacation for so many years, so it's natural to apply for a vacation now. It's just...just, didn't His Majesty just send you back to the front line? This, this is the time to return to the front line I will apply for leave soon, His Majesty... will it be?"

Xia Qidao: "I know what I'm doing, that's enough."


Xia Qi picked up the wine glass, closed his eyes and took a sip of the red wine.

Xia Qi's personal spaceships are all made according to the specifications of the highest warships. They have both combat and defense functions, and are naturally much faster than ordinary civilian spaceships.

Half a year is enough for him to fly to the planet where Li Ling is, and then fly back to the area where he is now.

With half a glass of wine in his stomach, Xia Qi only felt his heart surge, and his murderous intentions arose.

Silently pushed the seat away and stood up, Xia Qi strode towards the war zone.

It is really a rebellious idea to go all the way to meet a netizen.Xia Qi thought silently in his heart: He obeyed his father's orders, joined the army as an adult, never disobeyed his father's orders, and never had any period of rebellion.Now, he is finally tired of watching the scene outside the battleship, is he going to rebel for a while?
Xia Qi strode to the outer cabin of the command ship. Amidst the solemn voices of two rows of soldiers saying "I've seen the marshal!", he jerked his body upwards, raised his gun towards the area with the highest concentration of Zerg, and killed him!
Fight, fight!

kill kill kill!

Xia Qi's eyes were burning hot, and his heart was full of fighting spirit!
Today, if you don't kill him, you will never stop!


Li Ling closed the chat screen with Prince Killing Chong, and then opened his live account.

Li Ling was stunned when he saw the situation on his live broadcast account.

Many days after she stopped live streaming, under the account "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao", the number of fans, comments, and the amount of rewards all increased crazily.

The moment she opened the account, she saw that her fan value jumped from 181110066 to 181110198.

Li Ling couldn't help counting: "One, ten, hundred, thousand... billion? Billion?"

"Wow... This account actually has 8000 million followers?" Li Ling couldn't believe it.

Li Ling thought for a while. In her memory, the fans of a big star from one planet only amounted to tens of millions... So, her account already had fans from more than one planet?

Li Ling tilted his head, although compared with the population of countless planets in the Great Star Country, such a fan value is only a drop in the ocean, but 8000 million!Did she somehow become an Internet celebrity in the Star Kingdom? !

Li Ling scrolled down and saw the scrolling comments.

A netizen, "I have a headache today and my back hurts the day after tomorrow" commented: "Thanks to the broadcaster. I am a farmer who owns a farm. I live a worry-free life. I have learned martial arts since I was a child. It is a pity that the martial arts of the Guwu family are not passed on to the outside world. Therefore, Even if I live to be 80 years old, I will never have the chance to experience real martial arts. Broadcaster, you don’t know, I once knelt at the outer gate of the Guwu family for three days and three nights, willing to spend all my wealth, just to be a servant of the Guwu family… …Unfortunately, it failed. It wasn’t until I saw the broadcaster’s live broadcast that I came into contact with martial arts for the first time! Broadcaster, you clearly understand the meaning of this live broadcast to me, so I’m willing to reward this account with half of my wealth, To express my gratitude to the podcaster.”

Some netizens replied: "Lying grass... a local tyrant! Farmer! Couldn't be the farmer who owns the entire farming planet!"

Netizen "Anonymous User" commented: "This live host has not updated her account for many days, and there is no news. I suspect that she has been silently silenced by the family because she leaked the family's unworldly martial arts... In other words, I will report this The live broadcaster of the account has died, can you confirm this? Will the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company take action?"

Many netizens silently liked this comment.

Netizen "I'm the whistleblower next door to the administrative building" commented: "Hi! Say something privately. I got an inside message that the broadcaster of this live account is not a film and television company or something, but a real broadcaster from an unknown planet. .”

The comments on this floor were ridiculed by many netizens.How could it be so easy for an unknown planet to appear in the clear sky?Moreover, netizens soon discovered that this account was a new account, and they all said that he was here to find out.And the landlord did not show up again.


Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the constantly provocative reward amount, his heartbeat quickening.

She can now shop online through the live broadcast of the hemisphere!The amount on the live account is no longer a string of intangible numbers, but real money that can be exchanged for items!
Reward amount: 1006473282
One billion star coins? !

(End of this chapter)

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