beauty bible

Chapter 214 1 Instant Madness

Chapter 214
There was a tingling pain on the back of the hand, as if the skin had been cut.Shen Lang closed his eyes and remained motionless.

The tingling pain on the back of the hand intensified again, as if someone was cutting the damaged flesh with a sharp weapon.The slow knife cuts the flesh, the same flesh is cut, the deeper the cut, the more painful it is...

Shen Lang slammed up with his right hand!
Something small and soft was slapped aside by him!
Shen Lang suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

There are extremely small hollow flowers on the green curtain.

"It hurts me to death..." Shen Lang touched the back of his neck with one hand, and sat up frowning.

This is clearly the bed where he sleeps every day.

Shen Lang's heart skipped a beat when he swept a ball of white snow onto the bed.

Quickly picking up the snow-white thing, Shen Lang also saw the deep bloodstains on the back of his hand from being scratched by the cat's paw.

Wine, jumping, sticks...

It was the kitten who woke him up with its paws just now, but he slapped him firmly!

Shen Lang's heart beat wildly: "My dear? My dear! My dear, how are you doing?"

The little cat drooped its eyelids and shook its head slowly.

"Hey, I'll take you to the cabinet to hide first, I have to find Tiaotiao—" Shen Lang jumped up and sent the kitten to the cabinet.

Kitten nodded.

Shen Lang turned around and ran wildly.

How long had he been unconscious?
A sharp pain rose in his heart, and Shen Lang thought of the seven men who died at home...

Why are you so careless in this environment!

Why do you think that the man who died was the man who stayed in the Xichun Tower overnight? He and Tiaotiao will be fine!
jump jump!jump jump!jump jump!

Everything is fine, as long as you are alive!

Even if we meet again decades later, you and I have different identities, strangers and estrangement, it is better than you disappearing in this world, making this world lack a piece of regret.

Shen Lang's figure flashed across the night corridor until he stopped at the door of Li Ling's room.

The door is closed.

Shen Lang took a breath and opened the door——

Can't push.

When Shen Lang lowered his eyes, he saw that the door was locked.

Gathering his inner strength, he hit the door lock hard, and Shen Lang quickly pushed the door open.

After entering the room, only a few steps away, Shen Lang saw Li Ling lying on the bed.

The beauty lay sideways on the bed, still asleep, as if she didn't feel anything, exactly the same as when he carried her to bed.

Shen Lang's face was tense, and he walked forward quickly.

Only then did he see that there was another person on the bed!
Yuan Jun was lying inside Li Ling, his cheeks were flushed, his brows were frowning with dissatisfaction, and he was talking vaguely.

Li Ling's face was also bright red, as if he was still drunk, and there was a hint of wine in his shallow breath.

Shen Lang couldn't help laughing out loud.

With his eyebrows relaxed and a few hearty laughs, Shen Lang grabbed Yuan Jun's arm and lifted him out.

Yuan Jun seemed impatient to the extreme, and said furiously: "I really think Yuan Jun is made of dough, so wanton insult!"

Shen Lang ignored him, pulled Yuan Jun out of the bed, put him on the ground, supported him with one hand, and dragged him out.

"Fairy..." Yuan Jun murmured, and threw himself into Shen Lang's arms: "Fairy..."

Yuan Jun's body was boiling hot, which was a bit unusual!
Shen Lang frowned.

First knock Shen Lang unconscious, and then lock Yuan Jun and Li Ling in the same room, could it be...

Shen Lang scanned the room with his eyes.

The windows are closed.A small golden censer was placed in the corner of the room, and a little bit of charming fragrance slowly wafted from the censer.

Shen Lang hit the back of Yuan Jun's neck with one hand, Yuan Jun snorted and fell limp to the ground.

After knocking Yuan Jun unconscious, Shen Lang felt an evil fire rising in his body, and something was about to move in his body and heart...

Shen Lang stood straight, unable to move.Turning her head slowly, she looked at the beauty sleeping soundly on the bed.

She looks very beautiful and is getting more and more beautiful. He doesn't know when he started thinking about her.

Because she is beautiful?
Shen Lang didn't know.

Shen Lang knew rationally.

He is the general Wang Shenlang, and he is a courtier.The emperor had already made it clear to him that this beauty was the emperor's woman.

He is the king, and he, Shen Lang, is the courtier.

He is the brother who grew up together since he was a child, and he is the master to whom Shen Lang plans to devote his whole life.

In this world, there has never been a reason for courtiers and the emperor to rob a woman.

He Shen Lang wants to compete with a brother for a woman, this kind of thing is really ridiculous.

He should regress, he regressed early, he sensibly knew where this little girl belonged, but how many times, he forgot this.

My body felt hot, and there was heat in my chest.

For a moment, Shen Lang felt that he had gone crazy!
Fuck sanity!

Fuck the monarchs and ministers!

Living in this world, he is struggling with life and death every day, why can't he indulge once!He is fascinated by her, how can he be rational!

He wished he could hold her in his arms every day and tell her his heart!Why did he have to endure it? !Why did he have to back up and back up again, watching a little kid show courteousness in front of her!

He could end countless lives on the battlefield, but he couldn't say a word of his heart in front of a little woman.How fucking ridiculous!
What is sanity?
What is forbearance?
Shen Lang gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and walked towards the bed step by step.

Jump, jump, you don't don't know...Brother Shen can't say anything.

Yuan Jun can express everything in front of you so unscrupulously, but Brother Shen can only think of himself as a good brother.

The thoughts in the body are about to move around, making people lose their minds and making people feel irritable...

Shen Lang's body was hot, and he sat down slowly on the edge of the bed, watching the beauty sleep soundly.

Just treat it as if you were fascinated by the fragrant medicine, okay?
Just treat Big Brother Shen as just a mindless man right now, okay?

Just a little while, just a little while.

Shen Lang's big palm picked up Li Ling's white and tender hand, and slowly lowered his head.

A soft kiss landed on the back of Li Ling's hand.

Shen Lang's body was boiling hot, and his heart was as soft as a pool of water.

He bowed his head and gave a wry smile.

A tear fell on the back of Bai Nen's hand.

Shen Lang closed his eyes and said: "Tiaotiao, just pretend that none of this has ever happened. Just pretend that nothing about Brother Shen has ever happened. From now on, Brother Shen will be a good brother, really."

Shen Lang put Li Ling's hand back and stood up.After a few steps, he walked to a corner of the room, picked up the small incense burner, opened the window, picked up Yuan Jun on the ground, and dragged him out.

Without looking back, Shen Lang closed the door and quickly returned to his room.

Shen Lang raised his head and said to the kitten on the cabinet: "I'm not feeling well, you should go and see her. If there are any bad people, please let me know?"

The little cat looked at the abnormally red-faced Shen Lang, nodded indiscernibly, jumped to the ground slowly, and went out the door.

Calling for water in the middle of the night was very troublesome, Shen Lang grabbed Yuan Jun, flew him to a nearby stream, and jumped into the icy water with Yuan Jun.

Shocked by the icy stream, Yuan Jun opened his eyes furiously: "I can't bear it anymore! Who is serving you tonight! You should die!"

Shen Lang snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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