beauty bible

Chapter 213 Drunkenness

Chapter 213 Drunkenness
After Li Ling returned to the Xichun Tower, he handed over obediently to Shen Lang, then fell on the bed and tossed and turned on the bed for a long time. By the time she fell asleep, it was already morning.

Li Ling didn't care, and slept until evening.

When he woke up, Li Ling's stomach had already started singing endlessly.

Li Ling opened the door and was about to order dinner when he saw Yuan Jun holding a tray with a disheveled face.

On the tray, there are more than a dozen pastries that look a little bad but are full of fragrance.

Yuan Jun seemed to have not slept all the time, his eyes were dark, he saw Li Ling open the door and put the tray up, his eyes were bright, as if the person who was pale and sad last night was not him, he smiled and said: "No please I go in?"

Li Ling leaned aside and let Yuan Jun enter the room. Seeing Yuan Jun put the tray on the table, Li Ling sighed: "You did it?"

"Well," Yuan Jun turned around and smiled: "Fairy, don't waste it!"

"Gululu..." Li Ling's stomach sang at the same time.

Yuan Jun opened his mouth and smiled silently.

Li Ling thought for a while, then turned around and sat down at the table, then turned to look at Yuan Jun sitting on the side: "It's very fragrant, and the fragrance is also very special."

"Eat quickly!" Yuan Jun pointed to the pastries on the table: "Mother Sun taught me how to make them last night. She often makes pastries for her adopted son and daughter. It contains her exclusive recipe!"


His stomach growled again, and Li Ling couldn't help laughing to himself: "What about you? Have you ever tasted this pastry?"

Yuan Jun nodded and said with a smile: "I have tried it many times before I dare to send it to the fairy."

Li Ling picked up a piece of pastry and put it into his mouth.

The pastry was soft and had a fruity aroma, but Li Ling couldn't taste what kind of fruit it was.This pastry seems to have just come out of the pan, although the appearance is not very good, the taste is already delicious.

Li Ling took a bite, then continued to eat silently.

A prince and grandson like Yuan Jun must have made pastries for the first time last night. He didn't sleep, tried to make and eat them over and over again, until he could taste the taste of the pastries before sending them over.

This kind of plot is really old-fashioned.

But after Li Ling refused like that last night, Yuan Jun stood in front of her the next day smiling so energetically, his stomach was screaming hungry again, Li Ling really couldn't say anything to drive her away.

She didn't know what to say.

Li Ling ate the delicious and soft pastries in silence.

Yuan Jun took out two wooden plaques from his body and put them on the table: "Fairy, I know that you don't have any identity certificates, so it's very inconvenient to do things. These are the two waist plaques I asked for, which can be used as identity certificates. "

Li Ling silently looked at the two wooden signs.

Li Ling knew that at this time, only officials, big landlords, wealthy businessmen, and country gentry had badges to prove their identities.

If she is really a Jiang Hu person without identification, she should be happy to get such a waist card!
But she is just a passer-by in this world, and this badge has no effect on her.

Because it was useless, it was even more difficult for Li Ling to speak when she saw Yuan Jun looking at her with bright eyes.

Li Ling ate the pastries, his stomach gradually warmed up, but he remained silent.

"Tiao Tiao, go out to eat with Big Brother Shen—" Shen Lang pushed the door open and came in, seeing the two of them, his voice stopped.

Shen Lang walked to the table and looked at Yuan Jun: "Little kid, you're here too!"

Yuan Jun handed a wooden sign on the table to Shen Lang's hand: "You man, can't you speak better? What brat? If you don't call me Yuan Jun, I will call you old uncle from now on! "

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth twitched: "Old... big... uncle? You are cruel!" Shen Lang's mouth was crooked, and he hummed, "Yuanjun."

Yuan Jun smiled: "You sit down too and try the pastry I made?"

Shen Lang's expression froze, he sat down slowly, looked at the wooden sign in his hand, then at the plain cakes on the tray, and at Yuan Jun's dusty face.Such food, such a face, of course Shen Lang could see that this was the food made by the prince Longsun for Tiao Tiao, so he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

In fact, when traveling to another world, both Shen Lang and Tiao Tiao had the right to choose to stay in another world.

For the first time, Shen Lang really wondered if Tiaotiao would really choose to stay.

Even if this is Jinlin City 5000 years ago, everything here, including this Yuan Jun, seems to be waiting for her to stay.

And what about the doomsday zombie world?What is there to miss?Have it?

Li Ling was silent, Shen Lang also fell silent, and the atmosphere in the room became weird and awkward.

Yuan Jun sat down and said with a smile, "Eat it! You can try it too."

Shen Lang nodded indiscriminately, looked at Li Ling who was silently eating the pastry with his head down, picked up a piece of pastry and put it into his mouth.

Li Ling turned to look at Shen Lang: "Why didn't you see Guaiguai?"

Shen Lang said: "You rest today, I went out and ran a few times to those people's homes, and obediently let him sleep in my room."

Li Ling nodded.

After two conversations, the room fell silent again.

Yuan Jun looked at Shen Lang and Li Ling. In such a silent atmosphere, it was difficult for him to speak with a smile.

After a long time, Shen Lang stood up suddenly and said with a smile: "It's boring to just eat cakes, how about it? Why don't we have some wine together?"

Shen Lang's proposal immediately agreed with the wishes of the other two people in the room.

Li Ling: "Good!"

Yuan Jun: "Good!"

Shen Lang smiled and nodded, stood up and called the waiter from Xichun Tower to bring him a few jars of wine and some appetizers.

"Since you want to drink, then you have to drink to your heart's content!" Shen Lang laughed, and asked the waiter to bring in seven or eight large jars of wine, and took three large bowls.

After a while, the three of them all picked up large porcelain bowls, which were filled with transparent liquid that smelled of wine.

Shen Lang's eyes were bright, and he raised his glass with a smile: "Do it!"



The three of them didn't talk much, they just poured wine into their stomachs.

Shen Lang raised his glass again: "Do it again!"

"it is good!"


The three of them poured wine recklessly, and the atmosphere in the room quickly relaxed, and all three of them had smiles on their faces.

A big bowl, and then a big bowl.

I don't know how much wine they drank, Shen Lang and Yuan Jun poured wine into their own big bowls, and then directly put it into their mouths.At this time, both of them forgot to ask Li Ling if he would drink.

Li Ling knew how to drink, but it was the first time that he drank such a large amount of alcohol.It's just that she is now a strong man in the sky, with a strong body, no matter how much she drinks, she doesn't feel any discomfort.

After an unknown period of time, the three of them became drunk and hazy.

Shen Lang sat on a wooden bench, holding a jar in one hand, poured the crystal wine into the big bowl, drank the wine in the big bowl in one gulp, shook his head, held the wine jar in both hands, and directly took the wine jar to Mouth irrigation.

Yuan Jun couldn't sit still for a long time, he sat on the ground with a dazed expression, poured wine on the big bowl, poured it into his mouth, poured it again, poured it again...

Li Ling sat on the wooden bench with a sullen face, holding a large bowl in one hand, keeping his mouth on the edge of the bowl, drinking the wine little by little like drinking a drink.

Yuan Jun sat on the ground, drinking, and said blankly and wronged: "Fairy! Why don't you believe Yuan Jun? That cat is really a monster!"

Shen Lang burst out laughing, he didn't speak, and just continued drinking.

Li Ling looked a little dazed, and slowly replied: "Yuanjun, you haven't forgotten about this!"

Yuan Jun curled his lips and said while drinking, "I didn't lie, so I feel really wronged!"

"Oh, oh, Mr. Yuan is very wronged." Li Ling lost his mind, and sat on the ground, patted Mr. Yuan's head to comfort him.

"Don't touch my head!" Yuan Jun pulled Li Ling's hand down, squeezed it, and then quickly threw it away: "Go away! I want a fairy, and no one else! No hand!"

"Oh." Li Ling responded, stood up while leaning on the wooden stool, and walked crookedly towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's eyes were a little confused, watching the beauty's red cheeks slowly approaching, he put down the wine jar, put his right hand on the mouth of the wine jar, and tightened slightly.

With a silly smile on his face, Li Ling walked to Shen Lang's side, sat on the ground next to Shen Lang's thigh, looked up at Shen Lang: "Brother Shen, Brother Shen..."

Shen Lang lowered his head and responded softly: "En."

"Brother Shen, you don't know, I've actually heard the name Shen Lang before, but it's a book! The Shen Lang in the book is a handsome guy with a three-point smile..."

Shen Lang's eyes were extremely gentle: "Yes."

Li Ling half-closed his eyes: "Brother Shen, God said that if we complete the task, we will be given a reward. Have you ever thought about what you want?"

Shen Lang put down the wine jar, stretched out his hand, and retracted it before touching Li Ling's bun. He said softly, "Brother Shen wants a lot of food. A lot of food. Use it to save lives."

"Oh, that's right!" Li Ling tilted his body and was about to lie on the ground with his eyes closed.

Shen Lang wrapped his arms around Li Ling's upper body and hugged her up.

Both of them smelled of wine, Shen Lang quietly looked down at the beauty in his arms, his eyes seemed sober and blurred.

Shen Lang stood for a long time.

Candle flickering, time is relentless.

Shen Lang took a step forward, gently placed Li Ling on the bed, and covered it with a thin quilt.

Looking at Li Ling's sleeping face, Shen Lang lifted Yuan Jun who was lying on the ground with one hand.

Yuan Jun cursed and said: "Bold! Bold! Why are you acting so rude! I will give you ten boards!"

Shen Lang didn't care about him, he carried Yuan Jun with one hand, and supported his heavy forehead with the other.

Shen Lang pushed open the door.

A thick wooden stick suddenly struck from one side!
Shen Lang's eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand to block it.

The half-drunk body slowed down a beat.

"Bang!" A sound!
The wooden stick hit the back of Shen Lang's neck heavily!

Before he could see who was coming, Shen Lang fell unconscious.

Two heavy bangs sounded, and both Shen Lang and Yuan Jun fell to the ground.

Yuan Jun rubbed his head, and shouted: "I'm getting more courageous! If I hurt me, even if I only give a few boards, my father might kill me! Fairy... Fairy... for the fairy Yuan Jun I am willing to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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