beauty bible

Chapter 176

Chapter 176
After Li Ling closed the chat screen with Xia Qi, while recalling the previous battle with Fang Ping, he continued to combine his internal strength with the sword moves of "Luoyue 29 Swords". stand up.

In the next few days, Li Ling did not continue to learn the remaining sword moves of "Luoyue 29 Swords", but just kept repeating the first seven sword moves.

Li Ling practiced swords during the day, and began to practice internal skills in the "Beauty Bible" at night.

The "Beauty Bible" mentioned the internal strength mentality method of the lower level, which is the perfection and strengthening of the inner strength mentality method of the human level.

At the human level, the inner strength method of the "Beauty Bible" is to mobilize the inner strength in the body to circulate through the meridians in a certain way, and finally return to the dantian.On the ground level, when the internal force travels through the body, it has to pass through more meridians. Sometimes, Li Ling even has to mobilize the internal force to travel through several smaller meridians.

When she first adjusted her practice, Li Ling felt a slight discomfort in the meridians in her body. When she gradually became familiar with it, she felt that the internal energy in her body moved more smoothly and faster than before.Under the impact of this internal force, the meridians were not damaged, but gradually became stronger.

The inner strength mentality of this level, the increase of internal strength is far better than the inner strength mentality of the human level.In other words, the growth rate of Li Ling's internal strength has accelerated again!

In the blink of an eye, it was six days, and Li Ling was delighted to find that her internal strength had increased by a large amount!

On this day, Li Ling stopped practicing swordsmanship, ate in silence, and then sat cross-legged on his wooden bed to practice internal strength.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Ling opened his eyes.

In the midair of the farmhouse, a small red metal hemisphere appeared, like a red bean that had been cut in half.

The red bean-sized live broadcast hemisphere slowly flew to Li Ling's left wrist and stuck to the blood-red bracelet.

A translucent screen automatically popped up.

"Dear broadcaster, your mandatory live broadcast time has come. Now the blacklist is lifted and all system functions are automatically unlocked."

"Dear broadcaster, do you choose to continue the contract with the Great Universe Broadcasting Company, or terminate the contract?"

Li Ling let out a sigh of relief and chose "continue the contract".

The translucent screen jumped, and another page appeared.

"Dear broadcaster, you have chosen to renew your contract with the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company. Do you need to start a contract of four hours of daily live broadcast and 600 star coins per month?"

Li Ling smiled wryly.

Last time, just because she was too poor, she was forced to live broadcast for so long just for the 600 star coins. This contract was so hard that she didn't want to sign it again.

Li Ling clicked "No".

"Dear broadcaster, you have given up the basic contract of 600 star coins per month."

Seeing this message came out, Li Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

From now on, the live broadcast hemisphere just needs to stay on her blood-red bracelet obediently.As long as she doesn't take the initiative to open it, the live broadcast hemisphere will never open it again.Although the signal of the planet she is on is not good, it will affect the use of the live broadcast hemisphere.But she carries such a live broadcast hemisphere with her, just like carrying a mobile phone, at least she can surf the Internet, which is not bad.

At this time, the screen jumped.

"Hello dear podcaster, you have a new message, would you like to check it out?"

Li Ling didn't know, so he clicked to check.

Hundreds of concise words appeared on the screen.

"Dear broadcaster, hello, in your live video, in the female Zunguo Xianshu Kingdom, all women's clothing has very regional characteristics. Now, Carved Clothing, a subsidiary of Fengyue Clothing Company, wants to start a business with you. Cooperate and purchase the copyright of all the women's clothing in that video as one of their twelve main clothing items next summer. If dear bloggers are interested, they can sign a copyright contract with Carved Clothing Company through Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company. Great Universe Company will negotiate a suitable copyright fee for you.”

This information came suddenly, and Li Ling was stunned for a while.

Li Ling suddenly remembered that when she signed the contract with the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company, the live broadcasting company had introduced her like this.

The rewards received by all live broadcast hosts will be divided [-]-[-] with the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company.

If the live broadcast content is valuable, there will be a commission for rebroadcasting by other organizations.If the copyright of the live broadcast content is purchased, it will become rich overnight.

At that time, what Li Ling thought in his heart was only the 600 star coins, and the rest of the content was regarded as the advertisement of the Great Universe Broadcasting Company.

Unexpectedly, at this time, such a message of copyright signing was actually received.

"Wait!" Li Ling suddenly remembered that Xia Qi had rewarded her with money.

This money happened to be transferred to Cang Xiaojun, so that she could repay the money she owed Cang Xiaojun.

Thinking of this, Li Ling turned off the system information and turned on the live video screen.

At this moment, under the live account of "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao Tiao", the screen was pitch black.

Li Ling was completely stunned!

Just under her account, there is actually a high reward amount - 7738201 star coins!
700 million star coins!

"I'll go—" Li Ling was stunned: "700 million star coins! After this is divided with the Great Universe Company, isn't there still more than 300 million star coins?!"

Li Ling was at a loss: "Did the system go wrong?"

However, on Li Ling's account, the amount of rewards is still constantly increasing, and every time it jumps up by thousands of dollars!

Li Ling looked at the translucent screen and pulled the webpage down.

Below, countless anonymous tips kept popping up!
"Anonymous user" rewarded "Li Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao and Jiao" with 1000 star coins!
"Anonymous user" rewarded "Li Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Tiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao, Jiao and Jiao" with 2000 star coins!
A netizen "I have a very, very long name" rewarded "Lee Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao" 1 star coin!
Li Ling was stunned again.She licked her lips and pulled it to the comment area.

Countless new comments popped up in the comment area, and were quickly brushed off by new comments.

"Anonymous user" commented: "Although I don't know which hermit family's junior is the broadcaster, but now this live video has become a big hit, and now everyone in Daxingchen Kingdom knows that the Gu Wu shown in this live video is real, I wish you Good luck to the broadcaster, don’t be expelled from the house by your own family, thank you for your reward!”

Netizen "I'm just an ordinary person, why don't you" commented: "Hahahaha... I can actually learn authentic martial arts online one day, hahahaha... It's been a long time since I've lived! Aren't those ancient martial arts families the most precious to themselves! Finally! Is there another alternative? Broadcaster, give you a reward! For your courage!"

A netizen "woke up and found that I had time-traveled" commented: "Why did the heroine learn that sword technique, and she learned seven sword moves in a few days??? You actually learned it in advance, right? I practiced it for several days. , I still feel that the first sword is pointless, please advise, kneel down and ask for advice!"

"Anonymous user" commented: "Look, this time the host's black screen is very long, maybe she has been arrested by the elders in the family and educated... I don't believe that anyone will allow the younger generation to promote ancient martial arts like this. I also Reward and salute! No one I know dares to play like this!"

A netizen "Leave a name and leave a name tongs Liu Ming is me" commented: "Ah ha ha ha ha... Even if this live broadcast host does not live broadcast from now on, this account will continue to be popular for a long time... Think about it! Pure race of humans How many rich people, those rich and rich people may not have the opportunity to learn ancient martial arts, now with this swordsmanship account, the rewards from the broadcaster are not endless? ', the broadcaster is about to become one of the most famous broadcasters in the Great Star Country, leave your name, leave your name, and the fire tongs will leave your name!"


Li Ling involuntarily opened his mouth when he saw it.

So, it was she who broadcast the first seven swords of "29 Swords of the Falling Moon" live on the live broadcast hemisphere, allowing other netizens to discover that this was real martial arts, so it caused a sensation? !

Li Ling pulled up the webpage again. At this time, the reward amount had changed to 8017542 star coins.

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the attention on the account.Only then did I realize that the number of fans of the account "李婷巷碰 Jump Jump Jump Jump Skip Seven Jumps" is also growing rapidly and has reached 80 followers.

(End of this chapter)

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