beauty bible

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
Xia Qili stood in front of the transparent window of the spacecraft, watching thousands of robots methodically laying warning lines in the dark universe.

The universe is vast and full of stars.

The thousands of machines scattered in the black space seemed particularly small and scattered.

The tall Qin Jun strode over and made a military salute: "Report to the Marshal, the insects and beasts in the 152 theater, 320 theater, 178 theater, and 576 theater have retreated. At present, there is no battle in the Aldi galaxy."

Xia Qi waved his hand: "Follow the usual routine."


Xia Qi's posture was straight, his eyes were looking straight ahead, and there was calm indifference in his eyes.

"Beep!" A prompt sounded from the live broadcast dome on the bracelet.

Xia Qi's calm eyes became confused.

Ever since Xia Qi reported the matter of the Soul Body Clan to his father, his father ordered him to put aside other things and return to the frontline war zone to continue the battle with the Zerg Clan.

The "jumping group" was naturally also terminated.

Terrans and Zerg are fighting almost all the time.

In the universe, the battlefield boundary between the two races is very long.Sometimes the opponent occupies a galaxy, and sometimes the human race regains a galaxy.Repeatedly, the two races have not achieved a greater breakthrough.

After Xia Qi returned to the frontline battlefield, he led his men to regain the Aldi galaxy.

At this time, the war has calmed down a bit, and the Zerg may come back at any time.It was the time when human command robots laid down a warning line for this galaxy.

During this period, Xia Qi heard the live broadcast hemisphere on the bracelet countless times, except for the occasional private break, Xia Qi turned off the notification sound without blinking.

Now, the notification tone of the live broadcast hemisphere rang again.

Li Ling wanted to chat with him, but he always refused and was always absent. Perhaps, his netizen would give up chatting with him sooner or later.

When Xia Qi was still in the Military Academy, he also had a few very good friends, but later he went to the front line, no matter what the situation of the other party, Xia Qi always had no time to respond.As time went by, those best classmates and brothers also lived in their own lives and forgot about his friend on the distant battlefield.

When Xia Qi withdrew from the killing field, he also met his long-time friends at the banquet. At that time, there were more other friends around them, and Xia Qi looked at him with unfamiliarity, awe, and respect.

But not the eyes of a friend.

No one will find a friend who never responds.

Except for the Fifth Army, Xia Qi had no friends, and gradually stopped trying to make friends.

After being a soldier for so many years, Xia Qi once again had the idea of ​​making a friend, a netizen.

So, if Li Ling, who is on the other end of the signal, has never received his reply, will she gradually let go of him as a friend?

Xia Qi silently walked back to his lounge and opened the chat screen with Li Ling.

Li Ling: "Xia Qi, I'm sorry to bother you. If you are busy, don't reply to me."

In fact, Li Ling chatted with him much more frequently than Xia Qi's previous friends.Xia Qi believes that this is the difference between people.

Xia Qi paused, got up and went to his office, read through more than a dozen urgent documents, and after transmitting the processing method through an encrypted channel, he opened the chat screen with Li Ling again: "Li Ling?"


Li Ling fought Fang Ping to a draw, and walked back to the farmhouse where he lived, still recalling the previous battle in his mind.

As soon as she closed the door, the chat screen with the insect-killing prince popped up in front of her eyes.

Insect-killing Prince: "Li Ling?"

Li Ling still had a smile on his face: "Xia Qi, I'm here."

Insect Killing Prince: "I'm often offline recently, please don't mind."

Li Ling: "I disturbed you too much, I'm sorry."

Insect-killing Prince: "Li Ling, I have a suggestion for you while I'm free."

Li Ling: "What?"

Insect Killing Prince: "In five or six days, your mandatory live broadcast time will arrive."

Li Ling was taken aback: "Huh? Isn't it two months?"

Insect-killing prince: "It was two months. You went to another female planet before. At that time, the live broadcast hemisphere was online. According to the statistics of the live broadcast hemisphere, the 20 days in the female queen's world were also counted in the compulsory live broadcast. "

Li Ling was surprised: "At that time, the live broadcast hemisphere was also online?"

Insect-killing Prince: "Yes. It is uploaded at once in the form of video data packets."

Li Ling: "...It can still be like this."

Insect-killing Prince: "Time travel is illegal. When you become a pure-race human citizen of the universe, you must never take the initiative to do this kind of thing again."

Li Ling: "...I am also very passive now."

Killing Prince: "I understand. However, this is not the suggestion I want to give you today. The suggestion I want to give you today is, Li Ling, after the mandatory time for the live broadcast hemisphere expires, you can close the live broadcast hemisphere and stop Live broadcast, but, remember, don’t terminate the contract with the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company.”

Li Ling: "I didn't think about terminating the contract. If I terminated the contract with the Great Universe Broadcasting Company, wouldn't the live broadcast hemisphere self-destruct? If the live broadcast hemisphere self-destructs, I won't even be able to contact you."

There was a pause on the screen for a moment, and Li Ling received a reply from Prince Slaughter: "Li Ling, if you don't terminate the contract with the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company, not only can you keep in touch with me, but, as I said, as long as you can get your The cosmic coordinates of the planet, even if it takes a long time for the spaceship to reach your planet, you can immediately start the remote transmission and buy the nutrient solution you want."

Li Ling: "Thank you. Xia Qi, I have thought about this too. However, I don't have any idea about the cosmic coordinates yet."

Insect-killing Prince: "Yes. Don't give up hope if you are alive. Please continue to search."

Li Ling laughed: "Okay."

Li Ling thought of something and said, "Xia Qi, actually I have some things that I don't want the live broadcast hemisphere to upload to the Internet, so I always use your chat screen to do some things when the live broadcast hemisphere is black."

Insect-killing Prince: "I see. Everyone needs their own private space, understandable."

Li Ling: "There are still five or six days of mandatory live broadcast time in the live broadcast hemisphere. If I send you 'Hello Xia Qi' in these days, you don't have to reply."

Insect-killing Prince: "Okay."

Li Ling: "Thank you, Xia Qi. You can always give me the most useful information and advice. It's great to have a friend like you."

Insect-killing Prince: "Li Ling, I'm also very glad to meet you."

Li Ling: "By the way, Xia Qi, you can see my appearance on the live video! I have never seen your appearance. When the mandatory live broadcast of the live video is over and other functions are open, you can transmit Do you have a picture of you? We've been chatting for months, but I don't know what you look like."

Insect-killing Prince: "Okay."

Li Ling smiled: "I'm a little curious, what do you look like, a man who is both in the Big Universe Broadcasting Company and in the military department..."

Insect-killing Prince: "Appearances are not important. You will know when you meet me. Okay, Li Ling, I have to continue working. Let's chat when we have time."

Li Ling: "Well, I'm free to chat."

Li Ling closed the chat screen with Xia Qi, feeling better than before defeating Fang Ping.

Every time after chatting with Xia Qi, Li Ling would feel as if she had returned to the 21st world, to a place she was familiar with. She sat in front of the computer, opened the chat software, and chatted leisurely.

The worrying things in life are far less profound than what she feels in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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