The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 153, Kill them for me!

Chapter 153, Kill them for me!
After chasing for a while, Rong Zhen suddenly called Bai Lang.Bailang glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No! I have a bad feeling, she seems to be deliberately leading us away."


Bailang didn't have time to react too much, and suddenly there was the sound of restlessness from the crowd below.

"Rong Lao, it's not good! Headmaster Dan Yi ran away, and the direction is towards the Demon Sect!" A disciple of Buguigu stood below and shouted.

A gloomy look flashed in Wen Yun's eyes, and she charged at the disciple with a devil's breath in her hands.

Bai Lang cut it off quickly with his eyes and hands. He didn't care what happened to the disciple, and angrily said to Wen Yun: "What did you do?"

"Hmm... It's nothing, you guys won't let me open the magic door? Then I have to ask your people to open it for me, that's the head teacher."

Wen Yun raised the corners of her lips, sarcasm was written on her face covered with heavy makeup.

When Master Dan Yi approached just now, Wen Yun put the key of the magic door on her body.The blood that just spewed out got on it, so she didn't need to worry about it any more.

Damn it, being played like a monkey by this woman!

Bailang killed her seven or eight hundred times in his heart, turned his head and dodged towards the magic gate.

But... it's too late!
Headmaster Dan Yi tilted his head slightly, and with a smile on his face, he threw the key of the Demon Gate into the vortex emitting black air.

For a time, the earth shook!
There was a buzzing sound from the magic door, and large waves of magic breath gushed out.Headmaster Dan Yi couldn't hold on for a while, and was torn into pieces by the black air in front of the demon gate, turning into a blood mist, and he didn't even have time to utter a cry.

Due to the fusion of Wen Yun's blood, the black vortex in the demon gate is mixed with rich blood.

"Hahahaha...the world is over! This will be the world of the demon world, you all wait to die! Hahahaha..." Wen Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, looking crazy.

On the other side of the magic gate, Jin Zhanwu, who was already waiting on the observation deck of the Jinhua Palace, looked at the black hole that suddenly appeared in the sky, and smiled with satisfaction.

Wen Yun really didn't lie to him!

What a good subordinate.

Jin Wenchen asked: "Father, all the demon soldiers in the four regions are ready, and the test items are also ready, just wait for the demon gate to be fully opened."

"Okay!" Jin Zhanwu nodded with a smile.

Standing beside him are other domain masters of the three domains. From the suspicion at the beginning to the conviction now, the expressions on their faces are wonderful.

Especially Qian Bairou.

Yang Fengdan sneered: "Why, the Qianyu Lord believes now? Stop cursing."

"Get out, I don't want to quarrel with you right now." Qian Bairou's eyes were cold.

Yang Fengdan let out a smirk and didn't care.I don't know what came to mind, so I leaned closer and asked in a low voice: "Lord Qianyu, do you want to know where Yangluo is?"

Qian Bairou suddenly looked at him: "What did you do to her?"

" will know, but not now."

Seeing that she was really interested in this, Yang Fengdan smiled triumphantly and stood aside again.

When Qianbairou wanted to say something more, the gorilla falcon interrupted them: "Okay, you two domain masters, what time is it now, I have something to say after the invasion of the human world."

Seeing this, although Qian Bairou looked away, there was a knot in her heart.

At the back of the stands, Jing Ci disguised himself as a Jinhuayu demon soldier, and heard their conversation clearly.

No wonder Yang Luo was not found in the dark room at the beginning, so it was hidden by Yang Fengdan.

This is a clue, and it may be useful in the future, after all, Lan Qing has always wanted to save her.

Thinking of Lan Qing, Jing Ji's eyes were full of helplessness.

He absolutely shouldn't, he shouldn't have given her the pure liquid of apricot blossom wine.

He enjoyed the process very much, but the result was not what he wanted to see.

Seeing that the magic door is about to open, Lan Qing has been very concerned about this matter, but now she is fine and sleepy.

Hopefully she won't blame herself when she wakes up.

While thinking about it, the black hole in midair moved.

There was only a loud noise, and the black hole seemed to be activated, and a huge beam of light descended.And in the place covered by the beam of light, palaces and trees rose from the ground, and were involved, and many magic soldiers were also sucked in.

Jin Zhanwu waved his big hand, and ordered: "The demon soldiers and generals of the four regions obey the order! Everyone, stand under the beam of light, let's go to the world to rescue the Lord!"

The day has finally come!
All the soldiers cheered and rushed into the beam of light as if they had burst their heads.

Fortunately, the moment you enter, you will be lifted into the black hole, and it doesn't seem crowded.

There are not many demon soldiers in the Blazing Field, but the number of magical beasts is astonishing, most of them are middle-level, roaring and rushing under the beam of light.

Jin Zhanwu looked at the three people beside him and said, "Let's let the subordinates in first, there is no rush."

The other three naturally had no objection.

Who knows what's going on with Wen Yun, it would be somewhat uneconomical if she ran into the "female evil spirit" in the light blue dress decades ago.

Jing Ci frowned after watching many demon soldiers go away, and stepped off the stage in a flash.

Outnumbered in the Demon Realm, he really can't use his fists, but if he goes to the human world, he can solve it without any scruples.

Before he got under the beam of light, suddenly, the black hole appeared abnormal again.

There was another loud bang, and a woman in black fell from it.After seeing the face clearly, Jing Ci's eyes dimmed, Wen Yun?

It's just that it doesn't seem to have jumped in by itself.It's more like... who kicked him in?
It's not over yet!
Immediately afterwards, the two figures jumped out of the black hole at the same time, and when they were about to land, they flipped back beautifully.

Obviously this is the real jumping action...but why is it

——Rong Zhen!Whitecaps!

Jing Ci's breathing was stagnant, and his eyes widened unconsciously!

How did they come here?
At this moment, the black hole trembled slightly, and the beam of light disappeared almost instantly.

Those magic soldiers and monsters that had just floated into the air before they had time to enter the black hole fell down one after another, like dumplings being dropped from the sky.

Jin Zhanwu's complexion changed drastically!Taking a step forward, holding onto the guardrail firmly, he shouted downwards, "What's going on!"

Since Wen Yun fell, she lay motionless on the ground as if dead, with a puddle of blood on her body.

A demon soldier from Jinhuayu stepped forward to check, and after seeing his face clearly, he reported to Jin Zhanwu in horror: "Yu, domain master! It's the poison face general! The poison face general is back."

Jin Zhanwu narrowed his eyes slightly, his face stretched long, and he turned his gaze to the other two fallen people.

An old man, a young man.

Rong Zhen felt a little weak, so he raised his hand and slapped Bai Lang's head: "I said you are a stupid wolf! It is enough to temporarily seal the magic door, why did you pull me in?"

Bailang was wronged immediately: "It's not my fault, the ghost knows that there is still suction when the door is closed, and I couldn't stand firmly for a while, who asked you to stand right next to me? If you don't pull me, pull who!"

Jing Ci took a deep breath, trying to calm the surging blood.

These two people are really enough, no matter what time, they are still arguing.

Please look around and see if they are all magic soldiers!
Rong Zhen was the first to realize something, and looked around, all of them were demon soldiers and monsters...

Swallowing, he tugged at Bailang's clothes: "Langlang, we seem to be surrounded."

"Nonsense, you can see it with long eyes, okay?"

Jin Zhanwu couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily, "Kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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