The villain apprentice is very arrogant

Chapter 152, Being Calculated

Chapter 152, Being Calculated

Everyone moved!Disciples in various Taoist uniforms poured out from all directions in Shanajian, surrounding Wen Yun.

The elders of several sects joined forces, and powerful spiritual power burst out, weaving a net and trapping her in it.

Wen Yun didn't panic, her red lips raised contemptuously, and she folded her arms.

"Hahahaha! We caught this poisonous woman!"

"What nonsense, go ahead, kill her!"

"Kill her! Kill her!"


The shouting and killing gradually increased, Rong Zhen and Bailang passed through the crowd, and stood in front of Wen Yun, looking at her through a net.

"Hey, isn't this our Miss Jia Yun? Why don't you just stay in Qiluo City, what are you doing in a very secluded place?" Bailang asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Wen Yun immediately thought of someone.

She said that the silver-haired boy in front of her looked so familiar, it turned out to be the one who took away the magic bone.

Before she could speak, Bai Lang suddenly realized, and continued: "Yes, you should not be called Jia Yun now, you should be called...Wen Yun! I'm sorry, I'm sorry~ It seems that you have earnestly followed the instructions on the note I left you all these years." Suggestion, keep in good shape."

What kind of note, of course, is the one that was left in the Qiluo City Inn when I left: Eat less and move more, don't learn from your father!

It's okay not to mention this, but when it is mentioned, Wen Yun's eyes are a little cold.

Rong Zhen pretended to blame: "Langlang, you are enough, why are you talking to other girls?"

Then he bowed his hands to Wen Yun apologetically: "I'm sorry, he has such a temper. If you can't understand it, just cover your ears; if you can't understand it, just pick out your eyeballs."

After finishing speaking, all the disciples burst into laughter.

Headmaster Dan Yi snorted coldly, and said with a grim expression, "Mr. Rong, what are you talking to her about? Let's kill her directly to prevent future troubles."

Daoist Liqun flicked his fly whisk, not paying attention: "What are you afraid of, everyone is in our hands, and she can't escape even if she has wings!"

Having said that, it is difficult for Wen Yun to play any tricks, Rong Zhen is still on guard.

Following her example, Bailang crossed his arms, circled the spirit net, and said leisurely, "How about it, Wen Yun, do you want to consider handing over the key to the magic door? Maybe it will give you a good time. Of course, you You can also choose not to hand it over, and then we can search for the body."

A dark light flashed across Wen Yun's eyes, she looked around sullenly, and smiled: "Do you think this is the end?"

After finishing speaking, he clenched his fists tightly, stepped forward with his right foot to lift his breath, and violent magic breath gathered all over his body!
"Ah!" A piercing scream came from her throat, and she raised her fist in the next second, smashing the spirit net, and the surging magic breath centered on her and rolled around.

Many disciples couldn't bear it, their faces turned pale, and they knelt down on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, before she made a move, Rong Zhen had already made preparations, pulled over the white waves, and raised a barrier to protect the two of them.

Wen Yun didn't stay for long, she tiptoed to the ground and left.

"No, she went towards the magic gate." Bai Lang's eyes were fixed.

Without further words, the two chased after them in a flash.

Wen Yun held the key of the magic door tightly, and out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the two who were chasing up, a flash of impatience flashed in her eyes, and her feet quickened.

Bailang condensed his hands, put his hands together suddenly, and moved in front of Wen Yun in an instant.Without too much hesitation, he mentioned the magic breath and punched her.

Wen Yun managed to dodge, with disbelief written all over her face: "You are a demon!"

This is an affirmative sentence, without the slightest doubt.

"Hmm, that's right." Just as the words were written, another punch struck him.

Rong Zhen also chased after him, the two cooperated perfectly, and Wen Yun was already overwhelmed.

While dodging, she sneered: "As a demon, you actually think about the big things of the demons? You are not afraid of being spurned by the demons!"

Bailang burst out laughing, and kicked over with [-]% power.Wen Yun was defeated and fell back to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The two fell from the sky and looked at her condescendingly.

"Say it, it counts. Do you know what' counts as" means? Also, people always give me favors to make me rebel. You are so weird that you threaten me when you come up?" Bailang smiled ironically.

He used to help Lan Qing perform the Heavenly Dao mission in Jiutianyuan, and naturally he had also negotiated with many demons.

Without exception, they all gave generous conditions to let him be lenient and think about the friendship of the same race.

There was even a city lord who was willing to exchange his position as a city lord for a three-month term, but unfortunately, he refused.

Wen Yun sat up, wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and glanced at the people who were about to surround her intentionally or unintentionally.

"You said, if I told them your identity, would you still be as arrogant as you are now?"

Bailang spread his hands: "Go ahead and talk, see if it's useful."

After all, he has stayed in Han Gongfeng for decades, and he has already become a famous "Xianjun" with Rong Zhen.Even if he used the magic breath now, they would think that he used some magic weapon for fun.

Everyone surrounded her, pointing their swords at her.

With the lessons learned from the past, they dare not take it lightly this time.

Headmaster Dan Yi came to Rong Zhen's side and asked, "Old Rong, what should we do next? The spirit net was destroyed by her, and we won't be able to get a new one in a short time."

Rong Zhen stroked his beard, "Seal the meridians, and send them to the Valley of No Return."

Headmaster Dan Yi nodded and looked at Wen Yun.

There was a strange arc on Wen Yun's mouth, and a red light flashed in her eyes. Headmaster Dan Yi suddenly shuddered and froze in place.

Rong Zhen didn't notice her small movements, and turned his head to look at Bailang: "Langlang, you can do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the teacher Dan also moved, and walked towards Wen Yun with a stiff body.

Bai Lang put his hands on his head, pointed at her with his eyes, and said lazily: "Didn't Master Dan Yi go, then let her come."

It was at this time that Rong Zhen finally realized that something was wrong with her, and frowned: "Slow down!"

Headmaster Dan Yi walked up to Wen Yun as if he hadn't heard of it, and squatted down, not knowing what he was doing.

not good!

"Stop her!" Rong Zhen said sharply.

Several elders immediately set off to subdue Master Dan Yi.Taking advantage of this gap, Wen Yun stood up abruptly, feinted and continued to attack the Demon Gate.

Bailang cursed secretly, and chased after him.

Rong Zhen glanced at the direction of the two of them, and did not hurry to follow, but turned his head to look thoughtfully at Headmaster Dan Yi who was struggling crazily.

Her eyes were red as if stained with blood, and several disciples of Chuuxue Pavilion anxiously called out to the master.

Is this appearance Soul Devourer?
Rong Zhen stepped forward and tapped her a few times, but it didn't do anything, but it calmed her down.

"Take care of her first, I'll help Bailang."

I can't think of a solution for the time being, and the more important thing right now is the magic door.Rong Zhen dropped this sentence and chased him out.

No one saw that Headmaster Dan Yi, who was sitting on the ground, slowly showed a grim smile.

Originally, Wen Yun was able to draw with Bailang, but now she was injured and couldn't even take a single move.

Seeing that Rong Zhen was also chasing after him, he pretended to be terrified and fled in the opposite direction of the magic gate.

(End of this chapter)

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