Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 157 On the Sword

Chapter 157 On the Sword
The fire was burning, and half of the bear, which was about the size of an elephant, had been roasted until it was golden and crispy. From time to time, a little bit of grease dripped into the fire, making a chirping sound from time to time. In another small pot, there was a simmering sound. The fat man was holding a spoon made of wood, stirring it from time to time, and then taking a deep breath. His expression looked like that of an addict who couldn't extricate himself.

Blue sky, white clouds, bonfire, barbecue, shaking small earthen jars, what a familiar background, this is Miss Jiang's favorite painting style --- retro film and television style!
Although other people don't understand why it is necessary to make a fire when there is no automatic oven, and why it is necessary to use a crock pot when there is an automatic heater, you must know that for this trial, old Az is even the treasure in the kitchen. moved out.

But this does not affect their expectations for the food. Of course, the leisurely girl Jiang will not tell them that she just likes this one--usually in the wilderness, when a group of friends start preparing food, they are usually idiots When the protagonist comes to the door and kills all directions, well, this is always written in Mr. Jin's martial arts novels.

Now, the props are all alive, look at this battle, isn't it a must-have scene for the heroes of the past when they go out?The next step is to wait quietly for a certain group of decent and righteous people to come and pretend to be slapped in the face. Well, of course, first of all, please say hello to the pretending
"Hmph, who am I to tell you? It turns out that we are a talented team that was just announced out. Your trials are over. If you don't hurry up, why don't you still have the mood to cook here?"

Hey, it doesn’t seem to match the imagined version?Miss Jiang was angry. Damn it, who arranged this extravaganza? How could it be broken if it didn't follow the script?
One word, hit!

Squinting his eyes slightly, a cold stream of light flashed across it. The first man who came out of the jungle, that is, the one who spoke, had an instant illusion, as if he was being stared at by a giant beast, and killed him coldly. Intention penetrated the entire body, and even the soul was frozen.

"Haha, just right, it's time for us to have lunch, not to mention, the things made by this group of waste are very delicious."

Five or six men emerged one after another from behind. Jiang Yexing glanced at it and saw that there were no big fish, so he withdrew his gaze. Until then, the first man who came out finally sat down on the ground with a thud. , trembling lips, unable to even speak.

"Hey, Lao Bai, what are you doing? Were you exhausted last night? Hahaha."

You are exhausted, and your whole family is exhausted!

The man originally wanted to remind them to be careful, but when he heard this sentence, he suddenly calmed down. It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Huh, since they are all in a small team, it is better to be in trouble. Anyway, before When I was blessed, I never shared it.

I have to say that those who can enter the First Academy are not stupid. Even if they often encounter some sloppy bastards, at least they still have basic eyesight. For example, this person, who experienced the short but terrifying In one scene, this man has already understood that he is not enough to be crushed with one finger.

He is a sensible person!

"Noisy." Jiang Yexing raised his head and complained to Ouyang, those radiant, pitiful eyes, and slightly pouty red lips made Ouyang tremble, his head went numb from head to toe --- what a cute friend !

Then, I saw silver light flashing in the air, a stream of light crossed the void, and hit the left chest of the group of people at the same time,
Not good pfft!

Everyone knew something was wrong when the silver light entered their eyes, but it was too late, the stream of light was too fast, so fast that their eyes could not catch it, for such a short moment, everyone felt as if they were hit by a big stone in the chest. The momentum caused them to fly out directly. After a few plops, the world became quiet.

The man sitting on the ground was the only surviving one, but he was sweating profusely at this time, almost, just a little bit, he was just like the others, and the most important thing is, damn the others all flew away, he what to do?
His eyes suddenly caught something, it was a good opportunity!
Then, amidst the astonishment and bewilderment of the collective members of the Yanhuang team, the dignified sixth grade student just grabbed a fist-sized stone on the ground --- "bumped" on his head,
He rolled his eyes and passed out.

Everyone: .
Dinko: "It turns out that rocks are usually harder than heads."

Jiang Yexing looked thoughtfully at the direction of the group of people in the distance, then nodded,

"Ouyang, it seems that your swordsmanship has indeed reached the bottleneck. You are a genius, and you are about to reach the realm of 'epee without front'. I believe that when you thoroughly understand and consolidate this realm, it is time to enter the king rank .”

With the power to sweep people away, only a small bloodstain was left on the chest. This skill is simply not too dazzling!
"Epee sword without front?" Ouyang keenly grasped the four words. With his talent as a swordsman, he intuitively felt that these words pointed out the direction for him to move forward and could help him to complete the quality work. change.

"The five realms of kendo, the first one is fierce, fierce and invincible, the so-called sharp sword has no meaning, only its shape; the second one, the soft sword is the front, the so-called formless and impermanent; Ingenuity without work, the so-called return to nature, the fourth type, not stagnant in things, flying flowers and picking leaves can be used as a sword, the so-called sword intent, the fifth type, no sword, no disdain for things, no sword in the hand, but a sword in the heart. The third way Thousands, anyone can become a god, one method is clear, a hundred methods are enlightened, five realms, in fact, it is also applicable to other practices, and even life."

The friends were all dumbfounded, Jiang Yexing was very satisfied with the effect, as expected, Jin Daxia is the ultimate model of the ubiquitous white-bearded grandfather!
However, this passage is definitely not aimless. It can only be said that Mr. Jin is worthy of being a legend of a generation. This description basically summarizes several directions in the practice of physical skills, and Ouyang's swordsmanship has reached the end of the invisible soft sword , is moving towards the realm of epee without front, to put it bluntly, it is to understand the essence of power, abandon those various moves, and return to one.

Except for the giant and Ding Ke, everyone's expressions froze, as if they were deep in thought. They believed that after going back this time, the overall strength of the Yanhuang team would have a qualitative leap.

Sure enough, this is the life she wants!
Jiang Yexing closed her eyes, took a deep breath of fresh air, stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd, away from calculations and people's hearts, preaching, teaching, and solving doubts. This was her ultimate goal in her previous life and the life she most yearned for in this life. If there must be a so-called pursuit in life, then her task is to sow the seeds of imperial civilization in the universe. Although the road is very long, this is what she must do as the sole heir of the empire. The path she had been walking in her previous life, if it wasn't for the sudden attack of darkness, she believed that her academy would have become the greatest existence in the galaxy long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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