Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 156 Departure

Chapter 156 Departure
The Dadaramos Mountains, from east to west, stretch across the entire Anda Star, rolling up and down like a giant dragon, while the main peak that Yuan Baobao said is located in the far east, an extremely cold place with an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. Land - the place of eternal sighs.

This name comes from the elegance that overflows from the bones of human beings. It is beautiful but full of despair.

There is extreme freezing there, and this alone cuts off the vast majority of life. Only powerful fighters can stay on the edge for a few breaths, but it is only the edge. From ancient to modern times, anyone who crosses that line Man, the best result, is nothing more than a rigid sculpture for future generations to admire.

As for what it looks like further in, no one knows, but from the satellite cloud image, there is a barren land, except for the dark rocks and black and yellow sand, there is nothing else.

Yes, it's just rocks and sand. In such an extremely cold place, you can't see snow or ice. Of course, there is no vegetation or strange animals. Even the most barren desert can't compare to it. The silence and despair there.

"Are you really going in?" Yuan Baobao said a lot. From Jiang Yexing's point of view, it was more like reciting the same textbook, but the last sentence was like discovering a new world, full of curiosity. and longing.

"Well, that's our final destination." Jiang Yexing nodded and admitted, "Is that all?"

"Is that all?" Yuan Baobao repeated enviously, "Didn't I say it clearly enough? No one came out, at least in the records of our Yuan family, never."

Well, it seems that nothing useful can be obtained here. Jiang Yexing looked at the sky, then winked at Miao Fei,
"Thank you, baby, the food here is great." Miao Fei, who was as beautiful as a poppy, gave Yuan Baobao a charming wink, with absolute lethality.

"But we have to go outside the city. How about we get together here when we come back?"

"Now?" Yuan Baobao looked at the sky reluctantly. This was the first time he met a peer who was not willing to make friends with him because of his identity and status. It was because of his status, either he didn't dare to offend him, or he wanted to benefit from him, while the outsiders mostly treated him with courtesy or took advantage of the original family's status on Anda Star, Or flattery, but he could tell that the group of people in front of him, according to his intuition, um, especially these beautiful girls, absolutely did not avoid him because of his notoriety, or because of his wealth and status. And clinging, but to get along with him calmly and naturally, relaxed and at ease. To be honest, although we have only known each other for a short time, he already regards them as true friends,
What's more, the place they were going to was the forbidden place that he had admired for a long time!
Apart from anything else, this courage alone made him admire him. Maybe he might have had a hand in it? That was a forbidden area, the most mysterious and dazzling place on Anda Star!

I really envy them!
"We really have to go. Thank you for your hospitality, classmate Yuan Baobao." Ouyang stood up and thanked him gracefully. Yuan Baobao, who had never been treated so carefully before, stood up quickly, his face flushed slightly,

"Ah, it's nothing, that, you have to be careful, come back when you come back."

Although he really wanted to go together, although he was usually ridiculous, he was very filial to his family. If he really went to a place like that, it would be a disaster for his family, right?
Watching the group of people walking away enviously, the beautiful female boss came over, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed softly, the man in their family has grown up without knowing it, it's like being detained Is a normal life really suitable for him?She didn't know that, anyway, she was a Jedi who would not accept any danger befalling her only brother.

"In the vast world, some people's fate lines are intertwined on the day they met each other, and some are just two straight lines. After intersecting at a point, they will go farther and farther and never meet again. Everyone has their own. Every road has its own story, no matter whether it is wonderful or not, it is unique, baby"

Standing aside just now, she heard their conversation clearly. She didn't think that these little guys could come back from the forbidden area safely.

"Don't worry, maybe they are just going to see it, and they won't go in at all."

"They will go." Yuan Baobao said decisively, even he didn't know where his confidence came from, but inexplicably, he just thought that they would definitely meet again!

On the other side, Jiang Yexing and his party finally came to the outside of the city. This is a small shrubbery stretching all the way to the distance. It means that if you use an airship or a mecha here, its energy output must be doubled to work normally, and it is a super burden for the user--the airship is okay, if it is a mecha, the mech The armor master will bear the gravity of the mecha and himself at the same time. Even if the power of the mecha can offset part of it, it is not available for ordinary mecha masters.

Therefore, the airships, suspension vehicles, etc. that can be seen everywhere in other places can be seen here, more, in a more primitive way-running on the ground, or using legs?

Leaving the city gate means leaving Anda Town and entering the territory of alien beasts, but like all living things, the biggest boss is hidden in the deepest part, and the closer the city is to humans, the more alien beasts will be. The lower the level, the first thing Jiang Yexing did when he came outside the city was to find a water source, and then,
"Ah, there is a wind rabbit here, today is a lucky day."

"Oh, look, there is a fish in the river, what kind of fish is that? Golden jellyfish? Are you sure it's a fish or not a jellyfish? That's good. It looks delicious."

"Suck--Xingxing'er, can you wait until I eat this meal before starting to lose weight?"

"I'm going to hide"

"Luhua, look what I hit? Violent bear! There will be bear paws later. I like to eat roasted bear legs with honey. The portion is sufficient."

A pair of strong bear legs weighs at least twenty pounds and cannot hold you to death!Jiang Yexing complained silently in her heart. She began to feel that the old housekeeper's worries were not unreasonable. These people were really...

None of them are normal.
Is it because of being close to Zhu Zhechi, or because, after meeting her, this group of people have opened up their black-bellied nature?

This is indeed a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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