Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 120 Desperate Heigl

Chapter 120 Desperate Heigl
First Academy.

Luo Ming had immediately declared martial law for the whole school, and then received a message from the special forces team, the only regular military in Ruixing.

The pirate group has captured the space port and is heading to the ground airport to assemble.

No matter where those pirates came from or what their purpose was, what we need to do now is how to eliminate this group of pirates and minimize the losses while ensuring the safety of the students. If these bandits invade the First Academy , then he, the vice-principal, would have no choice but to commit seppuku to thank the world.

A series of orders were conveyed in an orderly manner, and everyone, including the other three colleges, quietly obeyed Vice Principal Luo's arrangements.

The entire academy is divided into eight major areas, and non-combat department personnel are concentrated in the central building.

With each team as a unit, students in the third grade and above can infiltrate outwards and act freely. Students below the third grade stick to each district. No prisoners are needed in the early stage. Anyone who appears as a pirate will be killed without mercy.

A ninth grader and a tenth grader, piloting a mecha to the scientific research area to support the special forces.

Tutors are responsible for organizing, rescuing and supplementing information within the school.

After everything was ready, several mechas roared into the sky with extremely fierce momentum and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds in an instant.

Afterwards, dozens more mechas took off towards the due east.

Special Operations Brigade.

Ou Qi immediately decided on Rising's key defense areas.

A scientific research area located deep east of Rising.

He doesn't need to worry about the academy. If the majestic First Military Academy of the Federation can't deal with a mere ragtag group of pirates, it will be a big deal in the world. Even reserve soldiers who have not graduated are not comparable to ordinary pirates. , you know, the First Academy also has another name, Genius Concentration Camp!
Is there anything on Rising that could attract the attention of pirates?Ou Qi couldn't figure it out. He could only judge based on common sense. The scientific research area was the most valuable place on Rising. This was the only choice the special operations team could make.

The planet's communications with outer space were all interrupted. This is reasonable. How could the pirates allow the information tower to work normally? In the first wave of attacks, apart from the space port, the towering information tower was the most important. Target?All it takes is one space annihilation mass light cannon to completely paralyze Rising's interstellar communications.

Fortunately, the communication on the ground was not greatly affected, and the news should have reached the military headquarters as soon as the spaceport was attacked. All he can do now is to stand firm and wait for reinforcements.

The Yanhuang team arrived at the scientific research area long before the special team.

As for unimportant landmarks such as business districts, they can only be left to the police. If you look down from mid-air, you will see that the once popular and prosperous Ruixing is deserted. Then, groups of ant-like black spots slowly spread. Come, they rush to various shops and major commercial buildings, gradually heading towards the center of Rising, the First College.

The scale of tens of thousands of people is actually not a big deal for a planet, but Ou Qi is serious about it at this time.

In the field of scientific research, even if a small laboratory is destroyed, it may lead to severe condemnation and protest from the cloud organization, the highest federal scientific agency, because no one knows what is in this small laboratory that may shock the world. The scientific data of Rising's scientific research institution affiliated with the First Military Academy may be second-rate in the entire Federation, but in terms of single-person weapons and mechas, it is definitely top-notch.If anything leaks out, it may cause serious consequences.

Jiang Yexing piloted her Huowu Tianyi, now named Long Yi, quietly suspended in the air, waiting for Ou Qi's arrival.

And in the starry sky, Heigl, the leader of the Black Dragon Pirates, was furious.

"Don't be like this, old friend, you have to know that if you succeed this time, you will make a lot of money."

On the screen opposite him, a man with a roe-headed and rat-like mouth and a sharp mouth smiled very proudly.

"Weasel, you are plotting against me. It turns out you are a rat in the gutter, a shameless bastard. Wait, I will never be done with you."

Heigl was so angry that after fighting for a long time, it turned out that this villain was behind the trouble. Damn it, if he could escape, he would be torn alive!

He reached out again and slapped the communicator a few times, but the buttons on the communicator were still the same as countless times before. There was no reaction from Yihao, as if the place he was in was not an S-class flagship at all, but an S-class flagship. A giant plastic toy.

"Don't waste your efforts, bro."

The humanoid man with a pointed mouth and a beard on the opposite side looked at him mockingly.
"Your flagship is already under my control. If I want it to live, I will live. If I want it to die, I will die. As for you? Hahaha. Don't worry. You can't die now. If you die, I will take the blame." Who will carry it? Right?"

"Why? Who are you your master?"

"Well, you don't need to know this. He's going to die anyway. What's the point of knowing too much?"

"you you."

Heigl didn't understand how the other party invaded his flagship, an S-class battleship, which meant that the other party was at least a double S-class hacker. How could a hacker of this level get involved with pirates?This is simply bullying!

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your subordinates and let them have fun in Ruixing, and then come back to accompany you. Oh, I am such a good person!"

The sharp-mouthed man opposite said to him, and then the screen in front of him turned black.

"It's over, it's over"

The battleship cannot be controlled, and he can only watch helplessly suspended in the starry sky, waiting for the arrival of the federal army. If he guessed correctly, the moment the federal army arrives, it is the time when his battleship 'returns' to normal. At that time, everything will It's over.

Heigl felt that his life was just like the screen in front of him, completely dark.

"No, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, let me out, let me out."

Heigl's deputy, a tall black man, screamed miserably. The remaining people's faces were also pale, with despair in their eyes.

The door is closed, all communications and weapon systems have failed. They are trapped on this giant ship. Every second that passes, they are closer to death. Maybe the Federation does not need prisoners, just an interstellar cannon. , their flagship, whose energy shield has disappeared, will turn into dust in the universe in minutes.

"It's all your fault"

Wailing and despair are contagious. Next to him, a bearded man suddenly jumped up, held a laser knife in his backhand, and struck straight at Heigl.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell, let's all die," the man yelled crazily. Before he could get close, Heigl kicked him far away. He covered his chest and wailed a few times with distracted eyes. , then spurted out a large mouthful of black blood and fell to the ground dejectedly.

A faint smell of blood spreads in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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