Chapter 119 Chaos

The First Federal Military Academy is huge.

Another way of saying it is that Rising is very small.

Rising is a very small planet. Its volume is only about a quarter of that of the Earth, while oceans and glaciers account for a third of the entire planet. On land, the existence of the First Military Academy is the only value of Rising .

In other words, on this planet, the entire planet is within the territory of the First Academy. In addition to the Academy area, there are also a series of subsidiary organizations, such as a certain military training ground, such as a certain weapon research institute, and the deployment of The Master's Guild, and then, a commercial area that occupies a very small area and provides the college with the necessary daily necessities and the most high-end luxury goods.

After the first-level alarm sounded, tension and doubt spread in the streets and alleys, and the air was filled with a sense of murder. But after all, this is the territory of the First Military Academy. There are no ordinary people here. Everyone began to seek shelter nearby in an orderly manner. The police and soldiers were in place. In just a few minutes, the college, which was bustling just now, became quiet. The usually bustling streets were deserted. It seemed that everyone had disappeared in a few breaths, except for one or two people. The fallen leaves swirled and floated down.

This also provided Jiang Yexing with great convenience.

The seven members of the Yanhuang team all arrived at the designated positions, quietly waiting for the moment of hunting.

Special Operations Brigade.

"Just received a report from the spaceport that a team of pirates, including an S-class flagship, 302 Changtian A-10 frigates, and thousands of landing ships have occupied the main area of ​​the spaceport. Take control of Rising's entire spaceport."

The adjutant with a serious look on his face reported to Ou Qi, the captain of the special team.


Ou Qi raised his voice involuntarily, damn it, is today April Fool's Day?Pirates will appear in the hinterland of the Anrila galaxy Rising?

This is an important administrative region of the federation. Which pirate dared to openly come here and attack the space port?

Is this the rhythm of rebellion?

Also, do all the federal intelligence departments eat shit?Or are the legions stationed in the outer space collectively blind?Around the Anruila Galaxy, there are the First Federation Army, the Fourth Army, and the Eighth Army stationed. The military line that is hundreds of millions of light years long has been crossed by such a well-equipped pirate group?
"That's right, that's what the report said."

The adjutant even suspected that he was dreaming, otherwise how could such an incredible thing happen?

The First Military Academy was besieged by pirates. If it gets out, no, it won't get out. At least the people won't know about it in a short time, and they won't be silenced, right?

There is no doubt that such a matter is absolutely in line with the Federation's style of handling such urgent and important matters. This matter is too serious. If it is not handled properly, it will even cause turmoil in the entire Federation. It is very simple. Pirates can appear in Anrui Pulling the galaxy, it is possible to appear on any administrative star, even if it is the central star field of the Federation, no place will be safe.

The federal army, the military department, is a good target. Think with your toes, and you know how the outside world will evaluate it. Waste, coward, decoration, endless doubts, a government that has lost the trust of the people, and then countless forces. Wrangling, fighting each other, looking for the dead ghost to take responsibility.
And they are just the most insignificant ants in this storm. It only takes a small wind to blow their fate to an unpredictable distance.

"Report—the latest news, the pirate team's [-] landing ships have begun to march towards the main star."

If the previous news was shocking, this news made Ou Qi's scalp tingle. What do more than 1000 landing ships represent?That means that more than tens of thousands of professional pirates will set foot on the land of Ruixing, and Ruixing, the special forces team including logistics, is only a few hundred people, plus the police, intelligent robots with armed forces, all kinds of people add up, can you It's not necessarily a thousand integers. Fortunately, Rising is no better than an ordinary planet. Even a fifteen or sixteen-year-old student here has a certain ability to protect himself.

"Quickly, connect to the First Academy, you can also find the principal and vice-principal, inform them of Rising's current situation, and ask for support."

I almost forgot, there is also a great god there.

The adjutant took the order and hurried to carry out the order,
"Taking over the military department"

The war machine of the Special Operations Brigade started to work, while on the other side, Heigl, the leader of the Black Dragon Pirates, was about to cry.

How about quiet?What about the one who agreed to shoot?
Why did their actions change from sending experts to sneak into Rising to steal things to attacking the space port?

When did he have so many frigates and landing ships?

As a pirate, as an ideal and ambitious pirate, his life-long dream is to travel across the star sea, fight in all directions, and lead thousands of armies - but this is just a dream, a dream that can never be realized!
He has been a pirate all his life, and he has an S-class warship under his command, and a so-called complete fleet made up of various models, tens of thousands of minions, and one of the top ten pirate regiments in the Federation. This is all he has. The problem is that although this operation is of great importance, for the sake of safety, he brought his own stand, which is also the hole card, the S-class flagship, but he only brought a very small number of people under his command, responsible for the secret operation And to respond, now, who will tell him where the densely packed pirate ships with his logo on them come from?
Damn it, who is plotting against him?
Even if he has no brains, Heigl knows that he has been punished, and it has been miserable!

Attacking the space port, what kind of brainless people can do this?But now, this kind of idiot behavior will undoubtedly be remembered on his head, and he will be blamed. At this moment, Heigl is so sour!
While he was still scratching his hair in the control room, considering whether to run away directly, thousands of landing ships, including the pirates under the Black Dragon Pirates, had rushed to the ground cheerfully.

"Come on, money beauty, here we come"

"Hurry up, once you finish this big job, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

"Wow, hahaha, I have a day too, so if it's a man, go for it."

With countless shouts and noises, the members of the Black Dragon Pirates, who were still a little hesitant, were instantly assimilated. Everyone is on board, so let's go on!
"Rush, kill, kill."

"Hahaha, that's great. I will definitely be famous throughout the ages."


(End of this chapter)

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