Chapter 114 Trap
"Being surrounded?"

The person in charge repeated as if he had heard the biggest joke of the century, they were on their own territory, surrounded by their own fleet, but now someone told him that they were surrounded?
The person in charge looked up at the screen, which already showed that dozens of medium-sized warships surrounded their transport team layer by layer.The red siren was still bawling, and on the front console, a message requesting to speak kept flashing.

"Connect to the other party." The person in charge's order showed nervousness and bewilderment. Judging from the reaction, this is a rookie in the academy.

"Ah, hello, distinguished captain." Soon, the other party's sinister laughter came from the communication, "As you can see, you have been captured, how about it? Isn't it a particularly fresh and pleasant experience? ? So, let’s do the multiple-choice question now? Surrender, or die generously? "

The poor person in charge was stunned for a while, and then roared ferociously as if remembering something,

"Come on, I'm afraid of wool, I would rather die than surrender."

In all the simulated battles over the years, only those who died in battle were never surrendered, for no other reason than that - since they would not really die, who dared to surrender at the risk of being despised by everyone?

This is also the most degrading part of similar virtual wars, but there is another concept that is just the opposite. They believe that such wars can challenge the opponent's command ability with the greatest difficulty and cultivate the commander's overall view.

In any case, the person in charge of the transportation team has already made a choice. In the next second, the battleships organized by the team began to unleash their fire, and countless interstellar cannons roared towards the transportation team. Even if they were sitting in the control room, the person in charge still You can hear the deafening explosion, and you can see the brilliant fire like fireworks in front of your eyes.
The same situation is playing out in different star fields. If the Wanluo Galaxy is like a complete cloth, then at this time, countless small holes have been opened in this cloth, turning it into a sieve.

On the other side, on the S-class flagship of the same model, Jiang Yexing hugged his knees, falling asleep.

"Boss, the opponent's main fleet is gone."

The fat man looked at the screen nervously, and said without looking back.

Star Wars!It was the first time to board a spaceship, and it was still on the flagship. Although it was only a simulation, it was enough to make the fat man who is usually big and melted highly excited.

The most important thing is that they have condemned all the frigates now, leaving only one flagship standing alone somewhere in the space. In order to hide it better, even the energy shield has been closed. If a space song guide bomb is needed, they have to explain everything here.

After the opponent's fleet broke into the galaxy for only a thousand light years, it deviated from the most likely routes they had guessed before, and disappeared without a trace from their sight.

Is this the rhythm of playing peek-a-boo?

In reality, all the onlookers are silent. This is probably the weirdest and most nervous interstellar war they have ever seen. In reality, such a war is impossible, because it is impossible for the opposing party to let the other party Breaking into the entire galaxy is not only related to the strategic deployment of the overall situation, but most importantly, letting people into the house without resistance is a shame!

And traps are also impossible. In reality, the two parties go to war, which includes a series of complex and cumbersome mobilizations such as ground strike troops, logistics troops, and depth lines. War, how can it be so simple.

However, in simulated warfare, a fleet with the same organization, a matching logistics supply, and a large enough area are all that a general simulated local war has. The basic skills of commanding a fleet, and the way of fighting like today, has never appeared in the virtual war of the military academy.

The leading instructors of the several colleges were silent, watching the actions of the two sides in the battle. The flagship of the First College was still floating in an unknown corner like a meteorite, but Ding Ke and his party returned quietly and finally stopped. At the intersection of the borders of the two galaxies, and then stand still.

"The plan of the First Academy should be to cut off all logistical supplies when the other party has not reacted, and the flagship will remain hidden, so as to weaken the opponent's combat power to the greatest extent so as to achieve the goal of defeating others without fighting. The energy of the opponent's battleship has dropped to half, and with the flagship intact in their hands, it is enough to grasp the overall situation, which can be said to be a life-and-death consumption of the opponent."

"They have succeeded halfway. At the beginning, Ding Ke must have thought that this would be a regular space battle. Well, who is the commander-in-chief of the First Academy? That first-year girl, right? It doesn't make sense at all. Make a move, it's a good seedling."

"I was one step behind at the beginning and failed to understand the opponent's thinking in time, so my future actions will become very passive. Now Ding Ke must find a way to find the opponent's flagship, or he can only destroy the opponent's frigate that has left the flagship."

"The frigates are very scattered, and it is definitely impossible to destroy them all at once."

"Could it be that we can only watch the opponent's actions succeed?"

There were a lot of discussions in reality, but Jiang Yexing, who was sitting in the flagship control room, was studying the galaxy map in front of him.
"What would you do if you encountered such a situation?"

"Oh hehehe. Is the beauty trick okay?"

"If I hadn't spent the money on boarding the ship, I'd have thrown out a spy. Just kidding." Receiving Jiang Yexing's warning eyes, the fat man shyly put on a smile, which was uglier than crying. .

The rest wisely guarded the silence.

"Find the flagship." Ouyang finally proposed a solution that is not a solution.

"Can they find us?"

The fat man laughed arrogantly, "Do you think it is possible to find a carrier in the vast sea of ​​stars that is no bigger than the meteorites that can be seen everywhere, without any energy reaction?"

"In this world, nothing is impossible." Ouyang said proudly.

Jiang Yexing agrees with this view. In this world, there is only the unimaginable and nothing impossible.

"What do you think is our advantage compared to the talented commander Dingke?"

Jiang Yexing tapped on the table and asked.

"We have had an in-depth understanding of him, and Xingxing, you have always kept a low profile, and you have never commanded a fleet. The information is blank."

This time, Fatty reacted the fastest.

"Yes, if you know the opponent, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Therefore, I will not underestimate our current opponent."

If Ding Ke was defeated so easily, there would be no value for her to dig over.

"Or, just learn from us, disperse our troops, and play a logistical idea?"

"Our logistics are guaranteed."

Thanks to the guerrilla song, there are no guns, no cannons, the enemy builds them for us.Are you afraid that there will be no guns or cannons after intercepting other people's logistics?

However, Ding Ke disappeared on the main route, what exactly did he want to do?

(End of this chapter)

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