Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 113 Star Wars

Chapter 113 Star Wars
Next came team battles and simulated star battles. Ding Ke, whom Jiang Yexing was thinking of, came here specifically for this game. Ding Ke, who was admitted to the hospital due to blood sickness, has returned to the team at this time, following his teammates Let's enter the virtual hall together.

Simulated Star Wars is a virtual interstellar war. There are two methods. One is to use the actual state of the universe as the background to randomly select a galaxy. Both sides have the same military equipment and conduct a small-scale encounter. The other is to use a certain time in a battle that happened in the past as a node, and the two sides will conduct a new deduction and calculation of this battle to determine the outcome.

The exchange competition of the First Academy chose the first method.

In the space, countless planetesimals are either flashing various cold lights, or silently turning around, existing in their own worlds, and the whole universe is peaceful and beautiful.

Suddenly, a thin silver line appeared on the far side. It was only after the silver line became brighter and thicker that it could be seen clearly. It was a complete medium-sized fleet.The two wings are Mammoth 5-A-class frigates, the front is Yingyu 17-A-class Chong as the vanguard escort, and the flagship in the middle is an S-class aircraft carrier. Thousands of bomb bays are densely distributed around the hull. , and there are more main and auxiliary gun ports, like an ancient monster with its fangs bared, waiting for its prey to come.

The entire fleet advanced in a cross shape, slowly approaching silently.

In the flagship control room, Ding Ke sat on the command chair, staring blankly at the galaxy map in front of him. As a big cross gradually approached the yellow dotted line, everyone stopped breathing and stared nervously at the screen.

Only when you are in the universe can you find out that all the muzzles of this menacing fleet are open and are constantly moving, and the whole atmosphere can be seen as if it is facing an enemy.

"Countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six."

With the clear timing sound from the computer, everyone clenched their hands and looked forward without blinking. Only Ding Ke's withered and deformed face remained calm.

"Three, two, one, enter the Terra galaxy."

The synthetic sound of the computer with no aesthetic feeling played, but instead of relaxing everyone, it made everyone more nervous.

"Did you find anything?" Ding Ke, who had been silent all this time, finally asked.

"No. The interstellar magnetic shock wave did not find any abnormalities within the effective range." The man sitting under Ding Ke said, and at the same time cast doubtful eyes on Ding Ke who was sitting in the middle. In the hearts of him and all the students of the command department, Ding Ke Ke is their god, their belief, he is omnipotent.

Ding Ke was still looking at the galaxy map and ordered to his adjutant,
"Order to spread the wings and release the scout boat."

In the starry sky, the straight lines at both ends of the cross-shaped fleet turned into a semicircle and unfolded. Afterwards, small space ships flew out like fish entering the water, and disappeared into the vast starry sky after a while.

"Why did we enter the Terra galaxy without any hindrance? So far, there is no abnormality, just like a normal interstellar voyage."

Ding Ke's deputy, Kanqi couldn't help asking.

"If you want to fish, of course you need bait, and it is sweet and delicious, and you must eat it."

Ding Ke replied, he thought of the elf-like girl with fluttering long hair again, her laughter was so beautiful, it was the cleanest, most agile and lively laughter he had ever heard.

"The bait? Even if we eat it all, so what?" Kanqi asked strangely,
The deputy's question brought back Ding Ke's thoughts about going away. He forced himself to focus on the upcoming war, and listened intently to the message sent back from the headset, without answering the deputy's question.

Information about the front continued to come back, without any resistance, and no abnormalities were found, and there were not even traces of troops stationed.

"What does this mean? Give us the entire galaxy directly?"

Another deputy finally couldn't bear it and said, who can believe that the war between the two galaxies did not encounter any resistance when the enemy crossed the line, and just let the enemy's fleet go deep like this?
"Should we wait for us to go deeper? But what's the use? They have to confront us head-on at least one time. In this kind of interstellar warfare, ordinary traps are useless. We only need to push forward horizontally while cleaning up."

"They're not here." Ding Ke abruptly interrupted his subordinates. "Is it so easy to occupy a galaxy? First of all, we are just a fleet. Is it really landed and occupied? Then, what about the supply? The deeper the depth, the longer the supply line. Before we have a formal encounter with the opponent, it is impossible for us to send people to plunder the supplies on the nearby planet? In that case, the people sent out, I am afraid Only one of them can’t come back, or are we going to use a whole space fleet to attack a certain planet?”

Everyone was silent. As geniuses in the command department, they learned how to command a fleet to fight in books, but the books never mentioned what they should do when they can't find the enemy. good?
"So, where will they be?"

Canci interface said.

"Supply." Ding Ke gave an unexpected but very reasonable answer.

The fleet moved on.

There are three judgment criteria for simulating Star Wars, the supreme commander is killed, or the flagship is captured or destroyed, or, for various reasons, one fleet can no longer organize effective combat power, such as hacking into the opponent’s command system, such as the opponent’s All the members suddenly had diarrhea, and all of this had to be based on a real fight between the two parties. Therefore, they must either find each other, or wait until the time is up.

Of course, Ding Ke didn't think that the dignified First Academy would use such a rogue way to tie the game. If the other party really did this, it would really help them. Therefore, the other party must have a backup, and the most likely Yes, destroy the supplies.

And Ding Ke's big back door, somewhere in the Wanluo galaxy, an inconspicuous small transport fleet is slowly sailing in the universe, moving towards the Terra galaxy.

Their task is to deliver a batch of fuel to the main fleet ahead. There are countless transport teams like them in the entire Wanluo galaxy, and they are just one of the most inconspicuous ones.

"Not being able to fight with Boss Ding at the forefront, it really is bad luck."

In the main ship of the Yuanshu team, the person in charge yawned and said to the deputy next to him.

"That's right, sir. I heard that Captain Ding Ke is a commanding genius who is rare in a thousand years. It's a pity that I can't witness Senior Ding beating the First Academy with my own eyes."

The deputy also looked envious. After returning this time, Mr. Ding Ke will definitely become a star-like existence, and a passer-by like him who has no chance to show his face at all is nothing in comparison.

"Ah, it doesn't matter. As long as you can easily defeat the opponent, it is also an honor to be a participant. The opponent is the number one academy."

said the person in charge.

The deputy nodded in agreement, and just when he was about to say something, the piercing alarm sounded suddenly, and the red light flashed, reminding everyone on the ship that the person in charge hurried forward,
"What's going on? What happened, did you encounter a meteorite belt?"

"No, no," the deputy swallowed, "We, we are surrounded."

(End of this chapter)

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