Chapter 248 Her Tomb

"It's a good thing that everything is over. You finally returned to your brother's side. From now on, we two brothers and sisters will be able to manage Base B well, and we will be worthy of our father."

Three years ago, An Shikang finally came to his senses, facing the evil he had done, he couldn't let go of it, and died in depression.

"Okay, back to Base B, I feel like I have regained my old self." After marrying Meng Youran, she has been learning how to be a good wife. After giving birth to a child, she has been learning to be a good mother. But I forgot how to be myself.

Back then, I had dreams and pursuits, and I regarded my brother as my goal.

When she returns to Base B, she wants to regain her former self.

"It's always good to be ambitious." A soldier quickly walked over and stood in front of the two of them.

"The leader has information from Base H."

"Let's go ahead, seeing Jinlan in the future is like meeting me." An Jinyan pulled Jinlan in front of him. Since he asked his sister to manage Base B with him, he must give her equal rights.

"Meng Youran and the mercenaries of base H cooperated internally and externally, killed the old leader of base H, and installed a puppet as the leader. The territory of the capital base was expanded again."

"The third base." An Jinlan's eyes flashed with shock. "Furthermore, the scale of Base H is comparable to that of Base B, and it was actually conquered by this kind of strategy."

"Don't panic, Base B is still young. Although it's not far from the base of the capital, I don't think he will come so fast, and no matter what, he will consider it."

"I think he will come." An Jinlan frowned slightly. "Ambition, once opened, will expand without limit."

"With the current strength of Base B, it is impossible to compete with the capital base. If they call, we can only pretend to surrender and make other choices."

"Forget it, let's take a step first. If that happens, we can only give it a try." An Jinlan looked at the fields in the distance. The zombies around Base B have been almost cleared, and the abandoned power grids have long been put into use. .

Now the supernatural beings and people in Base B are used to replanting the land. I will help my brother guard this beautiful life for a short time.

Twilight is approaching, and they have spent three months peacefully in Base B.

An Jinlan hugged her child and sat in front of her grave.

"Mom, why do you want to make a tomb for yourself?" Xiao Qiuqiu lay in Jinlan's arms.

"Because my former mother is dead, my mother has to bury her former self with her own hands."

"Then when can we go back to see Dad, I miss him so much, and he must also miss you very much." Xiao Qiuqiu lay in Jinlan's arms.

"Qiaoqiu sometimes you have to accept some cruel facts. In this life, you can only be accompanied by me and uncle. If you return to your father, you will never see your mother again." Jinlan touched her son head, staring at the grave in front of him.

"Why does mom treat little Qiuqiu so cruelly?"

"You'll know when you grow up." An Jinlan stood up slowly, snapped her fingers, and the two servants took the little ball away.

"Miss Jinlan, Meng Youran brought the army over, stopped two kilometers away from base B, and invited the leader out of the city to meet him. The leader said that the purpose of his trip might not be base B, but to take away his son." The guard hesitated say this sentence.

"I won't let him take my son away." An Jinlan slowly clenched her fists.

"If the base and your child could only choose one, what choice would you make?" the guard asked boldly.

"Don't worry, I won't drag anyone down in this base."

There was a touch of despair in An Jinlan's tone, she walked up the tower slowly, letting the evening wind ruffle his hair.

"Let my brother invite him into the base to take a look." Rather than shelving some problems, it is better to solve them head-on.


"This way please." Two hours later, An Jinyan led Meng Youran and dozens of his subordinates into Base B.

Even if you don't like this brother-in-law any more, you have to get over the surface, and this brother-in-law is much stronger than you.

"You manage this place very well." Meng Youran nodded slightly, very satisfied with the current situation of life here.

He didn't really want to annex An Jinyan's base, but just wanted to beat him and get his son back.

"Little Qiuqiu, you know my purpose." Meng Youran patted An Jinlan's shoulder, a warning flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Qiuqiu just woke up and was taking a shower. Before that, I want to take you to do another thing."

"If you want to eat, you don't have to. It only takes three hours to get here by helicopter from the capital base." The implication is that if you talk nonsense with me, I will abolish your base. Anyway, the two bases are not far away. It is possible to turn your base into a granary.

"I wanted to take you to worship Xia Jinlan, but since you are so anxious, then forget it." An Jinyan sighed and said with a wry smile.

"What did you say!" Meng Youran's attention was instantly attracted when she heard the word Jinlan.

"Tangyuan found Jinlan's body and returned her to me."

"Why didn't you tell me that I couldn't even see her for the last time." The next second, Meng Youran grabbed An Jinyan's collar.

"Her dying wish is to be buried in her homeland, and I promised her that she will never see you again in this life, but I think you are Xiao Qiuqiu's father, and if you take him away, you must at least tell his mother .”

"She really still hates me." Meng Youran's tone was full of panic. "Take me to her."

There was a trace of panic hidden in Meng Youran's tone. He has become an overlord that no one in Huaguo can match, but he has also lost the person he loves the most.

The wind blew up the hem of his military overcoat, and his black military boots stood in front of the grave.

On the tombstone, there were only three words An Jinlan, without any embellishments. She didn't seem to have been given any identity, only these three words were kept.

She is the eldest lady of base B and also his wife, but she finally gave up such embellishments.

"Get out." Meng Youran waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him quickly left.

"Then I won't bother you." An Jinyan took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Meng Youran.

Meng Youran's hand paused in the air, a little flattered, did Jinlan leave a message to him before she died?

"Jinlan's last letter, I think you should read it too."

An Jinyan turned around slowly, and looked back at Meng Youran's back, so lonely and lonely.

He really loves An Jinlan, such a careful and cautious person put himself in danger just to be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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