This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 199 Chapter 235 Difference Between Strength and Weakness

Chapter 199 Chapter 235 Difference Between Strength and Weakness
"It seems that I have to thank Ms. Meng for her kindness." The smile on Tang Yuan's lips was somewhat contemptuous.

"No need to thank you, because I will send you to the Paradise of Elysium next!" Meng Nanshan's tone was filled with coldness, and he snapped his fingers. The two metal superpowers beside him took a step forward, flying in their hands. Threads of gold.

An ice shield solidified in Tang Yuan's palm, and she gave the shield to her father.

"Hold it to the corner and hide." Tangyuan's eyes flashed a hint of determination.

I escaped from the pursuit of wolves and broke through the sea of ​​thousands of corpses, but I didn't expect to die in the hands of human beings in the end.

A long sword solidified in his hand, and the smile on his lips was full of arrogance.

The moment the golden thread flew towards her, Tangyuan turned over and flashed, tapped her toes, lifted into the air with the help of the golden thread, and flew towards the person who issued the golden thread.

"You still want to counterattack, you don't know how to live or die!" Meng Nanshan snorted coldly, and another supernatural person quickly fired a golden thread towards Tangyuan.

With an extremely light flash, he accelerated his steps and kicked the gold-type supernatural being in the chest, and the supernatural person flew several meters in an instant.

Meng Nanshan was obviously surprised that Tangyuan had such strength, let alone that her close combat was not inferior at all.

The gold-type ability user is considered a long-range ability user, and now he has solidified into a golden sword to fight with glutinous rice balls, which is obviously out of inferiority.

Every movement of Tangyuan was crisp and neat, and she swung the ice sword in one go, quickly resisting the attack of the gold-type supernatural being, turning defense into offense, and piercing the chest of the gold-type supernatural being with a swish sword.

"It's your turn next!" Tang Yuan slowly walked towards Meng Youran holding a blood-stained sword.

Meng Youran's ability is to control corpses, and it is useless to deal with people with abilities.

He stepped back step by step, without any arrogance just now, and the cold sweat on his forehead gradually trickled down.

"Don't come here, Tangyuan, I just want to make a joke with you!" Meng Nanshan felt that his life was threatened, and his attitude softened instantly.

"I also want to send you to the Paradise of Paradise, this is not a joke." The corners of Tang Yuan's lips lifted into a smile, which was so beautiful, but Meng Nanshan was trembling at this moment.

Suddenly, Tangyuan felt that her body could not be controlled by herself, and she was gradually suspended in mid-air.

"You seem to have completely ignored my existence, so sad!" The man in black walked slowly towards the glutinous rice balls with his hands behind his back, untied his cloak, and handed it to Meng Nanshan.

"Thank you, master." Meng Nanshan regained his composure, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"It's only natural for me to save my apprentice." The silver mask glowed faintly in the sun.

At this time, the four supernatural beings quickly climbed up from under the house and half-kneeled beside Meng Nanshan to show that the escort was unfavorable.

Turning his gaze back to Tangyuan, the smile in his eyes was raging.

"Your appearance without fear of life and death is really disappointing. Wouldn't Yebei be very sad?" The masked man looked up at Tangyuan. "However, according to what I have known about him for many years, he should use your corpse to analyze your cells and clone countless copies of you while he is sad."

"That's really good." Tangyuan smiled slightly, even if someone hung her in the air with force, she didn't look embarrassed at all.

"The heart is really big, you don't feel sad at all, he can create another you at will, maybe program it on the basis of the original you, create a more obedient you, you will be completely forgotten, In its place is a clone that has stolen your appearance and personality."

"You talk so much, what exactly do you want to express!" The smile on the corner of Tang Yuan's lips showed disdain.

"I want you to despair, let you know that you are also an outcast, and let you know that the last days bring only cruelty to people."

"Perhaps I should feel honored to have you wasting so much time and words to despair me."

"Don't be too narcissistic. I just like to make happy people despair. He didn't come back with you this time. It seems that she already hates you, but this time he is kinder than I thought. He didn't kill you. Maybe it's true. Let’s still have some old love.” The silver-masked man approached Tangyuan’s cheek and said.

"Whatever you say, I'll take it as a joke."

"It seems that you have full confidence in Yebei, or losing love doesn't hit you hard enough, what about losing a loved one." The silver-masked man set his eyes on Tang Henian who was hiding in the corner. "I heard that you are a filial daughter. If I let your father die in front of your eyes, I wonder if your expression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years will loosen."

"What matters between us, come to me, don't hurt others!" As soon as Tangyuan heard that they were going to hurt him, his father immediately became nervous.

"No~no~" the man in black shook his hand. "Tangyuan, you may be wrong, Nanshan told her why we are going to deal with her!"

"There is no enmity between Tangyuan and us, do you know why I want to kill you?" Meng Nanshan had an arrogant smile on his lips.

Tangyuan stared at her fiercely, without saying a word.

"That's because I don't like you, so you have to die. Whoever made you weak, I am strong."

Tangyuan looked at Meng Nanshan with a murderous intent in his eyes, and Meng Nanshan intuitively sensed this murderous intent.

Pa, a crisp slap, red steamed buns immediately swelled up on Tangyuan's beautiful side face, leaving clear slap marks.

"It hurts my hand!" Meng Nanshan shook his palm. "I don't like your eyes. I'll goug out your eyes after I get rid of your father."

"So you know the reason now?" The silver-masked man stood behind the glutinous rice balls. "Because others don't like you, so even your family members don't like you. Be a likable person in your next life."

The silver-masked man snapped his fingers, indicating that Meng Nanshan could do something.

"Go down and kill those two old men!"

The two supernatural beings beside Meng Nanshan quickly jumped down, approaching Tang Henian and the crazy An Shikang!

"No!" Tangyuan clenched her hands into fists, trying to break through the air pressure that suppressed her, but she was powerless.

The supernatural person approached Tang Henian with a big knife, Tang Henian immediately picked up the shield to block it, and another supernatural person snatched the shield.

Naturally, Tang Henian's speed couldn't keep up with the supernatural being. After running a few steps, he was blocked back into the corner by the supernatural being. The big knife stabbed straight at Tang Henian with a cold light.

Tangyuan's fingernails were already tightly sunken into the flesh, blood dripped slowly to the ground along the hand, a blizzard was blowing all over her body, and she used almost overdrawn strength to contend against the power that suppressed herself.

The big knife was getting closer and closer to Tang and Nian, almost piercing the skin of Tang and Nian. Suddenly, at this moment, a fiery red long whip flew by, and the two supernatural beings flew away with one whip.

(End of this chapter)

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