This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 198 The Mysterious Potion

Chapter 198 The Mysterious Potion

"Sister, why does the smell of gunpowder here be so strong!" Tang Heng supported his father.

"This used to be the gunpowder storage base." Tang Henian stood still and answered his son's question.

"Such a strong smell of gunpowder means that someone used the gunpowder here." Tangyuan rubbed her nose, the smell was too pungent.

"Only An Shikang has the key to the gunpowder store." Tang Henian's eyes flashed with horror. "Could it be that he wants to blow up the entire base!"

"But the number of zombies in the base is much smaller than the survivors, so he probably wouldn't do that." Tang Heng replied naively.

At this time, a man covered in darkness crawled out of the gunpowder room, with many marks of being bombed on his body.

"Who are you?" Tangyuan lowered her body and asked that it was a man who fell on the ground.

"I'm the caretaker here. Just now Meng Shikang came in with the key. Without saying a word, he ignited the gunpowder in the gunpowder room."

"How much gunpowder is there in the gunpowder room, are there any dangerous weapons?" Tangyuan asked calmly.

"All dangerous weapons, such as cannons, were transported by the commander to the city wall to bombard zombies. 90.00% of the gunpowder in the gunpowder was also transported to the front line, leaving only [-]% of chemical gunpowder. "

"What exactly are the radioactive hazards of those chemical gunpowders!" Tangyuan's tone became anxious.

"Once the gunpowder explodes, the base will be over. An Shikang said that something will be destroyed, and that this corpse wave is caused by that thing."

"I'll stop him!" Tang Henian reacted immediately and wanted to stop his old friend.

"I'll go, it's too dangerous inside, you can't go!"

Tang Yuan stopped his father.

"An Shikang is very stubborn. He will never listen to you, a junior. Only if I go can I hope to persuade him!" Tang Henian patted his daughter on the shoulder.

"Tang Heng, hurry up and find An Jinyan!" Sometimes force can play a role, and he is An Shikang's son, so he should be able to persuade An Shikang. "Dad, I'll go in with you."

Tangyuan held her father's hand and strode towards the house.

A pungent smell of smoke came, and the glutinous rice balls were choked and breathless.

He immediately took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently covered his father's mouth and nose.

"Let's move on." Tang Henian waved his hand to signal that the handkerchief was unnecessary.

This warehouse is extremely huge, and since all the weapons have been emptied, it looks empty, and black smoke is still flying in the air, blurring people's vision.

"Uncle An!" Tangyuan looked at An Shikang's back not far away and shouted!
An Shikang seemed to be unable to hear Tangyuan's shouting, holding a blue box in his hand and smiling stupidly.

"An Shikang, are you crazy?" Tang Henian shouted at An Shikang.

"It's all because of this that the zombies come. I want to destroy it! Destroy it!" An Shikang said to himself.

Picking up the box and throwing it heavily on the ground, the box opened wide open, revealing a tube of red potion.

When An Shikang saw the red potion, his eyes lit up again, as if a thirsty man had seen the sweet spring and rushed towards the red potion crazily.

"I struggled for so long to find you. I must not let you fall into the hands of others."

"Old An!" Tang Henian slapped An Shikang on the back of the head, hoping that he would wake up a bit. "What is this thing? Is this tide of corpses all attracted by this potion?"

"It's a good thing, that's why all the zombies want him!" An Shikang smiled at Tang Henian foolishly.

"No matter what it is, as long as it attracts zombies, it is not a good thing, we must destroy it!"

Tang Yuan frowned slightly and looked at the liquid in An Shikang's hand. What on earth was this that could make people so crazy?

"Can't be destroyed, can't be destroyed!" An Shikang looked at Tang Henian pitifully. "This is good stuff!"

"Dad, An Shikang's sanity is no longer very clear. Just grab it and destroy it directly!"

"I'll listen to you!" Tang Henian immediately went to grab the reagent from An Shikang. After all, An Shikang had been in the army for many years. How could Tang Henian, who was born as a scholar, be comparable!

Throwing Tang Henian to the ground, he reached out to pinch Tang Henian's neck.

A stream of ice knocked An Shikang to the ground and instantly froze An Shikang's wrist.

Tang Henian quickly got up from the ground, picked up the reagent beside An Shikang, and was about to break it when he heard the sound of Tangyuan stopping it.

"Dad, wait a minute!" Tangyuan rushed to Tang Henian.

"What's the matter, you won't be confused by this thing too!" Tang Henian looked at his daughter worriedly.

"This thing can attract zombies when it is in the box. It must be spread through the smell. If we destroy this reagent rashly and the zombies smell a strong smell, then the base is likely to be swallowed up by the tide of zombies in an instant."

"Then what should I do!" Tang Henian looked at his daughter in bewilderment.

"An Shikang must have been sober at the beginning, that's why he thought of using chemical weapons to destroy the potion, and use the smell of chemical weapons to cover the smell of the potion." Tang Yuan looked at the potion in his hand and thought.

"But I thought of a more appropriate method." Tangyuan felt ruthless!
"what way!"

"I drove an off-road vehicle, sent this thing out of Base B, buried it in an uninhabited forest, or smashed them there, so that the attraction of zombies would be diverted, and the tide of corpses could be temporarily resolved."

"No, this method is too dangerous. What should you do if so many zombies hurt you!" In Tang Henian's heart, the life of his child was the most important.

"There's nothing wrong with it, otherwise so many people in the city will die, and since I have this idea, I will definitely have a complete set of measures, so don't worry about me." Tangyuan comforted her father softly.

"What a father-daughter relationship!" A giggle came slowly.

A trace of golden thread came towards Tangyuan. Tangyuan pulled his father, quickly dodged, and kicked An Shikang into the corner to save him from the attack.

Tangyuan looked around, but didn't see a single figure. Suddenly, the ceiling above her head loosened a bit. In the next second, the roof of the entire room was pierced by countless golden threads, forming a circle with a diameter of 20 meters.

The circle fell down with a bang. Meng Nanshan crossed his arms and sat on the undivided ceiling wall.

Behind Meng Nanshan stood two gold-type supernatural beings and a man in a black cloak.

"Miss Meng really took great pains to meet me!" Tang Yuan's smile was full of calm, without a trace of fear.

"This room is full of smog. No matter how many backstabs I try, it will be useless if I miss you. I might as well lift the roof off to let you breathe."

(End of this chapter)

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