4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 82: After the war


The first plague is emitting a low scream on the ground. This is the so-called final sorrow.

A large number of bombers flew in the air, they dropped a large number of bombs to bomb the head of the plague, the sputtered solution eroded its carapace, while other bombers dropped to the foot of the plague. The special 'lubricant bombs', these 'lubricants' quickly covered the foot of the plague, and suddenly it slipped and fell to the ground...

But before it completely touched the ground, the ground suddenly exploded, and the Blazers rushed out of the ground and drilled through its chest.

With the viscera and blood splashes, this huge creature is no longer moving...

This is the first plague. After the plague dragon dissolved itself, Lin let the Air Force and the Blazers cooperate to solve all the plagues. These creatures are huge but fragile. I think they are only suitable as a long-range attack force.

Then, Lin released a large number of phagosomes and swallowed the growing hyphae on the ground. As a result, perhaps the plague fungus was completely extinct...

All this, there is only the last puzzle, the head that was shot.

The head was shot on the sea not far from the island. This thing floated on the surface of the sea and was found by some of the bomber forces of Lin. When it was found, Lin found that Monte II was gone, as if it had broken away from the hyphae... ...no, it is the hyphae that loosened it.

Lin can still rely on parasitic creatures to know its location. Monte II should now fly on the sea. What will it do? Going to a new place to form Aztec? Or does it have anything to do with plague fungi? But it is not infected by fungi.

The brain worm believes that it should be caught back. Then pull out the brain's snoring. Crush it. Grill, it's delicious.

To this end, it has been letting Xiaofeilong practice fire-breathing, although it is simply not sprayed out.

The brain worm has a feeling of hatred towards Montenegro. This hatred seems to be normal, mainly because they have had wars, unlike its hatred of the Inca worms because of ‘pronunciation’.

Lin feels that it is not necessary to ignore Montenegro for the time being, just monitor it. Lin felt that at the time of the battle with the plague dragon, it might have helped, and even directed, if you let it live, you might see something interesting...

The brain worm usually doesn't have any opinion on Lyn's decision. In fact, it doesn't always pay attention to one thing. It will soon turn its attention to something else.

Lin began to do some post-war treatment on the island, first of all to break down these giant plague monsters.

The dissolution of the plague dragon is indeed very effective, which is a wonderful way for the opponent to get their own information. Lynn can only study its carapace and speculate.

When the pioneers got into the body of the plague dragon, Lynn had seen a lot of things. The visceral structure of the plague dragon can be said to have completely disappeared. It seems to be a synthetic organism. It seems that it grows into itself. The brain does not know how long it takes to make it. Lin thinks it should be made of various creatures. The visceral synthesis, which is composed of its own hyphae, is quite complicated, and it is so big, it is a bit wrong, it will be crushed by its own weight, and there are other kinds of problems. occur.

Maybe the dragon is completely incapable when it is first manufactured. After many tests, it will be like this. After all, this is synthesizing other things, not growing up by yourself, but if the computing power is strong enough, maybe you don't have to test...

From the structure of the plague, you can find some mysteries about the dragon structure.

Among the heads of all the plagues that Lynn killed, they are almost different. Some are already in the stage of just sticking the creatures together, while others are in the process of dissolving these creatures, leaving only muscles and other structures. They are changing in this direction. When the degree of completion is getting higher and higher, there may be various structures such as internal organs, and the carapace will be strengthened.

The brain found in the cavern of the sea...maybe the most intelligent brain is not necessarily, it is more than twice as large as the brainworm, but it is a pity that it is already dead. If it is alive, it may be more interesting. battle.

... Of course, it can be dangerous.

However, anyway, it is over, and there is no need to pay attention to it. Lin can learn the essence of them and continue to advance in this world.

There is still a lot to do next.

Just like before, it is necessary to reoccupy the island and remove the hyphae that grows everywhere on the island. It is a trouble to fight with small creatures. They always proliferate everywhere, but Lin currently cannot create a virus-like unit. Otherwise, it will be much easier to solve them.

Maybe you should find a way to create a similar unit.

In the next few nights and nights, Lin let most of the troops go back, and the brain worms flew back. Lin found that it seemed to want to build a nest on some of the islands encountered in the middle, and it was originally in the place. I didn’t think it was stable and I ran away.

And Lin let the remaining troops continue to dig and search in the nearby sea, to investigate to see where the plague dragon was buried, and perhaps find the other plague that was buried, at the beginning of the decomposition of the plague. After their heads, Lin has been able to fully trace their odors, even if they are buried under the sand at the bottom of the sea.

The large amount of nutrients stored under the island of fungi is intended to build an underground base, like a huge underground network access system, on the surface of ordinary plants just fine, and then put some creatures.

The original creature here should have been killed by the fungus, so it has to be shipped from a distance.

All of this takes a long time, let's deal with it slowly... After Lin needs to handle it, I will take care of things on the mainland.

In this way, staying up late and staying late... During this period, Lin’s troops at the sea dug a lot of heads. A total of more than 100 heads were found around the island. The number of these things is quite large, it is estimated that Prepared for replacement, but did not find the body, these heads are also very fun to say, there is no living structure in these heads, it is estimated that the need to connect the hyphae in order to move.

However, Lin did not find any more body. Their distribution is basically around the island of fungi, but Lin did not find any burial place for the plague dragon, but it is located in the seabed about five kilometers from the fungus island. A huge cave that matches the shape of the dragon.

There is nothing else in the cave, and there are no other passages, so it is not good to confirm whether it is a place to bury the dragon.

Then there is nothing to discover. If it is the last stronghold of the plague fungus, they should not have any other things like the plague in other places, but there may be islands infected by fungi elsewhere. So Lynn is going to search farther around.

At the same time, Lin also completely recovered Behim Moss and slowly re-created one. Lin originally wanted to create a plague-like dragon armor to see Behemoth, but this carapace is too heavy, not suitable for flying creatures... ...

There are very few carapace suitable for flying creatures, so Behemoth has no heavy armor, but Lynn feels that it will find a suitable one sooner or later.

Everything is going on slowly. When the phage slowly devours the island's hyphae, Lin also sprinkles a lot of seeds. The phage follow the hyphae all the way to the depths of the ground, slowly eating They, and when the phlegm swallowed the last hyphae and a few microscopic dusts in the ground, Lin found incredible ... feeling.

The plague fungus seems to be extinct?

Yes, when Lin swallowed the last hyphae, there was a feeling of sympathy that came about when the species was extinct.

Lynn did some research on this feeling, not that it would be felt when the species was completely extinct, and that they would appear when there were quite a few left.

However, this is indeed a bit strange. Although the plague dragon and the plague capital are dead, all the islands that grow on the road are burned or swallowed, but the fungi on those islands always release a lot of dust. They should be hard to clean up.

Lin has always thought that they are a very endangered species, because plague fungi have a characteristic, their micro dust can be retained for a long time, as long as they do not touch the suitable things will not grow.

There may be another situation here. Lin is now extinct only the plague dragon and this part of the brain. Maybe there are other fungi in other places...

The plague fungus may not differentiate into another species for a long time, just like the Chibbug, the island and the mainland are two species, so Lynn only feels that one of them is extinct, and another One completely irrelevant.

But let's talk about it later, Lin hasn't swallowed up this last bit of fungus, but let the phlegm wrap the last bit of dust, so Lynn intends to keep them and freeze them in one way. If they are really going to be extinct, it would be a pity to kill a species directly. Maybe you can figure out how to change them in the future.

At the same time, Lin was also tracking Monte II. Lin found that it flew to a distant island. The island was not very large, but there were many plants and all kinds of animals, as if it were going to start building ethnic groups there.

It may not be associated with plague fungi, but it will remain observed.

Now, since everything is done, go back! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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