4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 81: Dissolution


The Plague Dragon and the Blazers are still deadlocked, and the head of the plague is slowly approaching this area, but now, over the island, it is slowly covered by a large black shadow...

This is a large group of flying creatures like bees, which are small in size, each about five centimeters long, but large in number.

This is the air force to support, but it is not Lin's army, but the brain worm.

This kind of creature is called collecting bee colony. Because the brainworm has been asking for it, Lin has let its troops follow it. It is a kind of plant used for planting. Because it is very small, it can be easily mass produced. The original The role is to collect seeds, scatter seeds and maintain plants, mainly because it secretes a liquid called 'growthin', which inhibits the growth of fungi, which was previously used by the tribes of the brainworms. The arms allowed some plants to be protected from fungal infections.

But would it be useful for plague fungi? Then I don't know.

"Look at the weak creatures, you are going to be stronger than it." The brain worms are in the distant continent, and they are in the rocky mountains, pressed against the long small dragons that are bigger than before, and they look at the display together. The plague dragon shown in it, the brainwave signal it sends is enough to convey such a long distance, countless collecting bees rot in the air, and then rushed to the pioneers and dragons in the stalemate.

The collecting bees sprayed a large amount of liquid from the tail when they approached, and sprinkled on the hyphae spread by the pioneer's body. After being sprayed by the liquid, the diffusion speed of these hyphae did not change at all, and it was getting faster and faster.

Sure enough, no effect? Lin also thinks a bit of hope. The plague fungus is not really a fungus. But their lifestyle is very similar. However, it is not surprising that the plague fungus grows so crazy because they are extremely resistant to various toxins. Even if they encounter new poisons, it is estimated that they will be able to respond quickly.

However, collecting the liquid sprayed by the bees caused another effect. The mucus sprayed from the plague dragon's body and sticking to the head of the pioneer began to become non-sticky. It seems that this is caused by the mixing of liquids. In this case, this allowed the Blazers to break free of the mucus of the Plague Dragon. The twisted head was drilled back into the ground.

"It's different from the original plan, but the brain worm commanded the bee to fly back into the air, and then continually drip the liquid on the back of the dragon at high altitude... This would probably have little effect.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, a number of strong water jets sprayed into the air to collect bee colonies. The dense bee colonies were instantly rushed out of the water by several columns. Countless bees were instantly turned into residues left in the body.

"Oh..." The plague dragon also made a low-pitched sound, which released a large amount of fog from the back, trying to infect the collecting bee colony in the air.

At this time, the Blazers drilled out of the ground again and slammed into the dragon on the left side of the Plague Dragon with a crack and fell over once.

‘咔...’ The crack spreads and spreads in a moment, and the heavy crust is still unable to protect the body of the plague dragon. A big hole was drilled by the pioneer.

The Blazers followed the big hole into the dragon's body, and the Blazers' head turned on the light. The structure of various visceral muscles and other structures suddenly appeared in front of Lin's eyes. They reflected wonderful colors. At this moment, Lin even felt as if swimming in a coral reef.

These structures are tangled with the rotation of the Blazers, and all the internal organs are torn apart with constant rotation. The life of this huge monster is constantly fading under the pioneer's drill bit...

The plague dragon seemed to realize that his life was approaching, and it made a burst of low screams, and the pioneers felt a sense of shock.

It seems that the liquid in the plague dragon is constantly changing. Lin found some feelings like 'boiling'. Several large sacs are constantly releasing a large amount of liquid, which is mixed with the body fluid of the plague dragon. Among them.

At the same time, the outsiders found that the carapace of the Plague Dragon seemed to have some parts beginning to creep like a soft mud.

Does it seem to start dissolving its own shell from the inside?

Lin immediately thought of what the plague dragon wanted to do... Does it want to be transformed into art?

At this time, the pilot also saw that the dragon's head suddenly began to shake, and the shaking quickly accelerated, and then - ‘Boom! ’

The sticky head of the Plague Dragon shot like a bomb, and such a large head reached an unimaginably high speed. It flew out of the island and rushed to the sea.

After the head flew out, the blood in the body began to boil and change, and the outer shell began to disintegrate. This speed is almost the same as the speed of the explosive. Lin has not even had time to let the Blazers quit...

'boom--! ! ! ’

The roar of the explosion rang through the sky.

The thick fog of the sky obscures the radiance of the sun. After the explosion sounds, everything returns to silence...

How big is the power of a giant creature that is tens of meters long? The Blazers have now experienced it.

After the smoke dissipated, there were only a pile of shells on the ground, and some skeletons of the dragons, and these skeletons slowly peeled off and fell to the ground, turning into endless debris.

It looks like the dragon has blown up his body, but the surrounding land is affected by a small range. To be honest, this explosion is not very powerful. It is not so much an explosion, it is better to say that the plague The dragon dissolved himself.

Lin speculates that there may be several special organs in the body that secrete a large amount of liquid at a critical time. This liquid mixes with some substances produced by cells in the body, dissolves all the structures, and some organs that normally compress things. Exploded, so there is a similar explosion, but the power is small.

The Blazers did not suffer any damage. Its dissolution was almost entirely directed at itself. The plague dragon may have designed these organs when they were manufactured. This is obviously a brain design.

Why is it doing this? Maybe it was for the plague dragon to be killed, and it would not be obtained by the then rival Yate population... It almost completely dissolved the whole body, only some shells left, there is no way to get any useful informational.

Lin hasn't thought that it still has this ability? But why is it shot out? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Wills~ rewards~

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