"Phew! The bed shouldn't break again this time."

Wang Zhenwei, who changed the room, put his hands on the bed and pressed it. After making sure that the bed would not break, he lay down with peace of mind.

In view of the fact that the same guest had two accidents in a row, Tong the shopkeeper waived Wang Zhenwei's room fee. He also kept apologizing to Wang Zhenwei.

In fact, Wang Zhenwei didn't take it to heart.

For him, things like broken wooden stools and broken beds were trivial matters. Since ancient times, spearmen have been lucky. Except for Zhao Yun, who do you think has good luck with spears? Wang Zhenwei is no exception.

Since he obtained the system and became a spearman, his luck has been It became particularly bad. He often got stuck in his teeth when drinking cold water or stepped on dog shit when going out.

Even his house collapsed three times because of him living in it.

However, after so many years, Wang Zhenwei has found some patterns in his luck.

That is, when he is escorting, his luck will be better. Of course, it is better than himself, but worse than others.

However, as soon as the escort is over, his luck will go from slightly worse to extremely bad.

His unusually cautious character is also because he has bad luck and wants to suffer less.

"Rest for two days and see if we can get a escort here. If so, that would be great."

Wang Zhenwei fell asleep while thinking about it.

He fell asleep, but the people in Tongfu Inn were still awake.

At this time, they were discussing Wang Zhenwei downstairs.

"The luck of this guest···It's not good."

Lu Xiucai remembered Wang Zhenwei being stabbed during the day. This was the first time he saw what it felt like to be stabbed by a thorn. He just felt pain.

"Is this guy really as evil as you say?"

Chef Li Dazui asked while chewing a cucumber. He had been in the kitchen and didn't know what happened during the day.

"You didn't see that person's luck was really bad."

Without the psychological pressure, Bai Zhantang also became active.

"I tell you, you didn't see it. When the shopkeeper and I went in, the guest was lying on the ground like this."

Bai Zhantang acted out what Wang Zhenwei looked like at that time: one hand was pressed under his body, one hand was stuck in the crack of the bed, and his body was half sideways stuck in the broken part of the bed.

"If the shopkeeper and I hadn't pulled him out, he would have been stuck there tonight."

Bai Zhantang said with a smile

"This person's luck is a bit bad."

Li Dazui nodded and said

"It's a pity to waste my old elm stool and bed. I lost so much money in this process!!!"

Tong Xiangyu cried. She felt that the most unlucky person today was not Wang Zhenwei, but herself.

"I'm not saying anything bad to you, boss. You should have replaced these antiques a long time ago. They're all old and broken.

If you don't replace them, maybe this will happen again next time."

Li Dazui said after taking a bite of the cucumber.

"Change, change, change, you just talk nonsense all day long. It costs money to change furniture. How about deducting it from your wages?"

Tong Xiangyu glanced at Li Dazui. He really didn't know how expensive tea and rice were until he ran the household.

""Well, just ignore what I said."

When Li Dazui heard that his money would be deducted to buy furniture, he was speechless.

He had little money to begin with, and if it was deducted, it would be even less.

""Okay, it's getting late, let's all go to bed early, we have to open the store tomorrow." Tong Xiangyu, who was in a bad mood, waved her hand and walked upstairs. The other people looked at each other and went back to their rooms.


Late at night, in Wang Zhenwei's room


A tiny sound rang out in the quiet room.

"Hmm? What's that sound?"

Wang Zhenwei, who was originally sleeping, suddenly woke up.


At this time, another sound came

"Could it be a mouse?"

Wang Zhenwei got out of bed and looked around, but didn't find anything.

He was afraid that the bed was broken again, so he reached out and pressed on the bed.

After finding that the bed was fine, he lay down on it.

"I think it must be a rat passing by. I have to talk to Shopkeeper Tong tomorrow. It is not OK to have rats in the room."

Wang Zhenwei thought as he was about to fall asleep again.

At this moment, another voice came.

""Crack! Crack!"

It was as if something was about to break.

Wang Zhenwei, who had just closed his eyes, opened them. This time he could hear that the sound came from the roof.

"Could it be····The house is going to collapse?"

It's no wonder he thought so. Once he was sleeping at home, and the house suddenly collapsed, burying him directly underneath.

Fortunately, he had internal energy to protect himself at that time, otherwise he would have been crushed to death.

Thinking that the house might collapse, Wang Zhenwei prepared to get up.

Just as he was about to get up, a louder sound than before came from the roof

""Crack! Boom! Ah!!!"

Wang Zhenwei saw a big hole suddenly appear on the roof, and bricks and rubble fell down.

In addition to these, there was also a figure that fell down together.


Wang Zhenwei was buried before he finished speaking about the quintessence of Chinese culture

"What's that noise?"

The noise was so loud that everyone at Tongfu Inn heard it.

"Could something have happened to that guy again?"

Several people thought of Wang Zhenwei in their minds.

Then several people got up and put on their clothes, and went to Wang Zhenwei's room to check.

Wang Zhenwei, who was trapped under the bricks and rubble, directly used his internal force.

The internal force penetrated his body.

The powerful internal force directly bounced the rubble on Wang Zhenwei's body away, and at the same time, the person who fell down with him was also bounced away.

When Bai Zhantang, Tong Xiangyu and others rushed over, before they could get close to Wang Zhenwei's room, they saw a figure flying out of it.

"My door!!!"

Tong Xiangyu cried out when she saw this.

She saw another large sum of money flying away from her hands.

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