Under the reflection of the golden light, the entire Beiliang Palace was in turmoil.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the golden light that pierced the sky and the earth.

Some maids and servants who had no cultivation had weak legs and cold sweats, as if they were being watched by a giant beast!

"What a dazzling golden light, this seems to be the breath of breaking through the Vajra Realm!"

"Who can break through the Vajra Realm and produce such an amazing vision? This is not in line with common sense!"

"Could it be a long-established Vajra Realm expert? Otherwise, how could such an amazing vision burst out?"

"Don't say it's a long-established Vajra Realm expert, even the Buddhist Vajra Realm can hardly produce such an amazing vision!"

"I hope this golden light was created by an unknown expert in the Beiliang Palace, not an assassin from outside."

Thinking of this, everyone's heart tightened.


Tingchao Pavilion, seventh floor.

A middle-aged strong man in a python robe was sitting in front of the desk.

His hair was gray and his face was slightly vicissitudes. He was not very old, but he looked like a person in his twilight years.

However, when he looked around, he had a kind of majesty that no one dared to underestimate!

His name was Xu Xiao, and he was the King of Northern Liang, known as the "Man-Slayer".

In front of him sat a Confucian scholar dressed in black with white hair and beard.

The Confucian scholar was called Li Yishan, the master of Xu Fengnian and one of the earliest military advisors to join Xu Xiao.

Because he was good at scheming, he was called "Yincai" by the world.

"Yishan, since Que'er turned 18, he has been confessing his love to Weixiong every day. Now everyone knows about it. Should I stop him?"

At this point, Xu Xiao looked like he had a headache.

Although Xu Weixiong was not his biological daughter, he had always treated her as his own.

He did not want Xu Weixiong to be a widow because of Xu Que's short life, nor did he want Xu Que to regret it for the rest of his life. It could be said that he was in a dilemma.

"Your Highness, this is your family affair, I can't get involved."

"If you feel caught in a dilemma, it's better to stay out of it like now."

Li Yishan expressed his own views.

"Yes, as a father, I'd better not get involved in the love affairs between my children. Let them do whatever they want."

Xu Xiao sighed, looking very helpless.

The next moment, the whole person trembled slightly, and the golden light of Yaoyang reflected in the Tingchao Pavilion, making the eyes of the two people slightly painful.

"What's the matter with this golden light?"

Xu Xiao and Li Yishan stood up at the same time and walked to the window.

"This breath of the Vajra Realm is very similar to Huang Man'er's, but it is several levels stronger!

"This should be a natural Vajra, not the result of later cultivation!

"And the source of this golden light seems to be in Xu Weixiong's yard. Could it be that Huang Man'er has made a further step? "

Looking at the golden light that penetrated the sky and the earth, Xu Xiao was shocked.

The "Huang Man'er" he mentioned was named Xu Longxiang, his youngest son.

Although he was born a Vajra, he was mentally handicapped, just like Xiao Daidai.

Because Xu Longxiang had dry and yellow hair and a thin body, but was strong enough to smash boulders, he was called "Huang Man'er"!

"This possibility is very high. I didn't expect Xu Longxiang to have made a step forward before he even joined Longhu Mountain! God bless my Beiliang!"

Li Yishan's face was a little ruddy, and he looked in a very good mood.

"I have to go and see it with my own eyes to confirm whether this strange phenomenon was caused by Huang Man'er."

Thinking of this, Xu Xiao hurriedly left Tingchao Pavilion.


"Third brother, you have broken through to the Vajra realm! "

Feeling Xu Que's blood and energy, Xu Weixiong was shocked.

She thought that Xu Que's physique had undergone a qualitative change inexplicably, which was already amazing enough.

But who would have thought that Xu Que's martial arts realm would break through to the Vajra Realm in an instant!

And Xu Que's Vajra Realm was not cultivated, but accumulated with the innate blood and physical strength, which was very similar to Xu Longxiang's natural Vajra!

Thinking of this, she showed joy on her face.

As Xu Que's second sister, she naturally hoped that Xu Que could live a better life.

As for why Xu Que could usher in such an amazing change, she didn't care much.

"Que'er, Weixiong, are you all here? Where is Huang Man'er? Where did he hide?"

Just then, Xu Xiao hurried over.

He looked around and found that Xu Longxiang was not there, so he asked.

"Huang Man'er is not here, you can look for him somewhere else."

"Huang Man'er is not here? Who made the golden light just now? "

Listening to Xu Weixiong's words, Xu Xiao was slightly stunned.

"The golden light just now was made by my third brother."

"Did Que'er make it? I stillI thought it was Huang Man'er's innate diamond body that had transformed!"

Speaking of this, Xu Xiao's eyes lit up, and he quickly observed Xu Que's changes.

He was surprised to find that Xu Que's spirit was different, and his body was no longer thin, and his skin was as shiny as mutton-fat jade!

Xu Weixiong was not surprised by Xu Xiao's misunderstanding.

Because Xu Que had always been weak before this, and he could not even live past the age of 30, so how could he be related to the aura of the innate diamond?

"Que'er, how did you get this innate diamond? It's even more powerful than your brother Huang Man'er's!"

Xu Xiao was surprised and a little out of control.

Xu Que had the appearance of dying young, and he had always been a pain in his heart that he would not live past the age of 30.

Now that Xu Que has awakened his innate diamond body, his body is extremely strong, and he has directly broken through to the diamond realm, even if there is still any appearance of dying young?

"Don't people say that happiness is good for prosperity? When someone in the family is critically ill, a wedding is held to drive away the disease.

"Maybe my transformation is related to my second sister's promise to marry me."

Faced with Xu Xiao's surprise, Xu Que started to talk nonsense.

"A wedding? Shouldn't the younger generation bring good luck to the older generation? How can you bring good luck to yourself?

"And we haven't gotten married yet?"

Xu Weixiong felt that Xu Que's reason was too outrageous, but there was no better explanation for the moment.

In her opinion, Xu Que should be as confused as she was. After all, what happened before her eyes was a miracle, which had never been recorded in ancient and modern times!

"It is also possible that I was born with a pure yang holy body, but this constitution has been in the latent period until now, and it has only begun to activate. "

Xu Que started talking nonsense again.

And his statement also made Xu Weixiong and Xu Xiao slightly agree.

Xu Longxiang was thin and his hair was dry and yellow because of his innate diamond body. Xu Que was also thin because of his latent pure yang holy body. It seemed reasonable.

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