But no matter which one, it is enough to shock and horrify people...

Disadvantages of Phoenix Blood? !

And the more terrifying one is to integrate all martial arts!

You know, the 'Sacred Heart Technique' created by Xu Fu, to a certain extent, has already integrated all the martial arts in the world and reached the peak in a certain sense!

And now, this blessing from the Heavenly Dao once again integrates the martial arts learned by Xu Fu.

I am afraid that Xu Fu's strength will reach an unimaginable level!


And just when the whole Jiuzhou was in shock, the blessing from the Heavenly Dao finally came!

Thousands of golden rays, ripples!

The world seemed to be filled with the golden rays!

At the same time, everyone could clearly see that Emperor Shitian's body had some obvious changes!

You know, when he saw his own death just now, the furious Emperor Shitian destroyed everything around him, and even tore the mask on his face...

After all, the Heavenly Dao Golden List has exposed everything about him!

Xu Fu also knew that it was meaningless for him to wear a mask!

Therefore, everyone could clearly see the true face of Emperor Shi Tian!

Very old!

Looks a bit eerie!

But now, Emperor Shi Tian's originally old face began to change a little...

The wrinkles disappeared almost in an instant.

At the same time, his whole body seemed to have undergone a transformation, and there was no trace of aging at all.

Brand new!

Phoenix blood!

Although it can make people live forever, or it can make people live for a very long time!

However, as time goes by, they will become old.

And this process is completely irreversible!

Some people in Jiuzhou even speculated that Phoenix blood can not really make people immortal, but it will only increase their lifespan by thousands of years!

When Xu Fu is completely old, it will be the time for him to die!

Of course, none of this has been confirmed!

Even the final outcome of Xu Fu was that he was killed by Duan Lang, not because of aging!

But now, everyone clearly felt the difference in Xu Fu!

In just a moment, Xu Fu actually recovered his youthful appearance, and his whole body was full of vigor, without the accumulation of two thousand years of precipitation and accumulation of old age...

In fact, if everyone had not seen the changes in Xu Fu with their own eyes, they would have thought that he was really a teenager!

Could this be the result after eliminating the disadvantages of Phoenix Blood? !

Seeing this scene, everyone in Jiuzhou was stunned, and a trace of contemplation appeared on their faces.

So, is this aging the disadvantage of Phoenix Blood?

Then, will Dragon Yuan also have disadvantages? !

Involuntarily, such an idea flashed through everyone's mind!

However, there was no time for everyone in Jiuzhou to think about it. After Xu Fu's body became younger, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from his body!

Too strong!

At this moment, even though they were separated by the Heavenly Dao Golden List, everyone felt a breath that was almost trembling!

Grandmaster? !

Is this, the real Grandmaster? !

Suddenly, everyone was shocked!

Before, only in the picture of the Heavenly Dao Golden List, everyone could feel a little bit of the power of the "Grand Master".

However, no one can tell how terrifying this realm is!

But now, has its hideous scene finally been revealed? !

In fact, the dynasties closest to the "Heavenly Gate" felt the most about the horror of the Grand Master...

Originally, the Heavenly Gate was near them, and the emperors of these dynasties were very happy and sent troops there without hesitation!

They felt that although Emperor Shitian was a Grand Master, he would be suppressed in front of tens of thousands of soldiers!

But now, these dynasties found that they were wrong!

This Grand Master is no longer something that tens of thousands of soldiers can resist!

At least, more than 100,000!

This is an extremely terrifying number!

However, even so, some emperors of small dynasties are still a little nervous. Can 100,000 soldiers... really subdue a Grand Master? !

"Quick! Tell General Wu to withdraw!"

"Withdraw quickly!"


After a brief hesitation, these emperors shouted loudly!

Let all the soldiers they had sent to encircle Xu Fu withdraw!

After all, for a small dynasty like theirs, tens of thousands of soldiers are all they have!

They originally thought that even if they faced Xu Fu, a grandmaster, they might not be able to defeat him with the combined efforts of several dynasties!

At worst, let Xu Fu escape and divide up what Tianmen has accumulated over the years!

You know, in these two thousand years, Xu Fu has collected not only martial arts secrets, but also some natural treasures, gold and silver jewelry, and no one knows how much he has collected...

But now, all these emperors regret it!

The grandmaster is definitely not something a small dynasty like theirs can contend with!

But no one thought that at this moment...

Emperor Shitian moved!


Chapter 76 Xu Fu is floating? ! Risking the world's disapproval

On the screen, Emperor Shitian was blessed by the heaven and mastered all martial arts!

How many martial arts did Emperor Shitian learn?

For this, no one in Jiuzhou can explain it clearly!

There are really too many!

However, most of these martial arts were forgotten after Xu Fu began to practice the Sacred Heart Sutra!

Even Xu Fu himself sometimes didn't know what martial arts he knew!

And now, after this blessing from heaven, everything has changed!

Even Xu Fu himself didn't realize how terrifying it would be when he mastered the martial arts he had learned in the past two thousand years!

Even Xu Fu felt that even if he was at his peak, he would definitely lose to him now!

I, Xu Fu, am invincible!

When this thought emerged in Xu Fu's mind, his eyes subconsciously fell on the soldiers outside the gate who almost surrounded the place...

A murderous intent appeared on his face!

In fact, Xu Fu noticed the approach of these soldiers at the beginning!

However, he didn't care!

After all, compared to the whereabouts of the real dragon and the real immortality, these little ants are really nothing!

But now, Xu Fu's murderous intent has been aroused!

In addition, suddenly, not only did he clear all the haze, but his strength was also terribly improved!

Xu Fu really wanted to have a good fight and stretch his muscles!

And these tens of thousands of dynasty soldiers just fulfilled his wish!


Xu Fu used Qinggong, and a vast breath surged from his body. The Four Sacred Hearts and the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart were used almost at the same time...

Then, he rushed into the crowd!

In an instant, endless blood mist almost filled the entire screen...


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked! ,

All were shocked!

The big man!

Weiyang Palace.

"How dare Xu Fu?!"

Looking at the wailing and screaming in the picture, Liu Bang stood up suddenly, with a gloomy look on his face, and shouted coldly,

"Is he going to be an enemy of the entire Kyushu?!"

You know, in Kyushu, although there are dynasty hegemony and martial arts disputes, there has almost never been a moment of stagnation!

However, some things that really touch the bottom line are rarely done!

For example, wanton massacres...

Unless the struggle for hegemony reaches a deadly point, the surrendered soldiers will not be massacred on a large scale...

And in the disputes in the martial arts world, there are rarely disasters of extermination of the whole family!

It's not that there are none, but it's very rare!

This is the iron rule that Jiuzhou tacitly accepts!

Otherwise, the whole Jiuzhou would have been a bloodbath with killing each other!

Of course, it is not ruled out that some cruel people exist, massacring cities and killing...

But these people will always find a "high-sounding" reason, or revenge, or some other reasons!

For example, not far from the Han Dynasty, there is a small dynasty called "Wei State".

At the beginning, it was in the name of "revenge for the father" that the city was massacred!

Even so, it also attracted a lot of condemnation!

But now, the Emperor Shitian actually risked the world's condemnation and wantonly massacred soldiers? !

Is he really not afraid of committing murder and being hunted down by all the dynasties in Jiuzhou? !


Ming Dynasty.

Forbidden City.

Looking at Indra's actions, Zhu Yuanzhang's face also became gloomy!

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