I saw that when Dongfang Bubai's thoughts surged, the scene in the void swayed slightly. It was no longer a secret room, but another scene.

Dongfang Bubai began to practice the Sunflower Manual, and his martial arts improved unimaginably!

As for the Sun and Moon God Sect, although it has gone through a great purge, its strength is not as good as before.

However, with the support of Dongfang Bubai, instead of falling, it became even stronger!

Similarly, Dongfang Bubai's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, and even his appearance is gradually becoming more feminine, giving people a chilling feeling!

Finally, a familiar red dress was draped on Dongfang Bubai's body.

At this moment, everyone in Kyushu was shocked to realize that the young hero they once were had completely disappeared.

Instead, it was the leader of the Sun Moon Sect - Dongfang Invincible!

Time passes…

I saw that the picture was flowing again, as if countless years had passed.

Everyone is familiar with this scene, and they know that nothing major has happened in these years, and this Tiandao Golden List has accelerated the change of time.

Otherwise, how could everyone watch a person's life in a short time? !

And when the scene was reframed, everyone was shocked to find that Dongfang Bubai seemed to be getting more and more...weird. Not only was he perverse, but he also doted on a man named Yang Lianting.

This scene really shocked everyone in Kyushu.

However, what happened next made the entire Kyushu feel shocked again!

Let me do it, it appears!

Back then, Dongfang Bubai seized the position of Ren Woxing's leader, but did not choose to kill him, but instead imprisoned him in the Meizhuang dungeon.

But now, he was rescued by a young man named Linghu Chong, and he planned to return to the Sun and Moon God Sect.

In this regard, Dongfang Bubai on the screen did not show any expression at all. Not only did he continue to favor Yang Lianting, but he also handed over all religious affairs to him.

As a result, the entire Sun Moon God Sect was in chaos, with complaints everywhere!

Dongfang Bubai turned a deaf ear to this. He just embroidered in his boudoir and didn't care about anything else.

As a result, when Ren Woxing reappeared, the entire Sun Moon God Sect's followers defected one after another.

Finally, they joined forces with Xiang Wentian, Shangguan Yun and others to attack Heimu Cliff in one fell swoop!

And it was because of this battle that everyone knew how terrifying the strength of Dongfang Invincible, which had been embroidered for many years, had reached. !

Facing four or five masters alone, including experienced people like Ren Woxing, and cheating beings like Linghu Chong...

However, Dongfang Bubai used only an embroidery needle to fight against several masters alone, without falling behind at all!

Even, there is a faint tendency of crushing!

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that Dongfang Bubai brutally killed Tong Baixiong, who had been kind to him for saving his life many times...

Just because of Yang Lianting's provocative words!

Seeing this scene, countless creatures across the land of Kyushu felt a chill.

If we say that Dongfang Invincible could be called a ‘hero’ or a ‘hero’ before.

So now, only the word madman is the most appropriate!

This is a complete lunatic!

And when everyone was watching Dongfang Bubai getting stronger and stronger as he fought, almost forcing Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong and others to a dead end, something unexpected happened!

Yang Lianting!

Such a shameless existence has become Dongfang Bubai's biggest weakness!

"It would be fine if I were a woman..."

A slightly weak voice echoed slowly.

The legendary version of Dongfang Invincible has come to an end.

In fact, when it comes to fighting alone, no one like Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong and others can be his opponent. Even if they join forces, they will be unable to withstand Dongfang Bubai's attack!

But in the end, he didn't die because of his martial arts, but because of the word 'love'!


What a shame!

Chapter 27 God’s blessing! The undefeated choice of the East

[The sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated! 】

【Unify the world for thousands of years! 】

【The East is undefeated! 】

[Included on the peerless list, seventh! 】

【Get blessing from heaven! 】

Just when everyone was in shock, the majestic voice of Tian Dao Jin Bang reverberated and shocked the entire Nine Provinces.

Finally, do you want God’s blessing? !

You know, the rewards you got from those previous blessings were really terrifying!

Now, everyone is eager to know, what will Dongfang Bubai... gain? !


At Heimu Cliff, Dongfang Bubai raised his head slightly, looked at the golden light that was gradually appearing on the sky, and smiled miserably, with a strange look on his face.

Knowing his own ending, Dongfang Bubai also felt waves in his heart.

Favored by... a man?

Then, was he killed by Ren Woxing?

"It's really not a good ending!"

Dongfang Bubai whispered softly, although he now likes red clothes and has changed, he is far from that crazy level!

In fact, since practicing the Sunflower Book, Dongfang Bubai also noticed something strange about himself.

Not only does she like red clothes, but she also gradually cannot live without makeup, which she once dismissed.

More importantly, his original beard fell off one by one, and his face gradually became whiter...

Now it seems that this is probably the price of cultivating the Sunflower Book, right?

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but think of his own murmuring before death on that scene...

"Perhaps it would be better to be born as a daughter!"


Just when Dongfang Bubai was secretly sighing, there was an infinite brilliance, surging from the void, forming ripples, covering the entire Black Wood Cliff.

"Here it comes!"

Seeing this scene, almost everyone was shocked, and their faces showed a hint of expectation!

The blessing of heaven has finally arrived!


[Blessing of heaven! ]

[1. Eliminate the drawbacks of the "Sunflower Manual"! ]

[2. Upgrade any two martial arts to the level of grandmaster! ]

[3. Get a chance to change gender! ]


The faint voice echoed above the sky and lingered in everyone's ears!

Then, everyone was stunned!

For eliminating the drawbacks of the Sunflower Manual and upgrading any two martial arts to the level of grandmaster, everyone had some expectations.

After all, the Iron-hearted God Zhu Wusi had received a similar reward before!

But the question is, the last blessing...

Change...gender? !

Suddenly, the whole Jiuzhou was silent!

Mainly, this somewhat impacted their worldview!

Born with a fixed gender, can it be changed? !

However, after thinking of the various magical aspects of the Heavenly Dao Golden List, they were not so shocked!

After all, even the illusory existence of "Heavenly Dao" exists, so changing a gender is no big deal? !


"I am a little curious, how will he... choose?"

Daqin, Ying Zheng looked at the figure on the screen, frowned slightly, and whispered softly.

Dongfang Bubai's experience can be called "legend"!

Even Ying Zheng, an emperor of the ages, had to sigh and was a little curious about his final choice!

"Ahem, father, this Sunflower Manual... do you want to learn it?"

Just when Ying Zheng was full of solemnity, waiting for Dongfang Bubai's choice, a faint voice echoed in his ears.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng's face darkened. Looking at Ying Yun, who was "watching the fun and not minding the trouble", he turned his head away!

He almost forgot that he had told this kid to learn from the strong men on the peerless list!

Although Ying Zheng did not despise Dongfang Bubai's behavior, if he learned...

This was a bit too much!

Therefore, facing Ying Yun's "provocation", Ying Zheng directly turned a deaf ear to it!


Looking at Ying Zheng's actions, Ying Yun sneered, then glanced at Gai Nie beside Ying Zheng, and planned to continue speaking.

As a result, Gai Nie also looked up with a serious face, and did not look at Ying Yun at all!


Looking at the postures of the two, Ying Yun shook his head a little bored, feeling that he had no sense of accomplishment at all!

However, how would Dongfang Bubai choose?

Suddenly, Ying Yun became a little curious!

After all, in his memory, Dongfang Bubai only appeared briefly, and was beaten up by Ren Woxing and others only after the final battle!

Then, there was no more role for him!

Now, with a chance to be "reborn", what will he choose?

You know, although Dongfang Bubai is now close to being an "alien", he has not become what he remembers!

For now, there is still a possibility of regret!

After the voice of the blessing of the heaven fell, the eyes of countless dynasties in Jiuzhou all fell on the sky.

They also want to know Dongfang Bubai's choice.

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