"I will take over DL company……?!"

Lin Yi's suggestion made Meishali stand there in a daze, and then she shook her head like a rattle.

"How is it possible? I can't do this at all."

How could a company with a market value of tens of billions allow a high school girl to become the president?

However, Lin Yi didn't seem to think so.

"Can't you do it?"

He smiled faintly at the girl who denied him at the first sight.

"It's clear that Kaifu Riho knows nothing about the technology used by the company, but she has still managed to develop the company to this point, hasn't she?"

"Not to mention, you deserve most of the credit for this."

"Believe me, Misari... you have the talent’"

"Don't rush to say no, think about what you've been through and your father."

"He must also hope that your talent can shine and be praised by others."

The girl with glasses, who wanted to refuse again, opened her mouth and fell silent after hearing these words.

In her heart, she was actually moved.

As the personal assistant of Kaifu Riho, she helped prepare all the documents and even the speeches required for each board meeting.

Although this delayed her too much time, resulting in her not outstanding grades in school.

But correspondingly, she also learned a lot of knowledge that would not be used in exams.

For example... how to operate and manage a large enterprise.

Even to a certain extent, the original Kaifu Riho was a"vase".

She would only take action when she needed to get rid of competitors.

As for those people and things that hinder the development of the company, Misari actually has her own ideas.

It's just that every time she gave suggestions to Kaifu Riho, she would be accused

"Why bother with so much trouble? Why not just kill him directly?"

In the end, Misari had to give up her idea and help Kaibu Riho to perjure herself.

If she really took over DL Company as Lin Yi said... many of her previous ideas might be able to be truly implemented.

"But... the news of President Riho's death will definitely cause turmoil in the management."

Unconsciously, Misari has begun to think from the perspective of DL Company.

"The directors will definitely take this opportunity to grab the legacy left by the president.’"

"I'm just her personal assistant, I can't compete with them."

Hearing this, Lin Yi laughed out loud, as if this was not a problem at all.

"Who says you're just a personal assistant?"

"Don't forget... In order to conceal your identity, Kaibu Riho claimed that you were her distant relative."

"After she died, wasn't it normal for you, a blood relative of her, to take over the position of president temporarily?"

"By then, maybe you will become a favorite among the directors, and everyone will be scrambling to curry favor with you."

That being said, the situation is definitely not that optimistic.

Whether to become the mascot of the board of directors or to control DL Company by yourself.

After that, it all depends on Misari's personal ability.

"I... can give it a try."

Finally, the girl mustered up her courage and made a decision.

But soon she thought of an imminent trouble.——

"What should we do with those who died in the office?"

"I won't be arrested by the police as a murderer.……"

Although Lin Yi killed the person,

Misari, who witnessed the whole process, knew that he could always have an alibi if he wanted.

"You don't have to worry about this."

Looking at the headless bodies on the ground, Lin Yi didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Xiao Ai will take care of all this."


Lin Yi took out a familiar-looking straw man and whispered something.

Then he saw the bodies sinking slowly under the floor as if they were trapped in a swamp.


Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, secretly thinking that it was worth it for him to give Kaibu Riho's"head" to Yan Mo Ai.

"This way you won't have to worry about anything."

Before leaving, Lin Yi left a business card on the table.

"If you encounter any trouble, you can contact me at the number above"

"But let me make it clear first... my fees are very high."

Then, the president's office returned to peace.

Misari stared at the white card left by Lin Yi, her eyes seemed to be looking into a distant place.

Everything she had just experienced seemed like a short but unrealistic dream.

Only this business card was telling her that this was not a dream, but something that really happened.

After an unknown amount of time, Misari finally accepted the reality after the dust settled.

She walked to the table, picked up the business card, and read the information on it in a low voice.

"The Universal Hero's Office...Lin Yi……"

After turning the business card over and over several times, the girl breathed a sigh of relief and held the business card against her chest with her hand, as if this would bring her a sense of security.

"Thank you……"


The fact that DL's president Kaifu Riho was suspected of intentional homicide and suicide out of fear of punishment soon made the front page of the local newspaper.

Even the Internet was abuzz with discussions.

For a time, DL's stock price and orders dropped rapidly, and there was a hint that the building was about to collapse.

However, these things had nothing to do with Lin Yi, as his mission had been completed.

The same tea restaurant, the same location.

The difference was that when he arrived on time this time, he found that Yukinoshita Haruno was already waving at him with a smile on her face.

"Here Here~"

"You came very early this time."

Lin Yi sat down and teased.

He remembered that he had waited for more than ten minutes before Yang Nai arrived last time.

"Being late or early is a woman's privilege.

Yang Nai held her small chin and looked at the man in front of her with smiling eyes.

"The evidence you provided is crucial. Although Kaibu Riho committed suicide out of fear of punishment... our goal has been achieved."

"But what people didn't expect was that she knew nothing about technology, and it was all the high school girl from that distant relative who gave her advice... It was really surprising."

"Oh, really?"

Lin Yi responded calmly, and signaled to Yang Nai with his eyes that it was time to pay the remaining commission.


Yang Nai seemed not to notice his suggestive look and said to herself

"After hearing about this, the family wanted to dig up the child named Meishali."

"Unexpectedly, she became the acting president of DL Company the next day."

"Tsk tsk tsk, he is obviously a high school student, why would he have such a strategy?……"

"Is there someone behind the scenes giving her advice... That's what I think"

"Mr. Lin, do you have any ideas?"


Lin Yixu stared at Yang Nai and said with a hint of meaning.

"I just know that if anyone continues to act stupid, she will get her comeuppance."

"Hehe...Mr. Lin, you are really interesting.……"

Yang Nai smiled and took a sip of coffee without saying a word.

Just after taking a small sip, a strange look suddenly appeared on her bright and pretty face.

Although she quickly suppressed it with good emotional management ability, the lingering sweet and bitter thick taste in her mouth still lingered on her taste buds.

Yukinoshita Yang Nai put down her coffee and glanced at the sugar jar on the table.

Only then did she realize that half of the sugar cubes were missing from it.

Lin Yi said as he turned his drink.

"I don't know if this sweetness suits your taste."

Even the well-informed social beauty had never heard of what she had just experienced.

Yang Nai stared at the almost sticky brown liquid, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I surrender, Mr. Lin... stop wasting coffee."

"That's exactly what I meant."

Lin Yi shrugged and said with his arms folded.

"Let's speak frankly"

"When will the remaining 45 million yuan in commission fees be settled?"

"about this point……"

Yukinoshita Haruno put her palms together and discussed in a relaxed tone.

"Can you give me a discount on the remaining commission fee?"


"I think so too."

With a sigh, Yang Nai gave up the idea of persuading Lin Yi to give her a discount.

In fact, it was also very embarrassing for her that the family turned their backs on her.

But there was no other way. As the social person of the family, she would inevitably have to deal with such unreasonable things.

"Then let's try another settlement method."

After thinking about it, Yang Nai tentatively suggested

"I heard that Mr. Lin wants to open a law firm locally?"

"It is true, but how did you know?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He didn't seem to have mentioned this matter to the other party.

"Hehe... this is a girl's secret."

Looking at Yang Nai with a peach blossom on her face and a smile on her face, Lin Yi reacted instantly.

This woman... must have investigated him thoroughly through Mayumi and Ryoko.���

"So what?"

At this point, Lin Yi gave up the idea of continuing to think.

He just wanted to see how the other party would fill in the 45 million commission fee.

"In fact, the Yukinoshita family has many fixed assets in the local area."

"If Mr. Lin wants to start a firm... I can provide some real estate resources for selection."

Yang Nai, as if he had been prepared for a long time, took out a document from his bag.

"Within 5 years, these properties are at Mr. Lin's disposal without any charge.……"

"Only 5 years?"

Lin Yi curled his lips, actually he was already tempted.

Anyway, he charged such a high commission fee in order to rent a house and open a store.

The real estate provided by the Yukinoshita family is very good. Some are in prime locations in the downtown area.

Some are spacious, and some are well-equipped... They can be picked for a long time.

However, the 5-year term made Lin Yi a little dissatisfied.

"To be honest, the house prices and rents here are quite expensive, and the income in five years is almost equal to the remaining commission fee."

Yang Nai explained helplessly.

"I personally can try to get more use out of it from my family."

"You said that... as if I owe you money."

Shaking his head, Lin Yi picked up the documents and left his seat.

""Okay, let's do this for now."

Yang Nai blinked, thinking that it was fortunate that Mr. Lin was easy to talk to.

Things went smoothly without any arguments or quarrels, and her mood became happy again after a long time.

"I wish us a pleasant cooperation, Mr. Lin"


Just as Lin Yi was about to leave, a dark ghost figure that did not look like a human was reflected in his eyes.

After obtaining the"Blessing of the River of Oblivion", he often saw hideous ghosts wandering in the human world.

He had gradually adapted to this strange vision.

But when he saw a girl sitting next to him, her whole body was stiff and she seemed to be holding on, his eyelids could not help but raise.

"Hey, isn't this Yotsuya Miko-san?"

"She seems to be in trouble..."


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