"Sit down."

The familiar interrogation room.

This is the third time Lin Yi has come to this place.

However, this time he was greeted by only one police officer.

"How are you, Patrolman Akimoto... No."

Glancing at the name tag on his chest, Lin Yi teased meaningfully.

"I should call you Patrol Chief Akimoto."

Although Patrol Chief is not a particularly high-ranking position, it is also a departure from the status of an ordinary patrolman.

Like Patrolman Kisaragi who crashed headfirst into a dump truck, because he had no particularly outstanding achievements.

Even when he was in his forties or fifties, he was only a nominal patrol chief without a real job.

The current Officer Akimoto is one level higher than his"predecessors".

This made Lin Yi sigh at the influence of the Yukinoshita family.

It seems that Akimoto has gained a lot of benefits from this case.

Otherwise, the position of Patrol Chief would never be his.

"There is no other way. My family heard that I solved a case and they opened up a channel for me early on."

Facing Lin Yi, Qiu Yuan was finally able to vent all his thoughts.

"I���Now I don’t dare to talk to other colleagues…they look at me as if they want to eat me"

"After all, you have taken away my chance to get promoted."

Lin Yi shrugged and took the drink handed to him - only to find out that it was a can of black coffee.

"Do you have latte? It's too bitter."

"……Are you a child?"

Although he said this, Qiu Yuan still handed the milk coffee in his hand to Lin Yi.

"You are here for what we talked about last time, right?"

"Well, is it done?"

"Of course, although it is a bit troublesome... but sometimes power is still very convenient."

As he said, Qiu Yuan handed Lin Yi several cards and documents packed in a file bag.

These are all certificates and proofs that can prove Lin Yi's identity.

The most important one is the certificate called"Personal Number Card".

This is a type of identity certificate with 12 digits, which records information such as name, address, gender, and unique number.

With this card, Lin Yi has legal citizenship in this country.

Whether it is paying taxes or enjoying social security benefits, it needs to be implemented through this card.

In other words... he is finally no longer an"illegal household"!

"Good, now the procedures for opening a store are also no problem."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, and it was worth it for him to give this credit to Qiu Yuan.

Seeing that Lin Yi had put everything away, Qiu Yuan coughed lightly and tried to ask

"You and Ms. Takamura are not in a relationship, right?"

"I heard she 'hired' you to deal with the perverted stalker."

"I heard... Oh, about the last call."

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, not knowing why the other party asked this.

"It's exactly like you said."

"What, you want to pursue Ryoko?"

"No, no, I want to ask you……"

"Sorry, I'm a normal person."

"Who told you this?"

Qi Yuan slapped the table, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and finally exuded some of the dignity of a police officer.

"I mean, you're doing something like a detective, right?"


Lin Yi was just joking. He heard Qiu Yuan's hidden meaning and said thoughtfully:

"Are you in trouble?"

"Let me know in advance that if you let me do something illegal, you have to pay me more"

"I am a police officer, is it appropriate for you to say such things in front of me?"

Qi Yuan glared at him helplessly and continued

"It's not me who's in trouble, it's an elder in my family"

"Family... Oh."

Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately became interested.

What is Akimoto's family?

The famous"Yukinoshita" family!

Although it only has a good influence and foundation in the local area.

But it is also a family of the local dragon level.

Similar to the gentry and prominent families with a long history.

"What would be the event that the people of the Yukinoshita family would call troublesome?"

Lin Yi opened the drink in his hand, gulped down a few sips, and continued

"It can't be something related to family ethics, such as cheating, extramarital affairs, and illegitimate children.……"

"This is a matter of life and death."

Qi Yuan said solemnly,

"The contents of the commission are in the file bag I just handed to you."

"This is the contact information of the members of the Yukinoshita family. If you are willing to take on this commission, please contact this number."

"Just say that it was recommended by 'Akimoto from the branch family'."


After listening to Officer Akimoto's words, Lin Yi nodded.

He didn't expect that his"firm" would have business coming to him before it was even opened.

It seems that he has a talent for business, maybe he is born with the Saint Body of Street Lights.

"OK, I got it."

Lin Yi casually crumpled the empty beverage can into a ball, threw it into the trash can in the corner, and walked out the door.

"Anyway, thank you for the documents you provided. As for the commission... I will study it carefully."

In fact, he was also very curious about what kind of life-threatening incidents the Yukinoshita family could encounter.

After all, the work"My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As Expected" has nothing to do with words like murder.

"Could it be that different works are influencing each other?"

A guess emerged in Lin Yi's mind, but it was just a guess.

After all, this world is a real world, not a fixed, rigid program.

"Forget it."

Shaking his head, Lin Yi freed his thoughts from the vicious circle and looked at the window of the shop on the street.

"First go buy a mobile phone and get a phone card"

"You should also print some business cards, as for the name of the firm.……"

"Let's call it 'The Universal Hero's Office'"


After Lin Yi left, Akimoto breathed a sigh of relief.

This commission was actually given by a peer of the main family who heard that he worked in the police station and specifically asked him to find someone to handle it.

Although he could directly refuse such troublesome matters, due to the identities of the main family and the branch family, Akimoto had to agree.

Moreover... the person who assigned him this task was a well-known"sinister woman"!

Although she was a few years younger than him, she was already the face of the main family in the social circle because of her outstanding abilities.

If he was remembered by this guy, his life in the family would be difficult.

"I hope Mr. Lin won't attract the woman's interest, otherwise……"

Qiu Yuan didn't know what he was thinking about. His 1.8-meter-tall head shuddered suddenly.

"When she gets serious, she can really mess things up for you.’"


Lin Yi left the electrical appliance store with a very subtle look on his face.

"How come there are Xiaomi phones in this world too... Have I traveled through time or not?"

"However, the Xiaomi ringtones in this world do not have 'AreYouOK', so it must be a time travel."

The SIM card was also processed while buying the phone, which was very efficient.

After a moment of recollection, Lin Yi created two new contacts in the address book, namely Mayumi and Ryoko.

"Hello, Mayumi, it's me... Don't hang up, this is not a scam"

"Yes... this is my number. You can use this number to contact me if you need anything in the future."

"I won't go back from today, and I don't have to fight for a bed at night... Why are you crying?"

After finally calming Mayumi down, Lin Yi dialed Ryoko's number again.

Perhaps because of the psychological trauma of strangers calling, it took more than a minute for her to answer.

"It's me. I haven't encountered any perverted stalkers in the past few days, right?"

"No, that's good. This is my number. Use this to contact me if you need anything."

"Date? I'll wait until I have time. I just received a big commission recently. It's from the Yukinoshita family. You know."

"Well, I'm very busy now. I'll hang up now. We'll keep in touch later."

Looking at the call record that stopped at 0 minutes and 59 seconds, Lin Yi shrugged.

He could see that Ryoko might really like him.

As a scumbag, Lin Yi knew very well what it meant to"enter the body but not the life".

Now that life has returned to normal, it would be better for Takamura Ryoko not to have any contact with people like him.

After all... she and Mayumi are just ordinary people.

Of course, if Lin Yi is even more scumbag and has no bottom line, he can definitely cheat a few more times.

When he gets tired of playing, he will disappear and be ruthless.

The world is nothing more than a young girl abandoned by a scumbag.

But this is the routine of adults.

For high school girls who have not yet graduated, Lin Yi feels that this is unnecessary.

After confirming that Ryoko has completely escaped the influence of the perverted stalker.

The prompt message of the completion of the brave mission also came.

The rewards this time are a bit unexpectedly many.

There are 3"Karma Crystals (Small)" and a"Cursed Doll" that is exactly the same as the last time!

As for why the mission rewards are so many, Lin Yi can actually guess a little.

If he doesn't intervene in this matter���If the original plot is followed and"Hell Girl" comes to the rescue, then in the end, Patrolman Kisaragi will be exiled to hell, as she deserves.

But before that, two victims will appear.

They are Ryoko Takamura's father and Patrolman Akimoto.

Lin Yi's intervention changed the subsequent plot and saved them from the disaster.

From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as saving two extra lives.

In addition, Ryoko was saved, which corresponds to 3 karma crystals.

"It should be able to reach level 5 or above."

Satisfiedly putting away the Karma Crystal, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and finally reached out to the Curse Doll floating in the air.

Sure enough, the moment he held the doll

, a familiar figure entered his field of vision again.

"Hell Girl...Yanma Ai."

Facing the gaze of the scarlet eyes, Lin Yi smiled without fear.

"Or should I call you 'Xiao Ai'?’?"


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