Chapter 77 Home should be a happy place

“We saw Prince Chamochi return to Heian-kyō with all his followers, but the others did not return.”

“Back to Heian-kyō, why are you back now?”

Wubie touched his chin in confusion, not quite understanding.

Theoretically, they should be looking for something as fast as possible.

Everyone else went to look for it, but Fujiwara no Fuhito came back.

“Something is wrong. What did he do when he came back?”

Looking at Wenwen, Wubie asked.

Wenwen poked Xiaolong beside him, and Xiaolong said nervously:

“Nothing, I just saw that he was secretly looking for the best gem craftsman, and I don’t know what he was going to do.”

Xiao Long’s ability is to see thousands of miles away.

So even on the roof outside the mansion, he could clearly see everything that happened in the Fujiwara family.

Although he couldn’t hear it, Fujiwara Fuhito chose to tell his confidants in writing in order to prevent the walls from eavesdropping.

After hearing Xiao Long’s words, Wubie fell into thought.

“Jewel craftsman, I remember that the puzzle Kaguya gave to Fujiwara Fuhito was the Penglai Jade Branch, but the real Penglai Jade Branch is in my hand.”

A few days ago, as a token of love, Kaguya gave the Penglai Jade Branch and one of the remaining Penglai medicines to Wubie.

So, no matter how Fujiwara Fuhito searches, he will never find the Penglai Jade Branch.

Thinking of this, Wubie suddenly understood.

“So that’s how it is. If you can’t find one, just make one, right? What a good plan… If that’s the case.”

Wubie looked at Wenwen.

“Wenwen, I have a very important task for you. Keep a close eye on Prince Che Chi. As soon as he goes to get something from the jeweler, notify me immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, guarantee to complete the task”

“Well, this is for you to use for self-defense. This thing can hide your breath and ensure your safety.”

Wu Bie gave the two beads to the two people and told them to

“But this thing can only be used passively, so you still have to pay attention to safety. If there is any danger, call me immediately.”

“Well, Xiao Long knows, but, Master Wu Bie, what is this thing?”

Looking at the beads around his neck, Xiao Long asked curiously.

He could feel the powerful magic inside, but he had no idea what it was, and he couldn’t tell what it was made of. It didn’t look like metal.

Wu Bie smiled and said

“Its name is the Sword of Reverse Light, Flagrak”


After parting with the two little Tengu, Wubie and Meihong walked into the Fujiwara family.

If it weren’t for Meihong’s matter, Wubie would actually have planned to keep an eye on it himself.

The main reason was that he was worried about Wenwen.

That child had many tricks up his sleeve, so there wouldn’t be any danger, but there was a high probability that he would get into trouble.

When the matter was done, he could go back and call the big Tengu to come.

“But then again, if Wenwen and Xiaolong hadn’t used the Backlight Sword, would it have been triggered when Tianmo and the others came to settle accounts with them? Well, it does seem like a hidden danger.”

Considering this situation, Wubie was thinking whether he should say it at that time.

But then he chose to give up.

Although the power of the sword of backlight is very strong, it is not enough to hurt Tianmo and the others.

After all, they are all speed-oriented Tengu, and it is difficult to be hit by the sword of backlight.

Even if they are hit, it doesn’t matter much.

But this is not the main reason. Wubie mainly wants to see if Wenwen will admit her mistake.

With Wenwen’s intelligence, she will soon guess the triggering conditions of the sword of backlight.

So if there is no consumption, it depends on whether she will take it down on her own initiative. If she takes it down, it means that she will take the initiative to admit her mistake. If not…

Hehe, then I can only wish her good luck and don’t let her butt be beaten into four pieces.

After thinking about this, Wubie concentrated on solving Meihong’s problem.

At this time, they had already walked into the Fujiwara family mansion.

They were not attracted by the luxurious mansion, and walked straight to Meihong and her mother’s home.

After arriving…

Even if they were prepared in advance, Wubie still fell into silence.

Because this is not a place for people to live at all, it is just a small shack built in a utility room.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to say, so I could only watch in silence.

At this time, Meihong’s self-deprecating voice came from my ear

“Do you think it is shabby and you don’t want to get close to it? This is inevitable. In such a luxurious mansion, there is such a place.……”

As she spoke, Meihong’s voice became lower and lower, and she felt more and more inferior.

At this moment, Wubie’s sonorous and powerful voice suddenly rang out, shattering the inferiority complex that had just emerged.

“No, I don’t think so.”

Along with the sonorous answer, a warm big hand appeared directly above his head.

Wu Bie was looking at the shack not far away, no, it was his home, he said with a smile

“Luxurious or not, it is not important for a home. A home without warmth, no matter how luxurious it is, cannot cover up the coldness.

A home full of happiness, no matter how shabby it is, will not reveal its warmth.

Here, I saw a mother and daughter living together in a shack, still happy in the shabby environment.

For a family, isn’t this the best?”

With Wubie’s words, the haze in her heart slowly disappeared.

A smile of joy and happiness reappeared on Meihong’s face.

Meihong didn’t understand as many great principles as Wubie, so she chose to express her feelings in the most direct way.

“”Mom, I’m back!”

Looking at Meihong’s happy back, Wubie smiled.

At the same time, he set up a barrier around him. He didn’t want this warm scene to be interrupted by some unknown people.

For the time being, he didn’t want to kill anyone, at least not here.

“Meihong? You’re back! Are you okay? Where did you go yesterday? Did you eat yesterday?”

Hearing her child’s voice, a frail woman came out of the shack with tears in her eyes.

Although she was in slippers and sick, she still came out of the shack.

After meeting, she did not blame Meihong for leaving without saying goodbye, but was worried about whether she was okay and whether she had eaten yesterday.

Meihong smiled and said that she was fine, and at the same time told her mother everything that happened yesterday. Wubie naturally couldn’t interrupt such a warm scene, so he quietly recorded everything with his own eyes.

At the same time, he felt unusually satisfied, which was a satisfaction from the soul.

As a traveler, isn’t it to find beautiful scenery worth recording in a world full of hardships?

The love you get is, and so is this kind of family affection.

Seeing that they couldn’t stop for a while, Wubie started the work at hand.

“It turns out that immortals really exist, and they have helped you so much. If you have the chance, you must thank the immortal.”

After hearing Meihong’s description, Mrs. Fujiwara was surprised and felt the greatness of the immortals.

But she felt a little troubled. As ordinary people, how should they thank others for their gifts?

But Meihong didn’t know this. She pointed to the side and said

“If you want to thank me, my brother is there.”


Mrs. Fujiwara looked over in surprise, and saw a handsome young man squatting on the other side of the grocery room, handling something.

Hearing what the two said, Wubie raised his head and greeted the two people cordially.

“Hey, are you done talking?”

“Ah! Master Immortal, we——”

“Well, since you have been taking care of Meihong for so long, you should understand who I am. Come and have dinner first.” He interrupted Mrs. Fujiwara’s words directly. This time she didn’t come here for this kind of thing.

But her words were still very effective.

After all, Meihong’s personality was indeed lively, and the person who could take good care of Meihong was not too serious.

But even so, if they had dinner together just after meeting… looking at the golden chicken soup, she didn’t dare to accept it.

“This is still……”

“It’s okay, mom. My brother’s cooking is delicious. Meihong has eaten a lot of it. Let’s go.”

Before she could refuse, Meihong dragged her over.

Because of her weak body, even Meihong couldn’t resist.

Seeing Meihong pulling her mother over, Wubie smiled and said

“Please sit down.”

After waving her hand, two wooden stools appeared around.

Pulling her mother to sit down together, Meihong took a bowl of chicken soup without hesitation and handed it to her mother.

In this way, she had no way to refuse.

Looking at the chicken soup in her hand, she fell into silence, but after a moment of silence, she began to drink it.


She quickly covered her mouth before making any strange noises. She had no choice because it was so delicious that she couldn’t help but scream.

Fortunately, she covered her mouth with her hands in time, otherwise it would have been so embarrassing.

“What’s wrong? Mom.

Seeing her mother covering her mouth, she was a little confused.

Mrs. Fujiwara also felt her cheeks getting slightly hot, and said embarrassedly

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the soup is so delicious that my mother covered her mouth in disbelief.”

“Yes, my brother’s food is delicious. I ate a lot before we came back. He also said he would cook for me every day.”

“Really? Then have you thanked your brother?”

“”Oh, I forgot.”

He scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Seeing Meihong’s embarrassed look, Wubie also smiled.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small matter, and Meihong is so lively and cute, it’s better not to restrict her.”

He rubbed Meihong’s little head, and Meihong rubbed it affectionately.

Seeing this, Mrs. Fujiwara smiled and said nothing more.

After calming down, the two began to enjoy the food.

Of course, most of it went into Mrs. Fujiwara’s stomach, after all, a girl had eaten a lot before.

And this was originally used to nourish her body.

But even if she only drank part of it, Meihong still ate a lot.

“”I feel so full.”

Gently stroking her belly, which was completely flat, she lay on Wubie

‘s legs with a look of enjoyment. Wubie smiled at her and rubbed her belly.

Mrs. Fujiwara, who saw everything, also smiled with satisfaction and was very happy.

This was the first time she saw Meihong so happy.

At this time, Wubie said

“Mrs. Fujiwara, Meihong has just revealed to you some of the purpose of my and my trip. So what is your decision?”

“I, of course, have no objection. As long as Meihong likes it, she can live anywhere.”

Mrs. Fujiwara shook her head and looked at Meihong with a smile.

For her, it didn’t matter whether she stayed in this house or not, as long as Meihong could grow up happily.

If she hadn’t been incapable, she would have moved out long ago.

After receiving the reply, Wubie smiled and nodded, and continued

“Do you have anything you need to pack?”


The mother and daughter looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at the shack where they lived together, looking at that warm little home.

When they thought about leaving, the bits and pieces of the past appeared in their minds involuntarily, and they once again recalled the time when they had a good time in the midst of hardship.

After a moment, the two shook their heads and held each other’s hands.

“No, we have taken the most precious things with us.……”

Their eyes shifted from that home to each other, and then they showed a sweet smile.

“So, then……”

Looking at the two happy people, Wubie smiled and nodded.

“Let’s go back.”

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