Chapter 66: Gensokyo favored by the gods (Part 2).

After hearing Wubie’s words, Shenqi and Longshen became serious.

Mengzi beside him sat up straight unconsciously.

This is the most important place for Gensokyo.

Even his bamboo house does not have such a title, so what is this place going to be used for?

Longshen was particularly serious because this place is related to her.

Wubie looked around and said

“This used to be a high mountain. I cut it in half and built this platform. In the future, I will build a shrine here.”


They both said in confusion, and Mengzi also fell into thought.

Shenqi asked in confusion

“Shrine, who is it dedicated to? I remember that you don’t want to be a god, right? Who else is qualified to be worshipped by everyone in Gensokyo?”

As the most important place for Gensokyo, if it is a shrine, then only the builder of Gensokyo can be worshipped.

In this case, the only qualified person is Wubie.

Others do not have this qualification and identity.

But this contradicts Wubie’s original idea, not to mention……

“There are only two ways to get here. One is through the Magic Forest full of poisons, and the other is the Beast Path. Are you sure that people will come if you build a shrine here?”The

Magic Forest is a long way away. Even if there are no monsters, it is full of poisonous fog. No one would be bored to go to such a place.

The Beast Path is full of dangers.

It is far away from the human world, and it is very troublesome to go back and forth in a day.

With human speed, it is estimated that if you leave in the morning, you can only go home in the evening.

No human will sacrifice his life to worship a god, let alone entrust a monster to worship a god.

Therefore, building a shrine here is not a good choice. Even incense is a problem.

Facing Shenqi’s question, Wubie shook his head and said

“This is naturally not a traditional shrine, so it doesn’t need so many people to worship.

This is the shrine for everyone in Gensokyo, whether human or monster, and what they worship is not gods, but the faith of the residents of Gensokyo.”

Wubie closed his eyes, and the magic power around him began to operate.

Under the surprised gaze of Long Shen and Shen Qi, an eye independent of the body appeared on Wubie’s body.

This is a special racial talent of a monster named Jue.

And this talent is mind reading.

The light in the third eye burst out, covering the entire Gensokyo, both in the past and now.

Countless voices came from all directions, and the soul-shaking voices rang in their ears.

【Thanks to Gensokyo, we will never have to worry about hunger in our lives】

【Thanks to Gensokyo, my children and I don’t have to go to war.】

【Oh, this place is great. I don’t have to worry about the fighting. Not only can I drink, but there are also people to fight with me.】

【It turns out that humans are such creatures. It’s not bad to get along with them. I don’t know why so many people hated them in the past.】

【Monsters aren’t scary. It turns out that what mom and dad said were all lies. The monster sister is obviously very good.】

【It’s because of this place that we can meet.】


They heard countless beautiful things that were born because of Gensokyo.

The expectations that people had because of this place, the lives that were changed because of Gensokyo, all turned into blessings.

Feeling these voices, the three were deeply shocked.

Although Gensokyo was built hundreds of years ago, it can only be called a paradise for a hundred years.

However, even so, everyone here is full of gratitude and a sense of belonging.

They can proudly say to anyone that I am from Gensokyo.

Looking at the surprised expressions of the three people, Wubie smiled and said

“I believe you have understood that what Gensokyo needs to worship is never any gods, but Gensokyo itself.

These are the voices of all the residents of Gensokyo over the years.”

Hearing Wubie’s words, the three nodded.

Such beliefs make the residents of Gensokyo do not need to worship any gods, because the gods cannot bring them these.

But if this is the case, there is no need to build a shrine.

So this place has other meanings, and the Dragon God soon figured it out.

“It’s just that with such a strong belief, if no one comes to accept the belief, then a brand new god will be born in Gensokyo. A brand new god represents uncertainty, and no one knows the character of the brand new god. Therefore, you built this shrine, wanting a real existence to accept everyone’s belief.

Real gods are always more reliable than illusory things, am I right?”

The Dragon God told the truth here and looked at Wubie.

Wubie nodded.

But in this case, everything is back to the starting point. Who can be enshrined in this shrine?

The most suitable one is undoubtedly Wubie.

But he himself is unwilling, and others are not suitable.

Thinking of this problem, the Dragon God suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Then Wubie smiled and said

“In fact, the person who can be enshrined here is far away in the sky and close at hand.”

“Far away, yet close at hand……”

After carefully tasting this sentence, Shenqi and Mengzi looked at the Dragon God together, and the Dragon God also pointed at them.

But they were not sure, so they looked at Wubie in doubt.

Wubie smiled and nodded.

“But, but why?”

The Dragon God asked uneasily, not understanding why Wubie would choose her to be the god to be worshipped.

You know, this matter has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Some people would think that this would bind the Dragon God to Gensokyo and restrict her freedom, so how could the Dragon God agree?

In fact, this is not the case.

The Dragon God is the supreme god of the world. She cannot be bound to Gensokyo because of a small shrine.

She will only accept the faith from Gensokyo when she is worshipped.

And these beliefs are pure and beautiful, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed by the power of faith.

She will even become stronger because of so many beautiful and powerful beliefs.

You know, not all people believe in Gensokyo, there are also many monsters, and there will be gods in the future.

If such a special belief is obtained by the god, then he will most likely become the king of the pantheon in one fell swoop.

It is equivalent to picking up something for free without any side effects and can greatly enhance one’s own strength.

What’s more, there is a special person among them.

Yes, Wubie also believes in Gensokyo.

Therefore, even the Dragon God will feel uneasy.

Wubie shook his head and said with a smile

“First, because I am not suitable.”

As a traveler, Wubie will eventually travel.

He will eventually leave, maybe not for a particularly long time, but for Gensokyo, it is not possible.

After all, he is the god who maintains the entire Gensokyo.

It is okay to just stroll in this world, but Wubie will travel to other worlds.

Because Wubie is not suitable to be a god.

Another reason is that Wubie does not want to be a high and mighty god, which will create a gap.

“Second, they are not suitable.”

The people who can be worshipped here must be the founders of Gensokyo.

But whether it is Murasaki, Youdaojime, or Youyouko, they are not suitable.

It’s not that their strength does not allow it. As long as they accept the beliefs here, they will have the hope of becoming the existence of the level of the Dragon God.

It’s just that their personalities are really not suitable to be the gods of Gensokyo.

Although it’s not good to say that his wife is here, Wubie has to admit that each of them has shortcomings in their personalities.

You can’t let the people of Gensokyo learn to peep from Murasaki, learn to be expressionless from Youdaoji, and be as greedy as Youyouko.

“Third, only you are suitable.”

In fact, there are also Shenqi, Hekatia and Yue Yejian who are suitable.

But Shenqi is the lord of the demon world and the creator of the demon world. She can’t be the god of Gensokyo.

Hekatia also has to manage hell, and even if she doesn’t, Wubie won’t agree.

After all, letting a person with fun manage Gensokyo, eh, it’s scary to think about it.

The latter one is directly passed.

In summary, among these people, only the Dragon God who will help Wubie in the future is the most suitable candidate.

“But the first page of”The Origin of Gensokyo” is you.”

The Dragon God wanted to struggle a little bit.

But Wubie smiled and said

“But no one except you knows why I built Gensokyo, and this could be the instruction from God, and the book also has the last page.”


The Dragon God was speechless and she fell into a long silence.

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