In a huge building in Heianjing City.

The vast hall was bustling with people, just like a large market.

However, the clothes worn by everyone here represent that they are either rich or noble, and although the hall is noisy, it is also well organized.

This is not a market, but an auction between nobles and Onmyoji, so the people present are not ordinary.

Wubie and Zi are naturally among them.

When the two were resting on the grass by the river, they suddenly heard passers-by talking about the auction.

Zi was also quite interested, so Wubie accompanied her.

Of course, the two of them just came to see whether they could buy what they wanted. It was hard to say whether they could buy what they wanted.

With the help of a little trick, they got a private room from a noble, and Wubie and Zi entered it to wait for the auction to start.

Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait too long, and the auction started soon.

And just like what they had seen in movies and novels before, the first few rounds were just ordinary items.

But at this time, they were still valuable items.

Some Tang Sancai, as well as high-quality silk, and some famous paintings.

These things all came from the big country next to them.

In the current era, if there is something that is highly praised by everyone in the world, it must come from that country.

Although the things on the stage are all genuine, they are not truly precious items, but only things for export.

Although they are much more exquisite than those on the market, it is not to the point where Wubie wants to end the show, so Wubie just watched quietly.

Zi naturally didn’t want to buy anything.

She came here to watch the excitement, and ordinary things like this have no meaning to her.

What’s more, Zi has collected a lot of things in her spare time.

So the two people never bid, but no one noticed them, because in fact there were not many people bidding.

None of the Yin-Yang masters present bid, but there were quite a few Yin-Yang masters present.

So I guess this last item must be an interesting thing.

At the auction.

After the last ordinary collection was bought by Wubie, a young man in Yin-Yang master’s clothes walked onto the stage.

Although he looked young, his temperament was completely unlike that of a young man. After he pointed at the stage, the original emcee quickly walked off the stage, and then several sumo wrestlers walked up.

The table where the items were originally placed was removed and the table surface was cleared.

At the same time, the guests present began to leave, and no one spoke during the whole process.

About two minutes later, the auction hall was completely cleared.

After looking around and confirming that the remaining people were not going to leave, the Yin-Yang Master in the center spoke:

“Then the auction of magic tools will begin. Each magic tool is quite special, so please sign the contract first.”

His voice is very special. He looks very young, but his voice is unusually hoarse, totally unlike his voice.

But no one questioned it.

After no one objected, the Yin-Yang Master threw the contract in his hand, and then it floated in front of everyone.

The contract also went directly through the box to Wubie.

Wubie reached out and grabbed it, and Zi also came over. The two carefully examined the contract in their hands, while the others had already signed and sent it back.

“A confidentiality agreement? And everyone is used to it.”

“Why do we need to sign a confidentiality agreement? Do all the items to be auctioned need to be kept confidential?”

“We’ll know in a moment.”

He smiled and signed his name on the contract.

Since everyone has signed, Wubie will not deliberately break the rules, because in fact this is to protect every bidder.

Confidentiality means that what happened in the venue cannot be told to others, so in the end, few people will know who won the item.

In this way, murder and robbery can be avoided as much as possible.

Therefore, Wubie also chose to abide by the rules, but…

After the contract came into effect, it returned to the Yin-Yang Master. He was looking at each contract carefully to prevent anyone from cheating.

When he saw Wubie’s contract, his brows furrowed.

It’s not that Wubie didn’t sign, he did sign his name, and the contract has taken effect. If he violates it, he will be punished.

But he can’t see Wubie’s name.

In the name area, there is only a distorted text, which is completely incomprehensible, and exudes a weird atmosphere.

This made the host look at Wubie’s private room, but he couldn’t see through the Yin-Yang technique that blocked his sight.

Once again noticing the text on the contract, he had to retract his gaze and said to all the bidders

“Since everyone has agreed to the conditions, the auction officially begins. There are only three collections today, and there is no high or low ranking among the three. They are just ranked by drawing lots, so everyone can bid fairly.

Although it is a bit long-winded, there are still new guests in this auction, so the following are the rules of the auction house.……”

These are all familiar rules, which simply mean that no trouble can be caused during the auction, the safety of the items cannot be guaranteed after the auction, and so on.

At the same time, it also emphasizes that murder and robbery are prohibited.

However, who can prevent such things? It’s just that the auction house wants to do its best.

While he was reading out the rules, a waiter also came to the stage pushing a cart with special crystal vessels.

The vessels were covered with white cloth, and the items under the white cloth could not be seen at all.

Wubie felt that the obstruction of vision was just the appearance of the white cloth, and its real function was to seal.

However, before Wubie could investigate, the auction of this item began.

“The first item in the collection is the demon sword.

After announcing the name of the collection, he lifted the curtain and a sword emitting blood appeared. It was strange and ominous, giving people a sense of unease.

The blood emanating from it was extremely thick and dark red. It was not difficult to guess that this demon sword must have killed many people.

“We found this sword on the battlefield. We don’t know who the original owner is, who made it, or what its original name was.

We found it because it caused too much killing and was abandoned on the battlefield. It was soaked in the blood of monsters and humans and has become a monster. It is currently sealed here.

Although it is very powerful, it is too ominous. The person who found it was also killed by this monster sword. At the same time, the Yin-Yang master of that family could not tame this monster sword, so it was auctioned.

Because its killing nature may kill the owner, please do it according to your ability. I hope you will do it according to your ability and don’t become a joke.

There is no reserve price, and the highest bidder wins.” After the voice fell, he also deliberately opened a part of the seal.

As the seal was opened, a powerful demonic power overflowed from it, which made people shudder and feel the threat of death.

There is no doubt that if this sword makes it completely demonized, it will definitely be a monster at the level of a big monster, even stronger than many people present.

“I didn’t expect the Onmyoji to auction something like this. I thought they would just keep the weapons to themselves.”

Feeling the demonic power, even Zi was a little scared.

The sword-wielding Fusangshen is always the most powerful among the monsters, and the opponent’s demonic power is comparable to hers.

At the same time, she held Wubie’s hand with some worry.

“Wubie, are you going to buy this sword? Although I am confident in your strength, you should still be careful.”

It can be seen that Wubie is very interested in this magic sword, so although he is very worried, Zi did not stop him, but just told him to be careful.

Wubie was also warmed by Zi’s concern, and then nodded.

He was indeed very interested in this magic sword, because he seemed to have seen this sword in another world. If it was true, it would be very interesting.

But as Zi said, this sword is very dangerous.

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant, so even if he is ready to buy it, he will treat it with caution.

Others also know that this sword is very dangerous, so no one has made an offer so far.

Everyone is discussing whether to buy this magic sword, and it is estimated that there will be no movement for a while.

Although Wubie did not want to be the first to do so, it was not a solution to keep wasting time here, so Wubie was the first to speak.

“Ten taels of gold.”

A stone stirs up a thousand waves. The Yin-Yang masters and nobles who were still discussing all fell silent and looked up at Wubie’s box.

Similarly, the host also looked at Wubie. Wubie didn’t care about the gazes of these people. He just held the demon sword on the stage with a confident smile. He was determined to get this sword.

And with Wubie’s offer, the auction officially began.

“Eleven ounces of gold”


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