""Yeah, we know that You has superpowers."

After listening to Nino's serious story, Ichika was extremely calm. As he spoke, he flicked the toothpick in his hand into the trash can.

Sitting up, Ichika slapped his white thighs.


The sound was not very loud, but it still attracted the attention of several people in the living room.

""Huh?! Ichika, what are you crazy about?"

Nino was shocked by Ichika's sudden"self-abuse" and leaned back slightly and asked

"A flower is...Did you choke?

Mayu looked at Ichika, who was propping herself up with her hands on her legs and lowering her head, and asked with some concern.

"Drink some water."

Sanjiu handed a glass of warm water to Ichika.

"I'm fine. Since Nino has confessed, I can't hide it either."

Seeing that the four sisters were so concerned about her, Ichika, who wanted to continue acting, quickly said that she was fine. As she spoke, her expression became serious:


The four sisters looked at each other and started to talk:


"Actually, I am Ultraman."

Ichika said in a serious tone, as if she had revealed the biggest secret of her life.

"Oh?!! It turns out that Ichika is Ultraman! Sounds so cool!!"

As soon as Ichika finished speaking, Yotsuba's eyes were filled with surprise. Looking at her expression of surprise mixed with a bit of joy, it was clear that Yotsuba didn't believe it and was just cooperating with Ichika.

""Hehe! Awesome, isn't it?"

Yotsuba cooperated so well, and Ichika was not embarrassed, crossing her arms and looking proud.

Miku and Mayu looked at each other and said nothing. Miku ate cantaloupe and watched TV, while Mayu smelled the fragrance of the food, tears overflowed from the corners of her mouth, and she couldn't help but get up and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at Ichika and Yotsuba singing a duet, Nino was stunned at first, but she quickly reacted.

""Huh?!! Are you kidding me?! How could there be Ultraman in the world?"

Gnashing her teeth, Nino felt that her IQ was mocked by Ichika. After all, even children know that Ultraman is fake.

Seeing Nino's big reaction, Ichika quickly waved her hand to calm her down and said:

"Didn't you joke first, Nino? How could there be super powers in the world?"

"Yes, Nino is a smart and good child, but it is not good to deceive us as if we are not smart children."

Yotoha also sat with Ichika and nodded in agreement

"When he was little, Yuu also said that he had super powers."

Miku took her attention away from the TV and added

"What I said is true! You really has superpowers!"

Seeing that several people didn't believe her, Nino felt like she was going to collapse. Why is it that no one believes her when she tells the truth now?!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Nino would never believe such a fantastic thing before.

""Okay, okay, You has super powers. Well, I'll go to the bedroom and sleep for a while. Remember to call me when dinner is ready."

Seeing Nino's temper, Ichika said, and her phone vibrated. After looking at the phone, Ichika hurriedly got up and went upstairs without waiting for the others to react.

"Ichika has been acting strange lately, as if she is busy with something."

Looking at Ichika going upstairs and leaving, Yotsuba scratched his head and said

"It's weird. Forget it. I won't tell you all this. Really, to be honest, you don't believe it. Um, push the cantaloupe over here. I can't reach it."

She curled her lips. Knowing that Ichika and the others would not believe her unless they saw it with their own eyes, Nino was no longer stubborn. She ate the fruit and looked at the cantaloupe.

However, she was still very unconvinced. She was obviously telling the truth. Sure enough,

Yu had guessed that Ichika and the others would not believe it?!

Thinking of this, Nino chewed the cantaloupe heavily, as if she was chewing Nakano Yu who was busy cooking in the kitchen.

Of course, Nakano Yu in the kitchen was completely unaware of this and was still concentrating on cooking.

Covering the pot, Nakano Yu was now waiting for time to cook the soup.

Just when she was about to take a break, she turned her head and saw May standing by the kitchen counter.

At this time, May was looking at the tomato scrambled eggs eagerly. Was she sniffing the hungry tears from her mouth?

"Ahahaha...Actually, you can eat if you want.

Seeing May's expression, Nakano Yuu smiled and said

"No! No, scrambled eggs with tomatoes are most delicious when eaten with rice!"

Hearing this, May shook her head hurriedly. Although she said this, her hand unconsciously reached for the steaming dishes on the table.



Just as she was about to grab a piece of yellow scrambled eggs, suddenly, a pair of chopsticks gently hit the back of May's hand. She screamed in shock and quickly retracted her hand. She was looking at the boy next to her in confusion, but saw Nakano Yuu handing her a pair of wooden chopsticks:

"Really, aren't you afraid of the heat? Here, chopsticks."

""Thank you, You."

Wu Yue took the chopsticks and thanked him. She quickly tasted the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and the shredded pork on the side. As she ate, she gradually showed a satisfied look and muttered:

"The meal that You made today must be delicious with white rice."

Hearing May's whisper, Nakano You smiled helplessly and said:

"May is still as greedy as she was when she was little."

Among the five sisters, May is the most obedient and eats the most. But she is not fat, but has a body that looks very comfortable. She is not as thin as a monster, nor as fat as Snorlax.

If you have to say it, the meat she gained from eating is where it should be.

Anyway, May's children will definitely not be hungry in the future. Hmm, they may even be full?

"No! I'm just growing!"

Hearing this, Wu Yue was busy retorting, not even having time to wipe the vegetable oil from her mouth.

""Okay, okay, you're growing up, so eat more. If you get fat, you won't be able to get married. I can support you guys."

Nakano Yuu said with a smile, turned around, took out a tissue, and wiped the grease from May's mouth.

"Eat slowly, no one is rushing to grab it"


Staring at the boy's face so close to her, May was stunned for a moment and responded dully until Nakano Yuu withdrew his hand. Then she reacted.

Looking at Nakano Yuu's back while he was cooking, May looked at the dishes on the kitchen counter and suddenly asked:

"You, when you get married, can you still cook for us?"

"Hmm? Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Nakano Yuu, who was seasoning the broth, was a little confused when he heard May's words behind him. May usually wouldn't talk about such sentimental topics.

"I want to ask you something."

May did not explain, but just evaded the question.

"I don't think so. After all, you will have your own family in May...."

After thinking for a while, Nakano Yuu said.

After hearing the negative answer, May's eyes dimmed slightly, but Nakano Yuu suddenly changed the subject and added:



Hearing this, May looked up at Nakano Yuu

"Unless I marry one of you, we are not related by blood anyway."

Nakano Yu shrugged. Neon doesn't have so many rules, and it's no secret that he and the five sisters are not related by blood.

But Nakano Yu was just joking about this. After all, they are so young now, and it's useless to say these things.

Just when Nakano Yu thought that May would not take his joke seriously and continued to season the broth, he didn't expect May to show a thoughtful expression.

It seems that this suggestion...It’s not impossible?......

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