"Hmm? Nakano, I didn't expect you to come to the courage test."

Hayama Hayato, who was organizing the group, noticed Nakano Yuu and the other two walking towards him, and couldn't help but look surprised.

As the third in the grade of Sobu High School, he was no stranger to Nakano Yuu, the first in the grade. He was always alone in school, and was even more popular than him when school started. If he hadn't been so cold to girls' love letters, there wouldn't be so many girls who only dared to look at him from afar.

"I'm a little interested. Is this the route map?"

Nakano Yu nodded and looked at a sign next to Hayato Hayama. It was a detailed map of Tsunamiyama. There was a winding red circle with the hotel as the center. It was probably the route of this courage test.

"Well, just follow this way. This is a satellite phone. Please take it. If you have an accident or get lost, you can call for help."

Hayama Hayato smiled and handed a satellite phone to Nakano Yuu, and said.

Nodding, the boy took the phone and left with Nino.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Tobe Sho scratched his cheek and said:

"I didn't expect that Nakano was actually a sister complex. He rejected so many confessions before, and I thought he didn't like girls."

"Don't tell jokes like this."

After tapping Tobe Sho on the head, Hayato Hayama shook his head and said. As for Nakano

Yuu, not long after he walked out of the starting point, a mountain night breeze blew towards him, which was actually quite pleasant.

"Hey, Yuu, are you scared?"

Holding Yuu Nakano's hand, Nino glanced at the boy and saw that Yuu Nakano looked relaxed, so she asked him.

"Hmm? Nino, do you want to look at what you are saying?"

Hearing this, Nakano Yuu looked at Nino in confusion. Could this girl have forgotten who killed an evil spirit with two swords two days ago? She actually asked him such a question.

"No! No no, it's not...That's right, I didn't know what to talk to You about for a while."

Nino just reacted at this time and waved her hands to explain.

It was also her brain that crashed. For Nakano You, there was nothing to be afraid of some small monsters in the mountains. On the contrary, she was afraid of the dark, and after experiencing what happened a few days ago, she was even more afraid of this kind of night road in the wilderness. If she couldn't be alone with Nakano You, she would never come here!

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nakano You couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Nakano You laughed inexplicably, Nino's cheeks blushed, raised her hand and punched Nakano You on the shoulder, but this punch was more like a coquettish act:

"You, Baka! Really, you dare to laugh at me!"

"Nino hasn't changed at all, she's the same as when she was little."

Rubbing Nino's head, Nakano Yuu said with a smile.

When she was little, Nino behaved very...Straightforward? She is also very straightforward in character. She often quarrels with the four sisters because of disagreements. At that time, Nakano Yuuka would just watch the show with a glass of juice, and then go to each of them to persuade them one by one after they return to their rooms.

After all, Nino's personality is so bad that she would probably feel wronged if she tried to persuade them when she was angry.

"Hum~ Youya is the same as before."

With a hum, Nino seemed unconvinced and replied

"Of course, no matter how you change, I will always be like this."

Nakano Yu nodded, speaking as a matter of course.

Hearing this, Nino was stunned, and her expression could not help but pause.

"By the way, what do you plan to do when you grow up? With your current grades, you may not be able to get into college."

Nakano Yuu forgot to look at the stars in the sky. On the vast night sky, the stars were twinkling, reflected in the boy's bright purple eyes. At that moment, the boy's eyes were like a galaxy.

Looking at the boy's profile, Nino couldn't help but be stunned, and subconsciously stammered in reply:

"I...I want to be with You forever."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nino realized that her words were wrong. She was about to explain, but the boy turned his head and their eyes met. Before Nino could react, Nakano You's words came over:

"Of course, Nino has such a bad temper that she can't get married."

""Huh?! I'm a beautiful girl after all! Why am I unable to get married here with You?!"

After hearing this, Nino's face immediately turned red, of course because she was angry, and she argued for herself in a very unconvinced manner.


At this moment, a student wearing a white robe, pale makeup, and a flashlight under his face suddenly emerged from the bushes behind Nino. Nino was so scared that her face changed and she threw herself into Nakano Yu's arms.

""You! Yes, there is a ghost!"

Nino yelled while holding the boy.

The student saw that he had finally scared someone, smiled sincerely, waved at Nakano You, and turned to hide in the bushes.

Seeing this, Nakano You's mouth twitched, waved goodbye to the student who played the female ghost, and then comforted Nino:

"It's okay, it's a classmate from Sobu High School."

Nakano Yuu stroked Nino's hair and spoke softly, which made Nino gradually relax.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Nino has become less courageous. She wasn't so easily scared before.


Hearing this, Nino poked her head out and looked behind her, only to see the girl with makeup poking her head out and giving her a thumbs up.

For a moment, Nino wanted to find a hole to crawl into. She was concentrating on chatting with You, but suddenly this guy holding a flashlight jumped out, and Nino jumped into Nakano You's arms before she could even see clearly.

"Ahem, let's go, it's getting late."

After coughing twice in embarrassment, Erino pulled the boy up and was about to leave.

"Nino hasn't answered my question yet. What do you want to do when you grow up?"

Walking on the night road, Nakano Yuu talked to Nino. Although Nino's cheeks were still rosy, she didn't feel anything when she was with Nakano Yuu. After hearing the boy's question, Nino thought for a while and answered��:

"In the future, maybe I will open a cake shop or a cafe, etc. That can be considered as starting a business!"

"Not bad."

Nakano Yuu nodded. He had expected this answer, but who cares, as long as Nino is happy.

""Where's Yuu?"

Nino looked at the boy beside her. She rarely heard Nakano Yuu talk about the future. It seemed that her beloved boy always focused on the present.

"Me? I will marry several wives in the future!"

Hearing Nino's words, Nakano Yuu raised his eyebrows, then waved his hand, made a gesture of hugging left and right, and said very casually. As soon as the voice fell, Nino raised her foot with a dark face, and then landed heavily on the instep of Nakano Yuu.


Although it didn't hurt, the boy still took a deep breath and looked at Nino with a shocked look.

"Yu, don't have such unrealistic fantasies, it's impossible."

Glancing at Nakano Yu who was covering his feet, Nino folded her arms and said

"Tsk, who can say for sure about this kind of thing? Maybe I am a special case in this world.

Seeing Nino like this, Nakano Yuu said jokingly.

Hearing this, Nino was stunned.

Yes, she has always looked at Yuu with the eyes of an ordinary person, but for Yuu...Can human laws really restrain him? Or, such an outstanding person, even if he doesn't need Yuu to think, there will be countless beautiful girls around him, right?

Thinking of this, Nino's expression became lonely, but it was only a flash. For Nino, no one can take away her beloved from her!

She will let Nakano Yuu know that she likes Nakano Yuu more than anyone else!

"Hey, You, if you say...I like You, what will You do?"...

The last chapter today! Still the same as before, please beg for flowers~votes

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