The life energy emitted by the scarecrow is weak, and it can only attract relatively weak evil spirits. Strong ones will not be confused. After Yotsuya Miko threw several in a row, the effect was greatly reduced. The originally efficient cooperation and the overwhelming attack were forced to be temporarily interrupted, and they had to look for opportunities again.

Kitagawa Umi and Yotsuya Miko retreated, exchanged glances with each other again, and then threw themselves into the battle again.

Yotsuya Miko formed a seal with her hands and pushed out with one palm. Immediately, a spiritual power halo flashed, and then a pure energy burst out from her palm, like a dazzling laser…

Boom – at the energy explosion, all the gathered evil spirits were killed.

Thanks to the day-to-day form switching practice, Kitagawa Umi instantly completed the transformation, the black mountain sedge form, and the magic power condensed in both hands, forming a black cannonball, with a harsh sonic boom to form three attack ripples, straight-to the gathering of spirits.

Bang— another loud bang, the entire deep evil tunnel seemed to tremble a little, the magic power exploded in the center, and it spread rapidly to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wherever the magic power passed, the evil spirits suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared, and not a trace of silence was left.


Kitagawa Umi glanced behind him, and Yotsuya Miko’s hand seal attack was

formed again, taking over the previous magic attack, and continued to attack that direction with pure spiritual power, killing another group of people.

The long-range attacks were carried out alternately, and the rhythm was uninterrupted, causing serious damage to the evil spirits gathered in the tunnel. It only took a cup of tea to advance one-third of the way inside. At this rate, it would soon be possible to clear out all the evil spirits in the tunnel and achieve the purpose of coming here.

This is what I imagined, but the reality is different.

The deeper the tunnel, the more ferocious the evil spirits inside. Soon a mutant evil spirit similar to a spider jumped out from it.

The evil spirit had four legs and lay on the ground with its head lowered in the middle. The black air on its body became thicker and thicker.

“Yotsuya-san, be careful!”

Kitagawa Umigumi warned Yotsuya Miko while preparing to launch an attack. The flower gem flashed on her chest, and the magic energy was slowly released, forming a magical protection around her.

Then Kitagawa Umigumi’s body floated up, pouring all the energy into her palms, and then the whole person attacked like a cannonball, with one red and one blue eye, revealing magical light.


Kitagawa Umigumi rushed to the spider ghost at the fastest speed, changed her body shape, and kicked it hard on the head with an eagle step.

Bang – the spider-shaped ghost’s head was kicked to pieces by Kitagawa Umigumi, and dirty blood burst

out. Fortunately, Kitagawa Umigumi dodged in time to avoid being splashed by the dirty blood.


Yotsuya Miko choked up.

In that attack just now, Kitagawa Umi concentrated all her magic power into one point, catching the enemy by surprise and making the spider ghost get a box lunch as soon as it appeared.

Kitagawa Umi’s outstanding performance greatly inspired Yotsuya Miko. She believed that what her classmates could do, she could do too, either today or someday in the future.

Not long after the spider-type ghost’s head fell off, its body turned into a black thread and disappeared in a moment, leaving nothing behind.

Poor guy, he had just appeared on the stage and had not yet shown his skills before he hurriedly went offline, which also angered the evil spirits deep in the tunnel, and they filed out from it like a tide.


Yotsuya Miko came to support quickly. Kitagawa Umi had consumed a lot of magic power just now, and it was difficult for her to maintain the black mountain radish form. She switched to the third form of Sakura Kyoko in an instant. Yotsuya

Miko only saw Kitagawa Umi’s outfit being completely renewed from top to bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the magic light was shining on her body all the time. It was so incredible……

“As expected, she is a magical girl.”

Yotsuya Miko got to know Kitagawa Umi all over again, and her gorgeous fighting style also attracted her attention deeply, but she would not look down on herself

because of this. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and she does not think that she is worse than others.

She is just a beginner as an exorcist, and there is still a long way to go. She does not deny the strength of others, nor does she look down on her own abilities. She will become stronger in the future.

Just like Oka Tomoko in the past, the tea servant can eliminate the”bone marrow-eating” evil spirits under the eyes of everyone while talking and laughing wildly. With the changing seals on her hands, Yotsuya Miko kept sending out pure spiritual power to eliminate the evil spirits that besieged Kitagawa Umi, and then protected her to quickly withdraw from the encirclement of the evil spirits.

“Thank you, Yotsuya-san.”

Kitagawa Umigumi nodded to Yotsuya Miko after she escaped from the encirclement of the evil spirits. If she hadn’t overdrawn her magic power just now, she wouldn’t have been in such a mess. It seems that she has to find a way to solve the problem of overdrawing magic power in the second form in the future, otherwise it will be a big disadvantage for her.


Yoshitani Miko nodded.

Now the supernatural is rioting, the situation on the field is not optimistic, naturally it is not the time to chat, while talking she rushed forward again.

Kitagawa Umi recovered her magic power in the third form, and soon the overdrawn feeling of weakness slowly disappeared, and her breathing began to become even.

“Xiao Meng, you don’t need to use your ultimate he

re. All you need to do is cooperate with Yotsuya and use these evil spirits to practice fixed-point switching to form a magic magnetic field, which will replenish your magic power.”


Su Xuan reminded him immediately.

Kitagawa Haimeng finally came to his senses. He had taken the wrong attack route. It was true that he wanted to eliminate the evil spirits, but on the other hand, he also used them to practice magic flash. He just wanted to quickly eliminate these evil spirits, but ignored the purpose of coming. As expected, he fought desperately. This kind of fighting style is totally unacceptable. It is better not to use it if it is not necessary!

“I know!”

Kitagawa Umi took a deep breath to adjust her mentality, then rushed up again with a chain gun in hand. She only had one thought in her mind now, which was to practice fixed-point switching frantically and activate the magic magnetic field.

With a swing of the chain gun, it extended in different directions and quickly woven into an iron net, shackled many evil spirits, then switched forms, holding a fang blade, and chopped off the head of the spirit while turning.

Then she turned on the second form, and the magic sonic boom forced the approaching evil spirits to retreat. Although her magic power was overdrawn, she could barely use the attack method that consumed less magic power after recovering a little.

The evil spirits were forced back, and Kitagawa Umi switched forms again, shackled the evil spirits with

a chain gun, and then killed them with a fang blade. One person fighting was like a group of three, so fierce!

Yotsuya Miko didn’t know why she switched fixed-point states so frequently, changing one move after another. In her opinion, it was completely unnecessary, and it was not a show of skill, until Kitagawa Umi began to flash!

…… ps: There are a few more customizations. Thank you for your trust. Please continue to ask for customizations!.

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