The dark star swallowed everything like a black hole. In a blink of an eye, it swallowed up the entire Parthenon and even the city of Athens.

The white thunder shot down at Athena and Su Mo, but this time, even the power of thunder was completely distorted in the force field of the dark star and was completely swallowed up by the dark star. Even the authority of Zeus, the father of heaven, was instantly decomposed in this dark star and returned to its original form.

"Is this the last power of the Earth Mother Goddess?"

Seeing this scene, Zeus was furious and his eyes became even more greedy.

Now he was only one step away from becoming the only true God. He only needed to use all the power of the Earth Mother Goddess to make up for the step he lacked, and he would become the only true God!

"It is just a legacy of the old times, how can it resist the power of the Father God!"

He immediately made a full effort, mobilizing the power of faith of Mount Olympus to the extreme, and the gods of Olympus also began to provide him with strength, and all the gods fought against the dark star in front of them.

At first, the dark star covered only a few kilometers around, but as more and more land was swallowed, the attraction of the dark star became higher and higher.

Like a black hole with increasing mass, the suction force is getting stronger and stronger.

Incandescent lightning covered the entire sky of the Greek God Realm, and the storm of the dark star swept across the entire earth.

Before long, the two forces had reached the stage where they could wrestle.

"So amazing……"

Looking at the dark stars she created with her own hands, and then looking at Su Mo's profile, Athena was a little stunned for a moment.

She was very familiar with the source of this power, which was the last part of the wisdom of the Earth Mother Goddess that she possessed.

This ritual is called the Black Blade, also known as the Sword of Beginning and End, and the Ceremony of Creation. If it is performed with the power of an ordinary god of disobedience, it is enough to fight against the Savior God Sword. It can be said to be the ultimate secret skill of the Earth Mother Goddess.

But even so, the power of this ritual can never be comparable to the current only god Zeus.

After all, this ritual is nothing more than a fragment of the power of Gaia, the Earth Mother Goddess. Today, Zeus has surpassed Gaia and achieved an existence that is superior to all the gods in the past Greek mythology. Even if it is only half a step to the only god, it should not be something that Gaia's fragments can deal with.

But now, after Su Mo's transformation, the power of this ritual can actually match Zeus, who has integrated the entire pantheon, and its power is even higher than that of Zeus, the father of heaven.

Even though Athena already knew about Su Mo's specialness, she never thought that Su Mo could strengthen his technique to this extent.

Even if the former mother of the gods was resurrected, she would not be able to do it to Su Mo's level!

After the excitement, Athena remembered that this technique was a power that Su Mo developed specifically for her. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable joy in her heart.

"Master, the name of this technique is¨` ?"

She asked softly with an unprecedented docile attitude.

"It hasn't been named yet. Do you have any recommended names?"

Su Mo shook his head and asked casually.

Just as the second mythical art [Sword Original] came from the characteristics of the Steel Hero God, the fourth mythical art he just compiled came from the characteristics of the Earth Mother God.

As the representative of the Earth Mother God, Athena is indeed qualified to name it.


Hearing Su Mo's words, the slender goddess' mind was further shaken.

Her conjecture was completely verified. It turned out that this was really a power created for her.

After shaking slightly in Su Mo's arms, Athena bit her lip lightly, shook her head, and after carefully feeling the nature of the dark star, she spoke

"Let’s call it the Mother Goddess of Creation, to commemorate the source of the Mother Goddess of Earth—Gaia, the Mother of Gods!"


Su Mo nodded.

As the two talked, the power of the dark star continued to expand, and even had a tendency to surpass the white thunderstorm.

"How is it possible?! Everyone, go all out!"

Zeus looked furious, and directed part of the dazzling thunder light at the Olympian gods.

He knew very well that not all gods recognized his rule.

Once the enemy showed the power to hold his own, the oppression he built on authority might fail.

Therefore, before someone betrayed, they had to be put under the greatest pressure.

Seeing the tip of the thunder spear that was powerful enough to kill gods, Hestia and other goddesses were slightly stunned, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to resist.

But invisibly, the output of the gods no longer increased, but stabilized at a level where they would not be held accountable.

In addition, Zeus had to distract himself to threaten the gods, and the power of the white thunder star did not increase but decreased.

Sensing the resistance in the hearts of the people, Zeus' eyes became cold, and he was about to kill someone to establish his prestige.

But at this moment, an ominous vibration came, and darkness enveloped the entire earth.

Sensing the direction of the change, Zeus was suddenly shocked.


Upon hearing this, most of the Olympian gods showed expressions of horror and looked in the same direction as Zeus.

As the dark stars continued to expand, the earth began to shake and the mountains turned into ravines.

And on the edge of the Greek God's Domain, the volcanic plain of Lydia, along with the disappearance of the earth, a huge volcanic cave appeared.

For the Olympian gods, it was an extremely familiar and extremely terrifying place - the abyss Tartarus.

It is not hell but worse than hell. It is the prison where the God King Zeus imprisoned his enemies.

The Titans who were defeated in the Titan War were imprisoned by Zeus in this abyss purgatory, and the second generation God King Kronos was also imprisoned in it.

In addition, various demons were also imprisoned here.

It can be said that all those imprisoned here are against the existence of Zeus.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A huge noise appeared, as powerful as a giant bear hitting a door.

Tartarus was surrounded by three layers of black curtains and three layers of copper walls. Now the three layers of black curtains were torn apart by the dark stars. The Titans inside seemed to have noticed the changes in the outside world and began to pound on the door non-stop, trying to break the prison. What was even more terrifying was that there were also violent vibrations at the foot of Mount Etna in Sicily, as if something was breaking free from the seal.

"Gaia's last son - Typhon!"

All the gods changed color, even Zeus's expression became solemn.

As the strongest demon in Greek mythology, Typhon's strength can be said to be the only one second only to Zeus, the father of heaven.

In mythology, even Zeus was no match for him when he lost his thunderbolt.

Not to mention the other Olympian gods, almost all gods have experienced being chased by Typhon and escaping for their lives. The strength of this demon is also superior to that of the gods.

If Athena freed all these opponents of Zeus, even the current father of heaven Zeus would definitely not be able to bear it.

Under Zeus's furious eyes, Athena tore apart the two prisons without mercy.

Zeus' opponents swarmed out and immediately aimed at the enemies in the sky.

Especially Kronos, the king of the Titans who was overthrown by Zeus, he would not miss such a good opportunity.

However, these Titans did not attack Zeus at the first time, and some of them even aimed at Athena.

They are enemies of Zeus, which does not mean they are allies with Athena.

However, Athena did not really regard them as allies.

"` 」Descendant of the Mother of the Gods, hand you over - what are you doing?!"

"Wait, wait! I can allow you to form an alliance!"

"We are allies, Zeus is our enemy, you can't——"

Except for a few allies of the Earth Mother, Athena sucked all the other Titans into the Dark Star and completely turned them into nothingness.

As the God of War, she knew very well that war does not need a mob.

All demons were strangled, even Typhon, the last son of Gaia.

The power of the dragon and snake monsters incarnated by the Earth Mother was completely absorbed by Athena, and finally became the nutrients of the Dark Star.

In the end, the power of the Dark Star turned into the phantom of a huge dragon and snake, which was the original posture of the Earth Mother.

"Zeus, your era is over! Thanks to the Lord, now is the era of us, the Earth Goddess."

Athena did not speak, but the dragon and snake phantoms entrenched on the earth made a sound like the rumbling of the earth.

She, who had unified the Greek divine domain, was no longer inferior to Zeus at this time, and even had a slight advantage.

"Impossible! The era of the only god will not end!"

Zeus was naturally unwilling to admit this outcome.

However, when he was about to mobilize all his strength to fight Athena, his strength suddenly stopped halfway.

Looking down, there was only one flame left on the sacred fire of Mount Olympus, and there was only one person who had the authority to control the sacred fire.

Zeus looked down in astonishment and found that his elder sister Hestia had stopped helping

"Sorry, Zeus, I want to support Athena more!"

Hestia apologized, her attitude was extremely firm.

Also determined were the gods such as Artemis, the goddess of the moon, Persephone, the queen of the underworld, and Aphrodite and other gods, after hesitating, also stood on the side of Athena.

Before Athena couldn't fight, they didn't dare to fight, but now that Athena can fight, they naturally support Athena.

After all, as the mother goddess of the earth, they all have the same experience.

In front of the new challenger, the rule constructed by authoritarianism collapsed at the touch of a button.

The failure at the critical moment made Zeus's thunder extremely vulnerable.

Athena did not miss this opportunity. In an instant, the dark star completely swallowed up Zeus's thunder and restored it to the chaos at the farthest point.

With the final blow, the so-called father Zeus and the other Olympian gods were completely sucked into the dark star and lost their lives. Father Zeus and the Olympian gods officially declared defeat!.

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