"God-killer? Su Mo?"

Seeing the shock on the face of Apollo, the god of the sun, the fear on the face of Dionysus, the god of wine, and the momentary relief on Athena's face, Zeus narrowed his eyes, and the light of wisdom flashed in his pupils.

Although Athena had restored the trinity state, due to the myth, Zeus still possessed some of Metis' wisdom, so he easily judged the situation in front of him.

"It seems that you are the master that Athena mentioned?"

He looked at Su Mo, and the thunderous aura in his hand swelled again.

""Hestia, Artemis, retreat! Don't make me say it a second time!"

Feeling the threat from Jibril, Zeus made a threatening low voice.

If you don't obey the order at this time, you will probably be killed on the spot by the God King!

Realizing the tense atmosphere, Hestia and Artemis looked at each other helplessly and retreated to their original positions.

No one can fight against Zeus now, not even the Olympian gods combined..

"Lord……" look���Athena felt relieved when Su Mo appeared in front of her.

She immediately stepped forward and wanted to tell"040" about Zeus.

The father Zeus in front of her was much stronger than the gods, even stronger than Jibril before. She believed that Su Mo could handle such a person, but she was also worried that Su Mo would underestimate the enemy without knowing the information.

However, before she could tell the information, Su Mo saw Zeus' current state at a glance.

"You have integrated the power of the Olympian gods... Are you trying to follow the path of the One God?"

Hearing this, the gods were all shocked.

There were very few people who could see this at a glance. Even Athena had just realized it. How could a human being see it at a glance?

""That's right! Since you know that, you should understand that you shouldn't instigate Athena to betray, because that will only benefit me!"

Zeus sneered.

"Of course, even if you don't do this, I will become the only God. No matter what happens in this world, it will definitely benefit me!"

This overly narcissistic statement sounds a bit crazy on the surface.

In fact, it has a deep meaning.

"Interesting idea!"

Even Su Mo had to praise it.

At least, compared to Michael who has been waiting for the Lord to return, Zeus, as a god, has a more positive and enterprising attitude, which makes people feel that this is an independent life.

"Unfortunately, it's too late."

Su Mo shook his head, not optimistic.


Hearing this, Zeus's face suddenly turned pale, obviously he had hit the nail on the head.

Seeing the two people's riddle-like confrontation and Zeus's drastic change in expression, Athena began to doubt her own value as the goddess of wisdom.

Otherwise, why couldn't she understand?

After hesitating for a while, she whispered

""Master, why can Zeus become the only god? Given his origin, isn't this impossible?"

She still didn't understand this question. Not to mention her, even among the gods of Olympus, few people understood why Zeus did this.

But for Su Mo, this was not a problem.

"What if Zeus, the only god, is omniscient and omnipotent? He arranged the myth, crossed the dimension of time, manipulated the thread of fate, and controlled Kronos to give birth to himself?"

Whether it is the parents or the mother goddess of creation Gaia, this theory can be used to explain.

Why is the only god not Gaia, who created the world, but the third generation god Zeus?

The problem is simple. Everything is the will of the only god Zeus. The reason why the myth is like this is because Zeus wants him to be like this.

Everything is Zeus's script, so it is reasonable for him to be the only god.

Human logic cannot understand God, but can only accept God.


Athena was confused by this rogue statement.

How can this be justified?

In this case, any god can say that he is the only god, right? The reason is also very simple. The script of the gods is like this.

"This far-fetched myth won't be believed by anyone, right?"

She asked in confusion.

To this, Su Mo's answer was simple.

"The same thing was done in Egyptian mythology and Christian mythology, and there were no problems."

"As long as the way you spread your faith is effective enough, the theoretical basis can be explained by theologians, and history has proven that this is feasible."

In Egyptian mythology, the first god born in the world was Nun, the primordial water. Atum-Ra, the god of creation, hid in Nun's body and then gained consciousness.

However, although he was the second individual to gain consciousness, he was the creator god himself, because he had given birth to all things before he realized who he was.

Through this explanation, Egyptian mythology"successfully" solved the bug that the god born later was actually the creator god.

As for the operation of Christianity, just look at the fully patched Trinity concept and the holy spear that killed the son of God to understand.

No matter what myth, as long as there are enough patches, it can be self-consistent.

Logical flaws are never a problem.

"In fact, Zeus had already made similar attempts, but failed."

Su Mo added.

In the early Greek mythology, Zeus's power was not outstanding. Even in the middle and late stages, when he faced Typhon, he had to use the Thunder Scepter to compete with him.

But in the later stages, Zeus was already strong enough to defeat the Olympian gods alone.

At that time, his belief was infinitely close to the belief in the only god. Almost all believers in Greek mythology prayed to Zeus, the father of heaven, and his status was no worse than that of God.

If this trend continued, Zeus would have a good chance of becoming the true only god.

Unfortunately, his ambition did not succeed.

"Greek mythology gradually transitioned to monotheistic���Monism is a historical trend, but this process was completely interrupted by Christianity. Christianity, which had been deeply rooted in monism for many years, completely defeated the Greek mythology that was in transition and snatched away all the faith of the Greek gods!"

In the theory of the one God, Christianity has too many advantages, and with the strong promotion of Constantine the Great, traditional myths such as Roman mythology, Norse mythology, and Greek mythology were directly swept away and no longer had any soil........

"Zeus didn't succeed at that time, and it's even more impossible to succeed now... There is not much soil for change in the Greek God Realm, and even if there is, it is not something you can control."

Su Mo said the truth.

After hearing what Su Mo said, Athena and the Olympian gods finally understood the source of Zeus's idea.

After hearing his assertion that Zeus could not succeed, the gods all turned their eyes to Zeus.

After hearing Su Mo's evaluation, Zeus naturally could not remain indifferent.

"You are indeed the son of a fool, so stupid! You clearly saw this step, but don’t you understand that I am only half a step away from that position?"

"As long as I solve the last prophecy and completely absorb the power of the Earth Mother Goddess, I will command all the power of the entire pantheon, control the entire divine realm in the name of the Supreme God, and then interfere with the beliefs of the world in turn."

"By then, I will completely destroy and replace Christianity, and become the true ruler of the world!"

Zeus obviously did not agree with Su Mo's opinion, and his words were full of confidence.

Considering the fate and time authority of the gods, it is not impossible for the gods to confuse cause and effect.

"That's right! The Father God will definitely become the supreme god, and by then you will be nothing more than evil gods and demons!"

Influenced by Zeus, the god of wine Dionysus also became confident and began to provoke


Looking at the rare excited God of Wine, Athena tilted her head, a little confused.

I have never seen you and Zeus so close before!

Seeing her puzzled look, Su Mo explained casually.

"If Zeus could be promoted to the only god, Dionysus would be able to replace the position of the Son of God, complete the last puzzle of the myth, and share one-third of the throne.

"The myths of the ages are a lot of plagiarism.

Looking at Zeus's operation, we can see that in order to ensure his plan to become the Supreme God, he will definitely directly copy 4.

6% of the Christian myths.

The secret religion that worships Dionysus, the god of wine, already exists.

There is no need to spend too much energy.

As long as the content of the secret religion is announced, Dionysus can debut as the Son of God.

That's why the god of wine is anxious. If Zeus fails, he won't get any credit.

Athena suddenly realized.

After figuring out the thoughts of several gods, she looked up at Zeus with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Zeus, you only saw half a step, but have you seen the chasm contained in that half a step?"

Half a step away can sometimes make a world of difference, not to mention that the era of mythological competition has passed. After listening to Su Mo's introduction, she didn't think Zeus could succeed.


"Natural chasm? You mean it's about to be crossed.���"

Zeus sneered, then looked at Athena and Su Mo.

"So, you who have found a new master for yourself, what qualifications do you have to talk about the glory of the Earth Mother Goddess?" As soon as these words came out, Athena's blood pressure instantly rose.

Before she could explode, Zeus's thunder exploded again.

The power that surpassed that of a single god began to fill the thunder.

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