【Toosaka Rin:"The newcomer issue has finally been resolved, congratulations!"】

【Kanae:"Sure enough, Master Su Mo has to take action!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Yes, although I know that Master Su Mo's strength is definitely not just the third level, I didn't expect that as long as Master Su Mo is willing, he can become a fourth-level strongman at any time!"】.

After the battle, Toosaka Rin checked and found that Su Mo's strength had indeed reached the fourth-order Lu Chen level.

This performance of getting stronger when facing a stronger opponent made everyone sigh.

If the newcomer who came back was a fifth-order star-blasting level expert, wouldn't it be possible for Su Mo to be promoted directly to the star-blasting level?

【Madoka:"Anyway, it's great that there's no conflict!"

Madoka was also relieved. If Jibril was in charge of the chat group, who knows what would happen.

【Toosaka Rin:"By the way, Jibril was so arrogant before, but she surrendered too quickly afterwards."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Even though it looks like he doesn't mean any harm, you still have to be careful!��】

【Kanae:"Looking at her, she's not pretending. It's hard for a normal person to act so abnormal... Well, I mean unique."】

They were a little confused about Jibril's light-speed sliding kneel.


【Jibril:"How can you talk about me behind my back? Are you trying to sow discord and take my place in the master's heart?"

Jibril was a little anxious after seeing the comments in the group.

Even if Su Mo trusted her, she would inevitably have doubts when these guys said she was unreliable every day.

It was not easy for her to find a monarch who could accommodate her ideals, how could she be destroyed by these people?

【Toosaka Rin:"Are you anxious?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"By the way, we are not talking behind your back, we are talking in front of you."】

Since the other party was already defeated, there was no need to worry.

Thinking of the threats made by the other party, she would not be herself if she did not retaliate.

【Kanae:"It's not Rin's fault that you think too much. Miss Jibril, your previous behavior was indeed... easy to make people suspicious."】

Even someone as gentle as Kanae could only point this out in a tactful way.

Even if they didn't want to bear grudges, they would still subconsciously resist this arrogant Flügel who had offended everyone just after joining the group.

【Xiao Yuan:"Indeed"】

【Jibril:"Wow! I'm sorry! Master Sumo, what should I do now?"】

【Jibril:"@Su Mo"】

Being held hostage, she immediately sought help in a panic.

To this, Su Mo only gave a simple reply:

【Su Mo:"Show your sincerity"】


The Flügel tilted his head, thought for two seconds, and then immediately revealed a look of realization.

【Jibril:"I understand!"】

【Jibril:"I'm sorry, everyone! I shouldn't have said that you are weaklings who can't even match the strength of the elves. Although this is true, it can't be said that way.】

【Jibril:"After all, you are members who get along with the master on an equal footing. Disrespecting everyone here is equivalent to ignoring the master's majesty. As a servant, making such a mistake is simply a death sentence. For this, I would like to offer my most sincere apologies to everyone."】


【Toosaka Rin:"……"】


【Small circle:"……"】

【Jibril:"Hey, is there anything wrong with my apology? Please tell me and I will correct it!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"What kind of apology is this? Isn't this just humiliating us again?"】

【Jibril:"But... this is indeed what I really think! The requirement given by Lord Su Mo is to be sincere, am I not sincere enough?"

Jibril felt that she was sincere enough.

As for the so-called derogation, isn't that the truth?

These weaklings who are not even at the second level are indeed not as good as those weeds of the forest elves!

【Toosaka Rin:"Although, what you said is indeed true.……"】

【Toosaka Rin:"But why do I feel humiliated again?"

Through this apology, Toosaka Rin roughly understood Jibril's worldview.

For this Flügel, strength determines the right to speak, and at this moment she really expressed her thoughts with the most sincere attitude.

In her heart, there is nothing wrong with making fun of the weak, but the problem is making fun of the friends that the master Su Mo knows.

If they didn't know Su Mo, in Jibril's eyes, they might really be no different from weeds, right?

With modern people's values, she really finds it difficult to accept this way of thinking without basic etiquette, but with the values of a magician, Toosaka Rin deeply understands that Jibril's idea of the survival of the fittest is not fundamentally problematic.

Rules have always been used to restrain the weak.

【Toosaka Rin:"I understand, but I'm still angry."】


【Jibril:"Is it still not enough? You can't ask me to lie, right? Although I don't mind doing this, Master Su Mo asked me to show my sincerity... Master Su Mo, help me!"

Jibril, who felt that she was sincere enough, called for help again.

This time, Su Mo's comment was just as simple.

【Su Mo:"Not practical enough"】

【Jibril:"I understand! Thank you, Master Sumo!"

Seeing Jibril cheering again, Toosaka Rin's mouth twitched slightly.

What did this guy understand? Was he trying to humiliate her again?

【Toosaka Rin:"Do you think we are the kind of people who would——"】

Before she could complain, a system notification sounded.

【Group member Jibril purchased your"Magic Refining Method"》】

【Group member Jibril purchased your book"Basics of Gem Magic"》】

【Group member Jibril purchased your……】

Looking at the series of prompts and the rapidly growing points balance, Toosaka Rin silently deleted the previous words and typed a smiley face.

【Toosaka Rin:"You are really good at judging people!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I suddenly feel all my resentment disappears, thank you boss! @Jibril"】

Although Jibril's idea was very irritating, she was really generous!

All the magic skills of the Tosaka family were put up by Rin, and there were many unpopular magic skills that had never been sold. Unexpectedly, Jibril swept them all up, making Tosaka Rin's points balance reach more than 10,000 at once.

With so many points, she can directly purchase the Great Source Magic Refining Method that she has been thinking about.

In addition, Su Mo had uploaded a lot of information before, which included many useful techniques. If he could buy them, his strength would soon surpass his father.

With such a big profit, he suddenly felt that it was nothing to be humiliated before.

This is more than 10,000 points!

The same experience also happened to Erica, Kanae, and Madoka.

Except for Madoka, who didn't upload many products, so she didn't get much benefit; Erica got the most points, even more than Tosaka Rin; although Kanae had a little less, all the uploaded products were still swept away.

For her, this is already a great gain, at least more than her accumulation of more than half a year.

【Kanae:"Thank you, boss!"】

【Erica:"Thank you, boss!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Thank you, boss!"

They finally felt the power of a rich woman.

【Jibril:"So, you all forgive me?"

Jibril blinked. She didn't expect it to be so easy to pass.

With her strength, she had millions of points. The points she spent on buying all the goods from other people were less than a fraction of her account balance.

【Toosaka Rin:"Of course, rich lady, remember to take care of the business in the future!"

Toosaka Rin clenched her fists and began to think about how to trick her father into giving her the magic seal.

The magic seal often contains all the heritage of the magic family for hundreds of years, and its value is much higher than ordinary magic.

【Jibril:"No problem!"】

【Jibril:"Speaking of which, Master, should we set off?"

Jibril's speech attracted everyone's attention.

【Toosaka Rin:"Departure? Lord Su Mo is going to fight again?"

After leaving the moon, Su Mo turned off the live broadcast, so they don't know the current situation

【Su Mo:"Yes"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I suddenly feel that it is normal for Master Su Mo to become stronger so quickly. It has only been a few days, and Master Su Mo has been fighting and has basically not rested," the twin-tailed girl exclaimed.

In addition to his extraordinary comprehension, Su Mo's ability to act is also the reason why he can become stronger so quickly.

Otherwise, there is no way to break through the fourth level in four days.

Hearing this, Su Mo shook his head.

【Su Mo:"This is not a battle, it's just a trip to the God's Domain."】

He had already decided to go to the God's Domain, and for this purpose he deliberately attracted Athena and defeated her.

He was only interrupted by Jibril's matter.

After dealing with Jibril's matter, he naturally had to proceed according to the original plan.

【Toosaka Rin:"It can't be considered a battle... Does this mean that the enemy is too weak, so there's no need to worry about it?"】

【Kanae:"I remember we were a little nervous when the divine realm was mentioned before, but now——"】

Having seen the Broken Moon, they were no longer worried about Su Mo's idea.

Ordinary gods, let alone Su Mo, might not even be able to pass the level of Altria and Jibril.

Times have changed. It is no longer Su Mo who stands alone at the top, but his two followers can also stand at the top.

【Erica:"I used to worry about Lord Su Mo, but now I am worried about the Divine Realm."】

【Erica:"Are they really ready to welcome Master Su Mo?"】.

I said: Hieu Baocot

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