Below the horizon, on the other side of the earth shrouded in darkness, a bright moon hung high in the sky.

The battlefield Su Mo was talking about was above the bright moon.

There was no other way. If a battle of this level really took place on Earth, it would be a disaster that would destroy civilization.

【Su Mo:"@Jibril, you can come over now"】

【Jibril:"Right away, I'll get rid of this annoying guy first."】.

【Toosaka Rin:"?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Are you scared?"

Although she knew it was unlikely, she still fought back against the arrogant newcomer.

Upon hearing this, Jibril's mouth twitched slightly, and then she turned back in displeasure to look at the Flügel not far behind her.

"Azriel, because of you and me, we have been laughed at by a weakling who is not even as good as a weed. If you don’t have a good reason, you’d better find a sanatorium in advance!"

Her eyes were filled with murderous intent that seemed to have mass.

""Oh! Xiaoji’s look is so scary, are you really going to do this?"

Azriel shuddered slightly, looking like she was cringing.

"I don't have time to joke with you!"

Seeing her acting crazy, Jibril's tone became even more dissatisfied.

"……Okay, I'll be frank with you then."

Seeing her serious expression, Azriel said seriously.

"You said before in front of Master Artosh that you wanted to defeat Master Artosh's"Nine Hundred and Seven". What did you mean by that?"

"Although Artosh-sama did not pursue your crime of usurpation, as the leader, I cannot pretend that I did not see it."

Azriel, who had always been lacking in dignity, suddenly became serious, and an invisible aura emerged, proving her strength as the strongest Flügel.

To her, Jibril's words were almost treasonous.

Faced with such a sharp question, Jibril just smiled without any reflection.

"What does it mean? It means literally!"

"Are you trying to say that you have the idea of usurping the throne?"

Azriel's eyes finally turned cold, and she was filled with overwhelming momentum, completely different from before.

This was the true attitude of the Flügel race, and also the true attitude of the race known as the only one capable of killing gods.

If Jibril admitted this, no matter how much she spoiled this little sister, Azriel would kill her without mercy, right?

Rebellion against the Lord God is an unforgivable sin!

Jibril naturally understood what the other party meant, but she was not afraid at all.

"I do want to defeat Artosh-sama, but I don’t know if it’s an act of usurpation!"

"What do you mean?"

Azriel frowned.

"Are you still playing dumb?"

Jibril asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Or did you really fail to see Artosh-sama's true wish and the real reason why He created our wings?"


Azriel fell silent, and the momentum she had gathered before completely dissipated.

Obviously, she was not unaware, but just couldn't believe it.

Seeing her expression, Jibril curled his lips in boredom.

"If you want to play dumb, that's up to you, but just don't get in my way. I just found a way to become stronger. Even though I can't be compared to Lord Artosh, it's still a good gain. So don't get in my way!"

"How to become stronger?"

Hearing this, Azriel was slightly stunned, and then worriedly said

"Since Artosh-sama has allowed you to act, I will not stop you. But you will not do anything dangerous again, will you? Just like the previous times when you took the initiative to challenge the dragon spirits.

She remembered that every time she challenged, Jibril was almost in a very dangerous situation, and she did not succeed once.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Jibril looked unhappy when she heard about her failure.

"Moreover, the opponent this time is just a lower-level race that is inferior to even a single Ex-Machina, how could anything happen to me?"

"Is that so... Then I feel relieved."

Azriel felt relieved immediately.

It would be troublesome to provoke an Ex-Machina, but if it was just an opponent of the level of a single Ex-Machina, it would not be a threat to any Flügel, let alone Jibril.

"Then go quickly and come back soon. When you win, I will reward Xiaoji with a loving hug.——"

Halfway through the harassing words, the little girl in front of me completely disappeared

"What an impatient sister!"

Azriel shook her head regretfully, and then felt the spatial fluctuations in front of her with confusion.

"Strange, I can't feel any spatial fluctuations at all. Didn't Xiaoji use Sky Shift?"

The Flügel are born with the ability to make spatial jumps, but Jibril doesn't seem to be using this talent.

What's going on?

Thinking back to what Jibril said before, facing this unprecedented phenomenon, Azriel suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Xiaoji, nothing should happen, right?"


Godkiller World, Moon

【Toosaka Rin:"They actually moved the battle site here... Although I can accept it rationally, I still think it's too exaggerated emotionally."】

【Kanae:"It's the first time I saw the true face of the moon, and it's just as desolate as Rin said before. As expected, the legends about the Moon Palace and Princess Kaguya are all fake!"】

【Madoka:"It's always so strange to see the Earth from the moon!"】

【Madoka:"I envy Sister Erica!"】

【Erica:"It was my first time to land on the moon, but I didn't expect it to be like this."】

【Erica:"Thanks to Lord Su Mo's protection, otherwise I really can't stay in this extreme environment."】

Before Jibril arrived, everyone in the group was impressed by the scenery before them.

Without the protection of the atmosphere, all they could see was the deep universe and the twinkling stars.

Before, their imagination of the power of the strong was only limited to the huge killing range. It was not until now that they realized that for a strong man of Su Mo's level, their range of activities was no longer limited to their home planet.

A strong man of this level could already enter space and other planets.

【Toosaka Rin:"I envy you. I want to go too, but it's a pity that NASA doesn't have this project.""】

【Xiaoyuan:"Don't you have it at Sister Rin's place? I do have it here, but it's a little expensive."】

The technological development of Madoka's world is obviously stronger than that of other worlds, so much so that going to the moon is open to civilians as an expedition.

However, it has not yet reached the level of breaking away from the mother planet Earth.

【Toosaka Rin:"It's not too expensive, so you can still try it.""】

【Toosaka Rin:"But why hasn't that Jibril come yet? Did she really run away? It's not shameful to admit defeat in advance!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"@Jibril"】

【Jibril:"Very good! I admire your courage. I will visit you in person after the battle."】

【Toosaka Rin:"……"】

The twin-tailed girl swallowed her saliva, a little panicked.

Although it would be fine if she didn't grant permissions, it was still too dangerous to be targeted by such a ruthless person.

""Master Su Mo, it's all up to you, you must not lose!"

She immediately prayed in her heart.

At this time, in the live broadcast, a girl with long rainbow-colored hair, a geometric halo on her head, and two white wings extending from her waist suddenly appeared on the moon rock.

Just by looking at the biological structure that is very similar to that of an angel, it can correspond to the other party's self-proclaimed identity as"Flügel".

"Hmm... Is this the other world?"

Jibril, who had just arrived in the world of the God Slayer, looked up at the Earth with interest....

"Sure enough, the planetary structure is different from ours!"

After scanning the surroundings without paying attention to anyone else, she set her sights on Su Mo.

"Are you my opponent this time?"


Su Mo nodded.

"Hmm... I actually sensed a god-like aura similar to that of Artosh-sama. So you guys are also considered true gods?"

Jibril looked at Su Mo, as well as Artoria and Lancelot beside him with a little doubt.

She originally thought that the gods of the other world would be completely different from those of her own world, but after observing them in person, she found that she seemed to be wrong.


"If it was a god, why was the energy reaction so weak?"

She was a little puzzled.

According to her detection, except for Su Mo who couldn't see it, the energy in Lancelot and Altria was even smaller than she had previously speculated.

How could such a large amount of energy produce the effect she had seen before?

She felt a little unbelievable

"It's probably because the energy source on your planet is more abundant, so you never have to worry about insufficient energy."

Su Mo quickly answered

"Insufficient energy?"

Jibril was stunned.

"Is there such a thing?"

【Toosaka Rin:"……"】


Both of them were speechless.

Jibril's surprise was an answer in itself.

The Age of Gods of God Slayer had long since faded. Although today's Great Source Magic is still stronger than that of the Type-Moon World, it is still far from enough to be compared with the Game No Life World.

If the Great Source Magic of the Type-Moon World is similar to the center of the desert, you can only get a little bit if you work hard to absorb it, it would be better to directly refine your own vitality; the Great Source Magic of the God Slayer World is similar to that near the stream, you can get it if you work hard to refine it.

As for the Game No Life World? It is basically an ocean of magic. For Jibril, the speed of energy replenishment in the body depends entirely on the speed of her absorption. The Great Source Magic is almost assumed to be unlimited.

A full man does not know the hunger of a hungry man. Jibril never thought that strength would be restricted by energy.

"Then you dare to agree to my bet?"

Jibril asked curiously

"Facing a strong person who is stronger than you, you still dare to fight. Isn't this a losing option?"

After confirming her advantage again, her attitude became more relaxed.

A group of people together don't have half of her strength. How can you lose when flying dragons ride on your face?

Hearing her confident declaration, Su Mo shook his head calmly.

"Correct your three fundamental mistakes"

"First, you don’t understand power."

"Second, you don’t understand the strong."

"Third, I will not lose."

For him, this is a very fair evaluation.

But when Jibril heard this, she almost laughed out of anger.

"I don't understand strength? I don't understand the strong? How dare you brag?……"

As the followers of the strongest war god, and as the Flügel race who are superior to other races, this evaluation is close to insulting.

"Then let me see what you call strength, what you call strength, what you call victory!"

With these words, the wings behind her spread out to the maximum extent, and the geometric light wheel above her head ran at full power.

The terrifying momentum and the magnificent energy made Lancelot and Altria on the side look surprised.

Although I don't know where this angel in front of me came from, this scale of energy is a bit excessive, right?

Even in the magic holy grail, there is no such magnificent spell power.

If they have this scale of power, it is possible to destroy the world. Where did the Master provoke such a monster?!.


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